A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011121314151617181920]
 CBiomeHasherHash for EMCSBiome, so that it can be used in std::unordered_map etc
 CBlockInfoComplete information about a single block type
 CBlockStateRepresents the state of a single block (previously known as "block meta")
 CBlockTypePaletteHolds a palette that maps between block type + state and numbers
 CBlockTypeRegistryStores information on all known block types
 CcPlayer::BodyStanceCrouchingTag representing a sneaking pose
 CcPlayer::BodyStanceGlidingTag representing a swimming or elytra flying pose
 CcPlayer::BodyStanceSleepingTag representing a sleeping pose
 CcPlayer::BodyStanceSprintingTag representing a sprinting pose
 CcPlayer::BodyStanceStandingTag representing the neutral stance
 CcAesCfb128DecryptorDecrypts data using the AES / CFB 128 algorithm
 CcAesCfb128EncryptorEncrypts data using the AES / CFB (128) algorithm
 CcAtomicUniquePtr< T >An RAII wrapper for std::atomic<T*>
 CcBiomeGenThe interface that a biome generator must implement A biome generator takes chunk coords on input and outputs an array of biome indices for that chunk on output
 CcIntGenBiomes< SizeX, SizeZ >::cBiomesInGroups
 CcBlockPluginInterfaceThis interface is used to decouple block handlers from the cPluginManager dependency through cWorld
 CcBoundingBoxRepresents two sets of coords, minimum and maximum for each direction
 CcByteBufferAn object that can store incoming bytes and lets its clients read the bytes sequentially The bytes are stored in a ringbuffer of constant size; if more than that size is requested, the write operation fails
 CcUDPEndpoint::cCallbacksInterface for the callbacks for events that can happen on the endpoint
 CcUrlClient::cCallbacksCallbacks that are used for progress and result reporting
 CcCanonLuaStatesTracks the canon cLuaState instances for each lua_State pointer
 CcCaveTunnelA single non-branching tunnel of a WormNestCave
 CcChunkCoordCallbackInterface class used as a callback for operations that involve chunk coords
 CcChunkCoordsWraps the chunk coords into a single structure
 CcChunkCoordsHashA simple hash function for chunk coords, we assume that chunk coords won't use more than 16 bits, so the hash is almost an identity
 CcChunkDataSerializerSerializes one chunk's data to (possibly multiple) protocol versions
 CcChunkDefConstants used throughout the code, useful typedefs and utility functions
 CcChunkGeneratorThe interface that all chunk generators must implement to provide the generated chunks
 CcChunkGeneratorThread::cChunkSinkThe interface through which the generated chunks are handed to the cWorld or whoever created us
 CcChunkStayMakes chunks stay loaded until this object is cleared or destroyed Works by setting internal flags in the cChunk that it should not be unloaded
 CcClientDiffCallbackInterface class used for comparing clients of two chunks
 CcPluginManager::cCommandEnumCallbackUsed as a callback for enumerating bound commands
 CcPluginManager::cCommandHