►CBase | |
►CcMetaRotator< Base, 0x07, 0x02, 0x05, 0x03, 0x04, false > | |
►CcYawRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, AssertIfNotMatched > | Mixin for blocks whose meta on placement depends on the yaw of the player placing the block |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cYawRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01 > > | |
CcBlockFenceGateHandler | |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cYawRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x03, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x03, false > > | |
CcBlockTrapdoorHandler | |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cYawRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, true > > | |
CcBlockStairsHandler | |
►CcDisplacementYawRotator< cClearMetaOnDrop< cBlockEntityHandler >, 0x07, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x05, 0x01, 0x00 > | |
CcBlockDropSpenserHandler | |
CcClearMetaOnDrop< Base > | Mixin to clear the block's meta value when converting to a pickup |
►CcMetaRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, AssertIfNotMatched > | Mixin for rotations and reflections following the standard pattern of "apply mask, then use a switch" |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cMetaRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x07, 0x02, 0x05, 0x03, 0x04 > > | |
CcBlockLadderHandler | |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cMetaRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x07, 0x04, 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, true > > | |
CcBlockButtonHandler | |
CcBlockHopperHandler | |
►CcYawRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 > | |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cYawRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 > > | |
CcBlockGlazedTerracottaHandler | |
CcBlockPumpkinHandler | |
CcBlockComparatorHandler | |
CcBlockRedstoneRepeaterHandler | |
►CcYawRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 > | |
CcBlockAnvilHandler | |
CcBlockDoorHandler | |
►CcYawRotator< cBlockEntityHandler, 0x07, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x05 > | |
CcBlockEnderChestHandler | |
CcBlockFurnaceHandler | |
►CcYawRotator< Base, 0x07, 0x02, 0x05, 0x03, 0x04 > | |
►CcDisplacementYawRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, Up, Down > | Mixin for blocks whose meta on placement depends on the relative position of the player to the block in addition to the yaw of the player placing the block |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cDisplacementYawRotator< cBlockHandler > > | |
CcBlockObserverHandler | |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cDisplacementYawRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x07, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x05, 0x01, 0x00 > > | |
CcBlockPistonHandler | |
►CcYawRotator< cBlockEntityHandler, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01 > | |
CcBlockBedHandler | |
►CcYawRotator< cClearMetaOnDrop< cBlockEntityHandler >, 0x07, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x05 > | |
CcBlockChestHandler | |
CcBlockEndPortalFrameHandler | |
►CcCompositeChat::BasePart | |
CcCompositeChat::ClientTranslatedPart | |
►CcCompositeChat::CommandPart | |
CcCompositeChat::RunCommandPart | |
CcCompositeChat::SuggestCommandPart | |
CcCompositeChat::ShowAchievementPart | |
CcCompositeChat::TextPart | |
CcCompositeChat::UrlPart | |
CBiomeHasher | Hash for EMCSBiome, so that it can be used in std::unordered_map etc |
CcFinishGenClumpTopBlock::BiomeInfo | |
CBlockInfo | Complete information about a single block type |
CcPattern::BlockInfo | |
CBlockState | Represents the state of a single block (previously known as "block meta") |
CcWorld::BlockTickQueueItem | |
CBlockTypePalette | Holds a palette that maps between block type + state and numbers |
CBlockTypeRegistry | Stores information on all known block types |
CcPlayer::BodyStanceCrouching | Tag representing a sneaking pose |
CcPlayer::BodyStanceGliding | Tag representing a swimming or elytra flying pose |
CcPlayer::BodyStanceSleeping | Tag representing a sleeping pose |
CcPlayer::BodyStanceSprinting | Tag representing a sprinting pose |
CcPlayer::BodyStanceStanding | Tag representing the neutral stance |
CcAesCfb128Decryptor | Decrypts data using the AES / CFB 128 algorithm |
CcAesCfb128Encryptor | Encrypts data using the AES / CFB (128) algorithm |
CcAtomicUniquePtr< T > | An RAII wrapper for std::atomic<T*> |
CcLogger::cAttachment | |
►CcBiomeGen | The interface that a biome generator must implement A biome generator takes chunk coords on input and outputs an array of biome indices for that chunk on output |
CcBioGenCache | A simple cache that stores N most recently generated chunks' biomes; N being settable upon creation |
CcBioGenConstant | |
CcBioGenGrown | |
CcBioGenMultiStepMap | |
CcBioGenMulticache | |
CcBioGenProtGrown | |
CcBioGenTwoLevel | |
►CcBiomeGenList | Base class for generators that use a list of available biomes |
CcBioGenCheckerboard | |
CcBioGenDistortedVoronoi | |
CcBioGenVoronoi | |
CcIntGenBiomes< SizeX, SizeZ >::cBiomesInGroups | |
CcProtIntGenBiomes::cBiomesInGroups | |
CcBlockArea | |
►CcBlockEntity | |
CcBannerEntity | |
CcBedEntity | |
►CcBlockEntityWithItems | |
CcBeaconEntity | |
CcBrewingstandEntity | |
CcChestEntity | |
►CcDropSpenserEntity | |
CcDispenserEntity | |
CcDropperEntity | |
CcFurnaceEntity | |
CcHopperEntity | |
CcCommandBlockEntity | |
CcEnchantingTableEntity | |
CcEndPortalEntity | |
CcEnderChestEntity | |
CcFlowerPotEntity | |
CcJukeboxEntity | |
CcMobHeadEntity | |
CcMobSpawnerEntity | |
CcNoteEntity | |
CcSignEntity | |
►CcBlockHandler | |
►CcBlockPlant< false > | |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cBlockPlant< false > > | |
CcBlockCactusHandler | |
CcBlockNetherWartHandler | |
CcBlockSugarCaneHandler | |
►CcBlockPlant< true > | |
CcBlockCropsHandler< RipeMeta > | Common class that takes care of beetroots, carrots, potatoes and wheat |
CcBlockStemsHandler< ProduceBlockType, StemPickupType > | Handler for stems from which produce grows in an adjacent block (melon, pumpkin) after it becomes ripe (meta == 7) |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cBlockHandler > | |
►CcMetaRotator< cClearMetaOnDrop< cBlockHandler >, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01 > | |
CcBlockTripwireHookHandler | |
CcBlockLilypadHandler | |
CcBlockMushroomHandler | Handler for the small (singleblock) mushrooms |
CcBlockPressurePlateHandler | |
CcBlockRailHandler | |
CcBlockSlimeHandler | |
►CcMetaRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x7, 0x4, 0x1, 0x3, 0x2 > | |
►CcBlockTorchBaseHandler | |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cBlockTorchBaseHandler > | |
CcBlockTorchHandler | |
CcBlockRedstoneTorchHandler | |
►CcMetaRotator< cBlockHandler, 0x07, 0x04, 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, false > | |
CcBlockLeverHandler | |
CcBlockAirHandler | |
CcBlockBigFlowerHandler | |
CcBlockBookShelfHandler | |
CcBlockCakeHandler | |
CcBlockCarpetHandler | |
CcBlockCauldronHandler | |
CcBlockClothHandler | |
CcBlockCobWebHandler | |
CcBlockCocoaPodHandler | |
CcBlockConcretePowderHandler | |
CcBlockDaylightSensorHandler | |
CcBlockDeadBushHandler | |
CcBlockDirtHandler | |
CcBlockDoubleSlabHandler | |
CcBlockEnchantingTableHandler | |
►CcBlockEntityHandler | Wrapper for blocks that have a cBlockEntity descendant attached to them and can be "used" by the player |
►CcClearMetaOnDrop< cBlockEntityHandler > | |
CcBlockJukeboxHandler | |
CcBlockBannerHandler | |
CcBlockBrewingStandHandler | |
CcBlockCommandBlockHandler | |
CcBlockFlowerPotHandler | |
CcBlockMobHeadHandler | |
CcBlockNoteBlockHandler | |
CcDefaultBlockEntityHandler | |
CcBlockFarmlandHandler | |
CcBlockFenceHandler | |
CcBlockFireHandler | |
CcBlockFlowerHandler | |
►CcBlockFluidHandler | |
CcBlockLavaHandler | |
CcBlockWaterHandler | |
CcBlockGlassHandler | |
CcBlockGlowstoneHandler | |
CcBlockGrassHandler | |
CcBlockGravelHandler | |
CcBlockHugeMushroomHandler | Handler for huge mushroom blocks |
CcBlockIceHandler | |
CcBlockInfestedHandler | |
CcBlockLeavesHandler | |
CcBlockMelonHandler | |
CcBlockMobSpawnerHandler | |
CcBlockMyceliumHandler | |
CcBlockNetherrack | |
►CcBlockOreHandler | |
CcBlockGlowingRedstoneOreHandler | |
CcBlockRedstoneOreHandler | |
CcDefaultOreHandler | |
CcBlockPackedIceHandler | |
CcBlockPistonHeadHandler | |
CcBlockPlanksHandler | |
CcBlockPlant< NeedsLightToGrow > | Base class for plants that use light values to decide whether to grow or not |
CcBlockPortalHandler | |
CcBlockQuartzHandler | |
CcBlockRedstoneLampHandler | |
CcBlockRedstoneWireHandler | |
CcBlockSandHandler | |
CcBlockSaplingHandler | |
CcBlockSeaLanternHandler | |
CcBlockSidewaysHandler | Handler for blocks that have 3 orientations (hay bale, log), specified by the upper 2 bits in meta |
CcBlockSignPostHandler | |
CcBlockSlabHandler | |
CcBlockSnowHandler | |
CcBlockSpongeHandler | |
CcBlockStoneHandler | |
CcBlockTNTHandler | |
CcBlockTallGrassHandler | Handles the grass that is 1 block tall |
CcBlockTripwireHandler | |
CcBlockVinesHandler | |
CcBlockWallSignHandler | |
CcBlockWorkbenchHandler | |
CcDefaultBlockHandler | |
CcBlockIDMap | |
CcBlockInfo | |
►CcBlockPluginInterface | This interface is used to decouple block handlers from the cPluginManager dependency through cWorld |
CcBlockInServerPluginInterface | |
►CcBlockTracer | |
CcLineBlockTracer | |
CcBoatCollisionCallback | |
CcBoundingBox | Represents two sets of coords, minimum and maximum for each direction |
CcBrewingRecipes | |
►CcBroadcastInterface | |
CcWorld | |
CcByteBuffer | An object that can store incoming bytes and lets its clients read the bytes sequentially The bytes are stored in a ringbuffer of constant size; if more than that size is requested, the write operation fails |
►CcBlockTracer::cCallbacks | |
CcProjectileTracerCallback | |
►CcEnvelopeParser::cCallbacks | |
CcChunkedTEParser | |
CcHTTPMessageParser | |
CcMultipartParser | |
►CcHTTPFormParser::cCallbacks | |
CcWebadminRequestData | The form parser callbacks for requests in the "/webadmin" and "/~webadmin" paths |
►CcHTTPMessageParser::cCallbacks | |
►CcHTTPServerConnection | |
CcSslHTTPServerConnection | |
CcHttpSchemeHandler | CSchemeHandler descendant that handles HTTP (and HTTPS) requests |
►CcHTTPServer::cCallbacks | |
CcWebAdmin | |
►CcMultipartParser::cCallbacks | |
CcHTTPFormParser | |
►CcTCPLink::cCallbacks | |
CcBlockingSslClientSocketLinkCallbacks | |
CcClientHandle | |
CcHTTPServerConnection | |
CcLuaTCPLink | |
CcRCONServer::cConnection | |
CcUrlClientRequest | |
►CcTransferEncodingParser::cCallbacks | |
CcHTTPMessageParser | |
►CcUDPEndpoint::cCallbacks | Interface for the callbacks for events that can happen on the endpoint |
CcLuaUDPEndpoint | |
►CcUrlClient::cCallbacks | Callbacks that are used for progress and result reporting |
CcFullUrlClientCallbacks | Used when the cUrlClient Lua request wants all the callbacks |
CcSimpleUrlClientCallbacks | Used when the cUrlClient Lua request has just a single callback |
CcCanonLuaStates | Tracks the canon cLuaState instances for each lua_State pointer |
CcCaveDefPoint | |
CcCaveTunnel | A single non-branching tunnel of a WormNestCave |
CcChatColor | |
CcChunk | |
►CcChunkCoordCallback | Interface class used as a callback for operations that involve chunk coords |
CcNotifyChunkSender | Callback that can be used to notify chunk sender upon another chunkcoord notification |
CcSpawnPrepareCallback | |
CcChunkCoords | Wraps the chunk coords into a single structure |
CcChunkCoordsHash | A simple hash function for chunk coords, we assume that chunk coords won't use more than 16 bits, so the hash is almost an identity |
►CcChunkDataCallback | |
CcBlockArea::cChunkReader | |
►CcChunkDataCopyCollector | A simple implementation of the cChunkDataCallback interface that just copies the cChunkData |
CSerializerCollector | Collects and stores the chunk data via the cChunkDataCallback interface |
CcChunkSender | |
CcReader | Chunk data callback that takes the chunk data and puts them into cLightingThread's m_BlockTypes[] / m_HeightMap[]: |
CcChunkDataSerializer | Serializes one chunk's data to (possibly multiple) protocol versions |
CcChunkDef | Constants used throughout the code, useful typedefs and utility functions |
CcChunkDesc | |
►CcChunkGenerator | The interface that all chunk generators must implement to provide the generated chunks |
CcComposableGenerator | |
CcNoise3DGenerator | |
CcChunkMap | |
►CcChunkGeneratorThread::cChunkSink | The interface through which the generated chunks are handed to the cWorld or whoever created us |
CcWorld::cChunkGeneratorCallbacks | Implementation of the callbacks that the ChunkGenerator uses to store new chunks and interface to plugins |
►CcChunkStay | Makes chunks stay loaded until this object is cleared or destroyed Works by setting internal flags in the cChunk that it should not be unloaded |
CcLightingThread::cLightingChunkStay | |
CcLuaChunkStay | |
CcNetherPortalScanner | |
CcClientDiffCallback | Interface class used for comparing clients of two chunks |
CcColor | |
CcPluginManager::cCommandEnumCallback | Used as a callback for enumerating bound commands |
CcPluginManager::cCommandHandler | Interface that must be provided by any class that implements a command handler, either in-game or console command |
►CcCommandOutputCallback | Interface for a callback that receives command output The Out() function is called for any output the command has produced |
CcNullCommandOutputCallback | Class that discards all command output |
CcRCONCommandOutput | |
►CcStringAccumCommandOutputCallback | Accumulates all command output into a string |
►CcLogCommandOutputCallback | Sends all command output to a log, line by line, when the command finishes processing |
CcLogCommandDeleteSelfOutputCallback | Sends all command output to a log, line by line; deletes self when command finishes processing |
CcPluginManager::cCommandReg | |
CcCompositeChat | Container for a single chat message composed of multiple functional parts |
►CcNetwork::cConnectCallbacks | Callbacks used for connecting to other servers as a client |
CcBlockingSslClientSocketConnectCallbacks | |
CcLuaTCPLink | |
CcUrlClientRequest | |
CcPieceGeneratorBFSTree::cConnection | The type used for storing a connection from one piece to another, while building the piece tree |
CcPieceStructuresGen::cGen::cConnection | The type used for storing a connection from one piece to another, while building the piece tree |
CcPiece::cConnector | |
CcCoordWithData< X > | Generic template that can store any kind of data together with a triplet of 3 coords |
CcCraftingGrid | |
CcCraftingRecipe | |
CcCraftingRecipes | The crafting recipes are the configurations to build a result item out of a set of ingredient items |
CcCriticalSection | |
CcCryptoKey | |
►CcCSLock | RAII for cCriticalSection - locks the CS on creation, unlocks on destruction |
CcWorld::cLock | A simple RAII locker for the chunkmap - locks the chunkmap in its constructor, unlocks it in the destructor |
CcCSUnlock | Temporary RAII unlock for a cCSLock |
CcCtrDrbgContext | |
CcCubicCell2D | |
CcCubicCell3D | |
CcCubicNoise | |
CcCuboid | |
►CcCallbackSslContext::cDataCallbacks | Interface used as a data sink for the SSL peer data |
CcBlockingSslClientSocket | |
CcEnchantments | Class that stores item enchantments or stored-enchantments The enchantments may be serialized to a stringspec and read back from such stringspec |
►CcEntity | |
CcBoat | |
CcEnderCrystal | |
CcExpOrb | |
CcFallingBlock | |
CcFloater | |
►CcHangingEntity | |
CcItemFrame | |
CcLeashKnot | |
CcPainting | |
►CcMinecart | |
CcMinecartWithChest | |
CcMinecartWithFurnace | |
CcMinecartWithHopper | |
CcMinecartWithTNT | |
CcRideableMinecart | |
►CcPawn | |
►CcMonster | |
►CcAggressiveMonster | |
CcBlaze | |
CcCaveSpider | |
CcCreeper | |
CcEnderDragon | |
CcEndermite | |
CcGhast | |
CcGiant | |
CcGuardian | |
CcMagmaCube | |
►CcPassiveAggressiveMonster | |
CcEnderman | |
CcIronGolem | |
CcSnowGolem | |
CcWolf | |
CcZombiePigman | |
CcSilverfish | |
CcSkeleton | |
CcSlime | |
CcSpider | |
CcWitch | |
CcWither | |
CcWitherSkeleton | |
CcZombie | |
CcZombieVillager | |
►CcPassiveMonster | |
CcBat | |
CcChicken | |
CcCow | |
CcHorse | |
CcMooshroom | |
CcOcelot | |
CcPig | |
CcRabbit | |
CcSheep | |
CcSquid | |
CcVillager | |
CcPlayer | |
CcPickup | |
►CcProjectileEntity | |
CcArrowEntity | |
CcExpBottleEntity | |
CcFireChargeEntity | |
CcFireworkEntity | |
CcGhastFireballEntity | |
CcSplashPotionEntity | |
CcThrownEggEntity | |
CcThrownEnderPearlEntity | |
CcThrownSnowballEntity | |
CcWitherSkullEntity | |
CcTNTEntity | |
►CcEntityEffect | |
CcEntityEffectAbsorption | |
CcEntityEffectBlindness | |
CcEntityEffectFireResistance | |
CcEntityEffectHaste | |
CcEntityEffectHealthBoost | |
CcEntityEffectHunger | |
CcEntityEffectInstantDamage | |
CcEntityEffectInstantHealth | |
CcEntityEffectInvisibility | |
CcEntityEffectJumpBoost | |
CcEntityEffectMiningFatigue | |
CcEntityEffectNausea | |
CcEntityEffectNightVision | |
CcEntityEffectPoison | |
CcEntityEffectRegeneration | |
CcEntityEffectResistance | |
CcEntityEffectSaturation | |
CcEntityEffectSlowness | |
CcEntityEffectSpeed | |
CcEntityEffectStrength | |
CcEntityEffectWaterBreathing | |
CcEntityEffectWeakness | |
CcEntityEffectWither | |
CcEntropyContext | |
CcEnvelopeParser | |
CcEvent | |
CCExpatImpl< _T > | |
CcFastNBTTag | This structure is used for all NBT tags |
CcFastNBTWriter | |
CcFile | |
►CcFinishGen | The interface that a finisher must implement Finisher implements changes to the chunk after the rough terrain has been generated |
CcEnderDragonFightStructuresGen | |
CcFinishGenBottomLava | |
CcFinishGenClumpTopBlock | |
CcFinishGenFluidSprings | |
CcFinishGenForestRocks | |
CcFinishGenGlowStone | |
CcFinishGenIce | |
CcFinishGenNetherClumpFoliage | |
►CcFinishGenOres | Base class for generators that have an ore list attached to them |
CcFinishGenOreNests | |
CcFinishGenOrePockets | |
CcFinishGenPassiveMobs | This class populates generated chunks with packs of biome-dependant animals Animals: cows, sheep, pigs, mooshrooms, squid, horses, wolves, ocelots |
CcFinishGenPreSimulator | |
CcFinishGenSingleTopBlock | This class adds a single top block in random positions in the specified biome on top of specified allowed blocks |
CcFinishGenSnow | |
CcFinishGenSoulsandRims | |
CcFinishGenSprinkleFoliage | |
CcFinishGenTallGrass | |
CcFinishGenVines | |
►CcGridStructGen | Generates structures in a semi-random grid |
CcDungeonRoomsFinisher | |
CcPieceStructuresGen::cGen | |
CcRoughRavines | |
CcSinglePieceStructuresGen::cGen | |
CcStructGenMineShafts | |
CcStructGenRavines | |
CcStructGenWormNestCaves | |
CcVillageGen | |
CcPieceStructuresGen | |
CcSinglePieceStructuresGen | The Single Prefab Structure Generator: This uses the cGridStructGen to generate the structures on the map This is similar to the Piece Structure Generator but only placing one possible structure The Exported cubeset MUST have all possible structures as start structures or the server crashes on generation else it isn't accessible from the m_Piecepool |
CcStructGenDirectOverhangs | |
CcStructGenDistortedMembraneOverhangs | |
CcStructGenDualRidgeCaves | |
CcStructGenLakes | |
CcStructGenMarbleCaves | |
CcStructGenTrees | |
CcFireworkItem | |
CcFloaterCallback | |
CcFloaterEntityCollisionCallback | |
►CcFluidSimulatorData | This is a base class for all fluid simulator data classes |
CcDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData | |
►CcForEachChunkProvider | |
CcChunkInterface | |
CcWorld | |
CcForgeHandshake | |
CcPieceGeneratorBFSTree::cFreeConnector | The type used for storing a pool of connectors that will be attempted to expand by another piece |
CcPieceStructuresGen::cGen::cFreeConnector | The type used for storing a pool of connectors that will be attempted to expand by another piece |
CcFurnaceRecipe::cFuel | |
CcFunctionRef< Signature > | |
CcFunctionRef< Ret(Args...)> | A light-weight, type-erased reference to a function object |
CcFurnaceRecipe | |
CcHostnameLookup | Holds information about an in-progress Hostname-to-IP lookup |
►CcHTTPMessage | |
CcHTTPIncomingRequest | Provides storage for an incoming HTTP request |
CcHTTPOutgoingResponse | Stores outgoing response headers and serializes them to an HTTP data stream |
CcHTTPServer | |
CChunkBlockData | |
CcChunkDataSerializer::ChunkDataCache | A single cache entry containing the raw data, compressed data, and a validity flag |
CChunkDataStore< ElementType, ElementCount, DefaultValue > | |
CChunkDataStore< BLOCKTYPE, SectionBlockCount, DefaultValue > | |
CChunkDataStore< NIBBLETYPE, SectionLightCount, DefaultBlockLightValue > | |
CChunkDataStore< NIBBLETYPE, SectionLightCount, DefaultSkyLightValue > | |
CChunkDataStore< NIBBLETYPE, SectionMetaCount, DefaultMetaValue > | |
CChunkLightData | |
CcIDCountSerializer | Utility class used to serialize item ID counts |
CcImprovedNoise | Improved noise, as described by Ken Perlin: https://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/paper445.pdf Implementation adapted from Perlin's Java implementation: https://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/noise/ |
CcInterpolCell2D< T > | |
CcInterpolCell3D< T > | Holds a cache of the last calculated integral noise values and interpolates between them en masse |
CcInterpolNoise< T > | |
►CcIntGen< SizeX, SizeZ > | Interface that all the generator classes provide |
►CcIntGenWithNoise< SizeX, SizeX > | |
CcIntGenAddIslands< SizeX, SizeZ > | Generates the underlying numbers and then randomly changes some ocean group pixels into random land biome group pixels, based on the predefined chance |
CcIntGenAddToOcean< SizeX, SizeZ > | Turns some of the oceans into the specified biome |
CcIntGenAlternateBiomes< SizeX, SizeZ > | Changes biomes in the parent data into an alternate versions (usually "hill" variants), in such places that have their alterations set |
CcIntGenBiomeEdges< SizeX, SizeZ > | Adds an edge between two specifically incompatible biomes, such as mesa and forest |
CcIntGenBiomes< SizeX, SizeZ > | Turns biome group indices into real biomes |
CcIntGenChoice< Range, SizeX, SizeZ > | Generates a 2D array of random integers in the specified range [0 |
CcIntGenLandOcean< SizeX, SizeZ > | Decides between the ocean and landmass biomes |
CcIntGenMBiomes< SizeX, SizeZ > | Changes biomes in the parent data into their alternate versions ("M" variants), in such places that have their alterations set |
CcIntGenRareBiomeGroups< SizeX, SizeZ > | Adds a "rare" flag to random biome groups, based on the given chance |
CcIntGenReplaceRandomly< SizeX, SizeZ > | Randomly replaces pixels of one value to another value, using the given chance |
CcIntGenRiver< SizeX, SizeZ > | Generates a river based on the underlying data |
CcIntGenSetRandomly< SizeX, SizeZ > | Changes random pixels of the underlying data to the specified value |
CcIntGenSmooth< SizeX, SizeZ > | Smoothes out some artifacts generated by the zooming - mostly single-pixel values |
CcIntGenZoom< SizeX, SizeZ > | Zooms the underlying value array to twice the size |
►CcIntGen< SizeX, SizeX > | |
CcIntGenBeaches< SizeX, SizeZ > | Converts land biomes at the edge of an ocean into the respective beach biome |
CcIntGenBiomeGroupEdges< SizeX, SizeZ > | A filter that adds an edge biome group between two biome groups that need an edge between them |
CcIntGenMixRivers< SizeX, SizeZ > | Mixer that joins together finalized biomes and rivers |
CcIntGenWithNoise< SizeX, SizeZ > | Provides additional cNoise member and its helper functions |
CcIntGenFactory< Gen, Args > | |
CcIPLookup | Holds information about an in-progress IP-to-Hostname lookup |
CCircularBufferCompressor | |
CCircularBufferExtractor | |
►CcIsThread | |
CcAuthenticator | |
CcChunkGeneratorThread | Takes requests for generating chunks and processes them in a separate thread one by one |
CcChunkSender | |
CcDeadlockDetect | |
CcLightingThread | |
CcMojangAPI::cUpdateThread | |
CcNetworkLookup | |
CcServer::cTickThread | The server tick thread takes care of the players who aren't yet spawned in a world |
CcWorld::cTickThread | |
CcWorldStorage | The actual world storage class |
CcItem | |
CcItemGrid | |
►CcItemHandler | |
CcDefaultItemHandler | |
CcItemAnvilHandler | |
CcItemArmorHandler | |
CcItemAxeHandler | |
CcItemBannerHandler | |
CcItemBedHandler | |
CcItemBigFlowerHandler | |
CcItemBoatHandler | |
CcItemBottleHandler | |
CcItemBowHandler | |
CcItemBucketHandler | |
CcItemButtonHandler | |
CcItemChestHandler | |
CcItemClothHandler | |
CcItemComparatorHandler | |
CcItemDoorHandler | |
CcItemDropSpenserHandler | |
CcItemDyeHandler | |
CcItemEmptyMapHandler | |
CcItemEnchantingTableHandler | |
CcItemEndCrystalHandler | |
CcItemEndPortalFrameHandler | |
CcItemEnderChestHandler | |
CcItemFenceGateHandler | |
CcItemFishingRodHandler | |
►CcItemFoodHandler | |
CcItemChorusFruitHandler | |
CcItemCookedFishHandler | |
CcItemGoldenAppleHandler | |
CcItemPoisonousPotatoHandler | |
CcItemRawChickenHandler | |
CcItemRawFishHandler | |
CcItemRottenFleshHandler | |
CcItemSimpleFoodHandler | |
CcItemSoupHandler | |
CcItemSpiderEyeHandler | |
CcItemFurnaceHandler | |
CcItemGlazedTerracottaHandler | |
CcItemHoeHandler | |
CcItemHopperHandler | |
CcItemItemFrameHandler | |
CcItemJackOLanternHandler | |
CcItemLadderHandler | |
CcItemLeavesHandler | |
CcItemLeverHandler | |
CcItemLighterHandler | |
CcItemLilypadHandler | |
CcItemMapHandler | |
CcItemMilkHandler | |
CcItemMinecartHandler | |
CcItemMobHeadHandler | |
CcItemNetherWartHandler | |
CcItemObserverHandler | |
CcItemPaintingHandler | |
CcItemPickaxeHandler | |
CcItemPistonHandler | |
CcItemPlanksHandler | |
CcItemPotionHandler | |
CcItemPumpkinHandler | |
CcItemQuartzHandler | |
CcItemRailHandler | |
CcItemRedstoneDustHandler | |
CcItemRedstoneRepeaterHandler | |
CcItemSaplingHandler | |
►CcItemSeedsHandler | |
CcItemFoodSeedsHandler | |
CcItemSimpleSeedsHandler | |
CcItemShearsHandler | |
CcItemShovelHandler | |
CcItemSidewaysHandler | Handler for blocks that have 3 orientations (hay bale, log), specified by the upper 2 bits in meta |
CcItemSignHandler | |
CcItemSlabHandler | |
CcItemSnowHandler | |
CcItemSpawnEggHandler | |
CcItemStairsHandler | |
CcItemSwordHandler | |
►CcItemThrowableHandler | |
CcItemBottleOEnchantingHandler | |
CcItemEggHandler | |
CcItemEnderPearlHandler | |
CcItemEyeOfEnderHandler | |
CcItemFireworkHandler | |
CcItemSnowballHandler | |
CcItemTorchHandler | |
CcItemTrapdoorHandler | |
CcItemTripwireHookHandler | |
CcItemVinesHandler | |
CcSimplePlaceableItemHandler | |
CcLazyArray< T > | A dynamic array that defers allocation to the first modifying access |
CcLazyArray< cItem > | |
►CcNetwork::cListenCallbacks | Callbacks used when listening for incoming connections as a server |
CcHTTPServerListenCallbacks | |
CcLuaServerHandle | |
CcRCONListenCallbacks | |
CcServerListenCallbacks | |
►CcItemGrid::cListener | This class is used as a callback for when a slot changes |
CcBlockEntityWithItems | |
CcInventory | This class represents the player's inventory The slots are divided into three areas: |
CcLuaWindow | A window that has been created by a Lua plugin and is handled entirely by that plugin This object needs extra care with its lifetime management: |
CcMinecartWithChest | |
CcSlotAreaBeacon | |
CcSlotAreaBrewingstand | |
CcSlotAreaFurnace | |
CcSlotAreaItemGrid | Handles any slot area that is representing a cItemGrid; same items for all the players |
►CcLogger::cListener | |
CcFileListener | |
CcNullConsoleListener | |
CcVanillaCPPConsoleListener | |
CcLuaState::cLock | Provides a RAII-style locking for the LuaState |
CcLogger | |
CcLootProbab | Used to store loot probability tables |
CcLuaJson | |
CcLuaState | Encapsulates a Lua state and provides some syntactic sugar for common operations |
CcLuaStateTracker | Keeps track of all create cLuaState instances |
CcMap | Encapsulates an in-game world map |
CcMapDecorator | Encapsulates a map decorator |
CcMapManager | Manages the in-game maps of a single world - Thread safe |
CcMapSerializer | Utility class used to serialize maps |
CcRankManager::cMassChangeLock | Acquire this lock to perform mass changes |
CcWSSAnvil::cMCAFile | |
CcMinecartAttachCallback | |
CcMinecartCollisionCallback | |
►CcMineShaft | |
CcMineShaftCorridor | |
CcMineShaftCrossing | |
CcMineShaftDirtRoom | |
CcMineShaftStaircase | |
CcMobCensus | This class is used to collect information, for each Mob, what is the distance of the closest player it was first being designed in order to make mobs spawn / despawn / act as the behaviour and even life of mobs depends on the distance to closest player |
CcMobFamilyCollecter | This class is used to collect the list of mobs for each family |
CcMobProximityCounter | |
CcMobSpawner | This class is used to determine which monster can be spawned in which place it is essentially static (eg |
CcMojangAPI | |
CcMonsterConfig | |
CcMultiVersionProtocol | Meta-protocol that recognizes multiple protocol versions, creates the specific protocol version instance and redirects everything to it |
CcNetwork | |
CcNetworkSingleton | |
CcLuaState::cNil | A dummy class that's used only to push a constant nil as a function parameter in Call() |
CcNoise | |
CcObjective | |
CcOctavedNoise< N >::cOctave | Stores information and state for one octave of the noise |
CcOctavedNoise< N > | |
CcOctavedNoise< cCubicNoise > | |
CcOctavedNoise< cInterpolNoise > | |
CcOctavedNoise< cInterpolNoise< Interp5Deg > > | |
CcOctavedNoise< cRidgedNoise< cCubicNoise > > | |
CcBlockIDMap::Comparator | |
CcompareHeuristics | |
CCompression::Compressor | Contains routines for data compression |
►Cstd::conditional | |
CDetail::cUniformImpl< IntType > | |
CcPluginLua::cOperation | A RAII-style mutex lock for accessing the internal LuaState |
CcLuaState::cOptionalParam< T > | Represents a parameter that is optional - calling a GetStackValue() with this object will not fail if the value on the Lua stack is nil |
CcPacketizer | Composes an individual packet in the protocol's m_OutPacketBuffer; sends it just before being destructed |
CcParsedNBT | Parses and contains the parsed data Also implements data accessor functions for tree traversal and value getters The data pointer passed in the constructor is assumed to be valid throughout the object's life |
CcPath | |
CcPathCell | The pathfinder has 3 types of cells (cPathCell) |
CcPathFinder | This class wraps cPath |
CcPattern | This class is used to store a column pattern initialized at runtime, so that the program doesn't need to explicitly set 256 values for each pattern Each pattern has 256 blocks so that there's no need to check pattern bounds when assigning the pattern - there will always be enough pattern left, even for the whole-chunk-height columns |
CcPickupCombiningCallback | |
►CcPiece | Represents a single piece |
CcPrefab | |
CcPieceGeneratorBFSTree | |
►CcPiece::cPieceModifier | Base class (interface) for piece modifiers |
CcPieceModifierRandomizeBlocks | A modifier which is pseudo-randomly replacing blocks to other types and metas |
►CcPiecePool | This class is an interface that stores pieces for a generator |
►CcPrefabPiecePool | |
CcVillagePiecePool | |
CcVillageGen::cVillage | |
CcPlacedPiece | Represents a single piece that has been placed to specific coords in the world |
CcPlayerLookCheck | |
►CcPlugin | |
CcPluginLua | |
►CcChunkGeneratorThread::cPluginInterface | The interface through which the plugins are called for their OnChunkGenerating / OnChunkGenerated hooks |
CcWorld::cChunkGeneratorCallbacks | Implementation of the callbacks that the ChunkGenerator uses to store new chunks and interface to plugins |
CcPluginManager | |
CcProbabDistrib::cPoint | |
CcProbabDistrib | |
CcProjectileEntityCollisionCallback | |
►CcProtIntGen | Interface that all the generator classes provide |
CcProtIntGenAvg4Values | Averages the values of the underlying 4 * 4 neighbors |
CcProtIntGenAvgValues | Averages the values of the underlying 2 * 2 neighbors |
CcProtIntGenBeaches | Converts land biomes at the edge of an ocean into the respective beach biome |
CcProtIntGenBiomeGroupEdges | A filter that adds an edge biome group between two biome groups that need an edge between them |
CcProtIntGenMixRivers | Mixer that joins together finalized biomes and rivers |
CcProtIntGenWeightAvg< WeightCenter, WeightCardinal, WeightDiagonal > | Averages the values of the underlying 3 * 3 neighbors with custom weight |
►CcProtIntGenWithNoise | Provides additional cNoise member and its helper functions |
CcProtIntGenAddIslands | Generates the underlying numbers and then randomly changes some ocean group pixels into random land biome group pixels, based on the predefined chance |
CcProtIntGenAddRnd | Adds a random value in range [-a_HalfRange, +a_HalfRange] to each of the underlying values |
CcProtIntGenAddToOcean | Turns some of the oceans into the specified biome |
CcProtIntGenAlternateBiomes | Changes biomes in the parent data into an alternate versions (usually "hill" variants), in such places that have their alterations set |
CcProtIntGenBiomeEdges | Adds an edge between two specifically incompatible biomes, such as mesa and forest |
CcProtIntGenBiomes | Turns biome group indices into real biomes |
CcProtIntGenChoice | Generates a 2D array of random integers in the specified range [0 |
CcProtIntGenLandOcean | Decides between the ocean and landmass biomes |
CcProtIntGenMBiomes | Changes biomes in the parent data into their alternate versions ("M" variants), in such places that have their alterations set |
CcProtIntGenRareBiomeGroups | Adds a "rare" flag to random biome groups, based on the given chance |
CcProtIntGenReplaceRandomly | Randomly replaces pixels of one value to another value, using the given chance |
CcProtIntGenRiver | Generates a river based on the underlying data |
CcProtIntGenRndAvg | Replaces random underlying values with the average of the neighbors |
CcProtIntGenRndBetween | Replaces random underlying values with a random value in between the max and min of the neighbors |
CcProtIntGenRndChoice | Replaces random values of the underlying data with random integers in the specified range [Min |
CcProtIntGenSetRandomly | Changes random pixels of the underlying data to the specified value |
CcProtIntGenSmooth | Smoothes out some artifacts generated by the zooming - mostly single-pixel values |
CcProtIntGenZoom | Zooms the underlying value array to twice the size |
►CcProtocol | |
►CcProtocol_1_8_0 | |
►CcProtocol_1_9_0 | |
►CcProtocol_1_9_1 | The version 108 protocol, used by 1.9.1 |
►CcProtocol_1_9_2 | The version 109 protocol, used by 1.9.2 |
►CcProtocol_1_9_4 | The version 110 protocol, used by 1.9.3 and 1.9.4 |
►CcProtocol_1_10_0 | |
►CcProtocol_1_11_0 | |
►CcProtocol_1_11_1 | |
►CcProtocol_1_12 | |
►CcProtocol_1_12_1 | |
►CcProtocol_1_12_2 | |
►CcProtocol_1_13 | |
►CcProtocol_1_13_1 | |
►CcProtocol_1_13_2 | |
►CcProtocol_1_14 | |
►CcProtocol_1_14_1 | |
►CcProtocol_1_14_2 | |
►CcProtocol_1_14_3 | |
CcProtocol_1_14_4 | |
CcQueue< ItemType, Funcs > | |
CcQueue< cChunkCoords > | |
CcQueue< std::function< void()> > | |
CcQueueFuncs< T > | This empty struct allows for the callback functions to be inlined |
CcRandomDeviceSeeder | Utility to seed a random engine with maximal entropy from random_device |
CcRandomizedBlock | Used to store block type, meta, weight and some more params |
CcRandomWrapper< RandomEngine > | Class to wrap any random engine to provide a more convenient interface |
CcRankManager | |
CcRavDefPoint | |
CcRCONServer | |
CcProjectileEntity::CreatorData | A structure that stores the Entity ID and Playername of the projectile's creator Used to migitate invalid pointers caused by the creator being destroyed |
CcBrewingRecipes::cRecipe | |
CcCraftingRecipes::cRecipe | A single recipe, stored |
CcFurnaceRecipe::cRecipe | |
CcRecipeMapper | The RecipeMapper handles the translation of crafting recipes into protocol specific recipe Ids |
CcCraftingRecipes::cRecipeSlot | |
►CcRedstoneSimulatorChunkData | |
CcIncrementalRedstoneSimulatorChunkData | |
CcLuaState::cRef | Used for storing references to object in the global registry |
►CcNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacks | Callbacks used when resolving names to IPs |
CcLuaNameLookup | |
CcUDPSendAfterLookup | A hostname-to-IP resolver callback that sends the data stored within to the resolved IP address |
CcLuaState::cRet | A dummy class that's used only to delimit function args from return values for cLuaState::Call() |
CcRidgedNoise< N > | |
CcRoot | The root of the object hierarchy |
CcRsaPrivateKey | Encapsulates an RSA private key used in PKI cryptography |
CcSchematicFileSerializer | |
►CcSchemeHandler | |
CcHttpSchemeHandler | CSchemeHandler descendant that handles HTTP (and HTTPS) requests |
CcScoreboard | |
CcScoreboardSerializer | |
CcServer | |
►CcServerHandle | Interface that provides the methods available on a listening server socket |
CcServerHandleImpl | |
►CcSettingsRepositoryInterface | |
CcIniFile | |
CcMemorySettingsRepository | |
CcOverridesSettingsRepository | |
CcSha1Checksum | Calculates a SHA1 checksum for data stream |
►CcSimulator | Base class for all block-based physics simulators (such as fluid, fire, falling blocks etc.) |
CcFireSimulator | The fire simulator takes care of the fire blocks |
►CcFluidSimulator | |
►CcDelayedFluidSimulator | |
►CcFloodyFluidSimulator | |
CcVanillaFluidSimulator | |
CcNoopFluidSimulator | |
CcVaporizeFluidSimulator | |
►CcRedstoneSimulator | |
CcIncrementalRedstoneSimulator | |
CcRedstoneNoopSimulator | |
CcSandSimulator | Despite the class name, this simulator takes care of all blocks that fall when suspended in the air |
CcSimulatorManager | |
CcDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData::cSlot | |
►CcSlotArea | |
CcSlotAreaBeacon | |
CcSlotAreaBrewingstand | |
CcSlotAreaChest | |
CcSlotAreaDoubleChest | |
CcSlotAreaEnderChest | |
CcSlotAreaFurnace | |
CcSlotAreaHorse | Slot area holding horse saddle and armor |
►CcSlotAreaInventoryBase | Handles any part of the inventory, using parameters in constructor to distinguish between the parts |
CcSlotAreaArmor | Handles the armor area of the player's inventory |
CcSlotAreaHotBar | Handles the hotbar of each player |
CcSlotAreaInventory | Handles the main inventory of each player, excluding the armor and hotbar |
CcSlotAreaShield | Handles the shield of each player |
CcSlotAreaItemGrid | Handles any slot area that is representing a cItemGrid; same items for all the players |
CcSlotAreaMinecartWithChest | |
►CcSlotAreaTemporary | A cSlotArea with items layout that is private to each player and is temporary, such as a crafting grid or an enchantment table |
CcSlotAreaAnvil | |
CcSlotAreaCrafting | |
CcSlotAreaEnchanting | |
CcSslConfig | |
►CcSslContext | |
CcBufferedSslContext | |
CcCallbackSslContext | |
CcTCPLinkImpl::cLinkTlsContext | Wrapper around cSslContext that is used when this link is being encrypted by SSL |
CcLuaState::cStackBalanceCheck | Asserts that the Lua stack has the same amount of entries when this object is destructed, as when it was constructed |
CcLuaState::cStackBalancePopper | Makes sure that the Lua state's stack has the same number of elements on destruction as it had on construction of this object (RAII) |
CcLuaState::cStackTable | Represents a table on the Lua stack |
CcLuaState::cStackValue | A RAII class for values pushed onto the Lua stack |
CcStopwatch | |
►CcGridStructGen::cStructure | Represents a single structure that occupies the grid point |
CcDungeonRoom | |
CcEmptyStructure | A cStructure descendant representing an empty structure |
CcPrefabStructure | |
CcRoughRavine | |
CcStructGenMineShafts::cMineShaftSystem | |
CcStructGenRavines::cRavine | |
CcStructGenWormNestCaves::cCaveSystem | A collection of connected tunnels, possibly branching |
CcVillageGen::cVillage | |
►CcTCPLink | Interface that provides the methods available on a single TCP connection |
CcTCPLinkImpl | |
CcTeam | |
►CcTerrainCompositionGen | The interface that a terrain composition generator must implement Terrain composition takes chunk coords on input and outputs the blockdata for that entire chunk, along with the list of entities |
CcCompoGenBiomal | |
CcCompoGenCache | Caches most-recently-used chunk composition of another composition generator |
CcCompoGenClassic | |
CcCompoGenDebugBiomes | |
CcCompoGenNether | |
CcCompoGenSameBlock | |
CcEndGen | |
►CcTerrainHeightGen | The interface that is used to query terrain height from the shape generator |
CcCompositedHeiGen | |
CcHeiGenBiomal | |
CcHeiGenCache | A simple cache that stores N most recently generated chunks' heightmaps; N being settable upon creation |
CcHeiGenClassic | |
CcHeiGenFlat | |
CcHeiGenMinMax | |
CcHeiGenMountains | |
CcHeiGenMultiCache | Caches heightmaps in multiple underlying caches to improve the distribution and lower the chain length |
CcHeiGenSteppy | |
►CcTerrainShapeGen | The interface that a terrain shape generator must implement A terrain shape generator takes chunk coords on input and outputs a 3D array of "shape" for that chunk |
CcBiomalNoise3DComposable | |
CcDistortedHeightmap | |
CcEndGen | |
CcNoise3DComposable | |
CcTerrainHeightToShapeGen | Converts old-style height-generators into new-style shape-generators |
CcTwoHeights | |
►CcLuaState::cTrackedRef | Represents a reference to a Lua object that has a tracked lifetime - |
►CcLuaState::cCallback | Represents a stored callback to Lua that C++ code can call |
CcLuaState::cOptionalCallback | Same thing as cCallback, but GetStackValue() won't fail if the callback value is nil |
CcLuaState::cTableRef | Represents a stored Lua table with callback functions that C++ code can call |
►CcTransferEncodingParser | Used as both the interface that all the parsers share and the (static) factory creating such parsers |
CcChunkedTEParser | |
CcIdentityTEParser | |
►CcUDPEndpoint | Interface that provides methods available on UDP communication endpoints |
CcUDPEndpointImpl | |
CcUrlClient | |
CcUrlParser | |
CcAuthenticator::cUser | |
►CcHTTPIncomingRequest::cUserData | Base class for anything that can be used as the UserData for the request |
CcWebadminRequestData | The form parser callbacks for requests in the "/webadmin" and "/~webadmin" paths |
CcUUID | |
►CcPiece::cVerticalLimit | Base class (interface) for the vertical limit of piece placement |
CcVerticalLimitAbove | Limit that accepts heights above the specified minimum fixed height |
CcVerticalLimitAboveTerrain | Limit that accepts heights that are a specified number of blocks above terrain |
CcVerticalLimitAboveTerrainAndOcean | Limit that accepts heights that are a specified number of blocks above terrain and sealevel, whichever is higher |
CcVerticalLimitBelow | Limit that accepts heights below the specified fixed height |
CcVerticalLimitBelowTerrain | Limit that accepts heights that are within a specified range below terrain |
CcVerticalLimitBelowTerrainOrOcean | Limit that accepts heights that are a specified number of blocks below terrain or sealevel, whichever is higher |
CcVerticalLimitNone | Limit that accepts any height |
►CcPiece::cVerticalStrategy | Base class (interface) for strategies for placing the starting pieces vertically |
CcVerticalStrategyFixed | A vertical strategy that places the piece at a predefined height |
CcVerticalStrategyRange | A vertical strategy that places the piece in a random height between two heights |
CcVerticalStrategyTerrainOrOceanTop | A vertical strategy that places the piece within a range on top of the terrain or ocean, whichever's higher |
CcVerticalStrategyTerrainTop | A vertical strategy that places the piece in a specified range relative to the top of the terrain |
CcVoronoiMap | |
CcWebAdmin::cWebTab | Container for a single web tab |
CcWeightedEnchantment | |
►CcWindow | Represents a UI window |
CcAnvilWindow | |
CcBeaconWindow | |
CcBrewingstandWindow | |
CcChestWindow | |
CcCraftingWindow | |
CcDropSpenserWindow | |
CcEnchantingWindow | |
CcEnderChestWindow | |
CcFurnaceWindow | |
CcHopperWindow | |
CcHorseWindow | |
CcInventoryWindow | |
CcLuaWindow | A window that has been created by a Lua plugin and is handled entirely by that plugin This object needs extra care with its lifetime management: |
CcMinecartWithChestWindow | |
►CcWindowOwner | Base class for the window owning |
►CcBlockEntityWindowOwner | Window owner that is associated with a block entity (chest, furnace, ...) |
CcBlockEntityWithItems | |
CcEnderChestEntity | |
►CcEntityWindowOwner | Window owner that is associated with an entity (chest minecart etc.) |
CcHorse | |
CcMinecartWithChest | |
►CcWorldInterface | |
CcWorld | |
►CcWSSchema | |
CcWSSAnvil | Implements the Anvil world storage schema |
CcWSSForgetful | Example storage schema - forgets all chunks |
CcX509Cert | |
CCXMLParser | |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
CcClientHandle | |
CcSpawnPrepare | Generates and lights the spawn area of the world |
CCompression::Extractor | Contains routines for data extraction |
CcFinishGenClumpTopBlock::FoliageInfo | |
CcItemHandler::FoodInfo | |
CForEachSourceCallback | |
►Cfmt::formatter | |
Cfmt::formatter< Vector3< What > > | Allows formatting a Vector<T> using the same format specifiers as for T e.g |
Cfmt::formatter< cChunkCoords > | |
CGetHandlerCompileTime< T > | |
CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_LEVER > | |
CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_PISTON > | |
CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON > | |
CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_TORCH > | |
CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_HOOK > | |
CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR > | |
CHTTPFormData | |
CHTTPRequest | |
CHTTPTemplateRequest | |
CInterp5Deg | A fifth-degree curve for interpolating |
CcIniFile::key | |
►Cstd::map | |
CcHTTPFormParser | |
CcNameValueParser | |
CMatrix4< T > | |
CNBTChunkSerializer | Saves the chunk data into a NBT format, used by the Anvil storage |
CcFinishGenOres::OreInfo | |
CPalettedBlockArea | Represents an area of blocks that are represented using a palette |
CcChunkGeneratorThread::QueueItem | |
CCompression::Result | Contains the result of a compression or extraction operation |
►Cstd::runtime_error | |
CBlockTypePalette::LoadFailedException | Exception that is thrown when loading the palette fails hard (bad format) |
CBlockTypePalette::NoSuchIndexException | Exception that is thrown if requiesting an index not present in the palette |
CBlockTypeRegistry::AlreadyRegisteredException | The exception thrown from BlockTypeRegistry::registerBlockType() if the same block type is being registered from a different plugin |
CBlockTypeRegistry::NotRegisteredException | The exception thrown from BlockTypeRegistry::setBlockTypeHint() if the block type has not been registered before |
CCannotSerializeException | Exception thrown when the input cannot be serialized |
CTriedToJoinWithUnsupportedProtocolException | |
CcMonsterConfig::sAttributesStruct | |
CcPrefab::sBlockTypeDef | Packs complete definition of a single block, for per-letter assignment |
CcBioGenCache::sCacheData | |
CcCompoGenCache::sCacheData | |
CcHeiGenCache::sCacheData | |
CcChunkSender::sChunkQueue | |
CsCoords | |
CsCoordsArr | |
CcBlockFireHandler::Scratch | |
CcPrefab::sDef | |
CcMobProximityCounter::sDistanceAndChunk | |
CSetChunkData | Contains the data for a loaded / generated chunk, ready to be set into a cWorld |
CcFurnaceRecipe::sFurnaceRecipeState | |
CcDistortedHeightmap::sGenParam | |
CcHeiGenBiomal::sGenParam | |
CsGens< N, S > | |
CsGens< 0, S... > | |
CcItem::sItemCompare | Compares two items for the same type or category |
CcMobProximityCounter::sIterablePair | |
CSizeChecker< T, Size > | |
CcSpawnPrepare::sMakeSharedTag | Private tag allows public constructors that can only be used with private access |
CsMetaCoords | |
CcMobProximityCounter::sMonsterAndChunk | |
CcMonsterConfig::sMonsterConfigState | |
CcFastNBTWriter::sParent | |
CcEntity::sPortalCooldownData | Structure storing the portal delay timer and cooldown boolean |
CcMojangAPI::sProfile | Holds data for a single player profile |
CcRoughRavine::sRavineDefPoint | |
CcChunkSender::sSendChunk | Used for sending chunks to specific clients |
CsSeq<... > | |
CsSetBlock | |
CcChunk::sSetBlockQueueItem | |
CsShortUUID | UUID normalised in textual form |
CStartAsService | |
CStatisticsManager | Class that manages the statistics and achievements of a single player |
CcEnderDragonFightStructuresGen::sTowerProperties | |
►CStreamType | |
CFileStream< StreamType > | A wrapper for file streams that enables exceptions |
CcMemorySettingsRepository::sValue | |
CsWebAdminPage | |
CcDeadlockDetect::sWorldAge | |
CcEntity::sWorldChangeInfo | State variables for MoveToWorld |
CTakeDamageInfo | |
►Cstd::true_type | |
Cstd::is_error_code_enum< eNBTParseError > | |
►Cstd::vector | |
CcItems | This class bridges a vector of cItem for safe access via Lua |
CVector3< T > | |
CVector3< double > | |
CVector3< int > | |
CVectorHasher< What > | |
►CTs | |
COverloadedVariantAccess< Ts > | You can use this struct to use in std::visit example: std::visit( OverloadedVariantAccess { [&] (cFirstType & a_FirstTypeObject) { // Your code to handle cFirstType }, [&] (cSecondType & a_SecondTypeObject) { // YourCode to handle cSecondType }, .. |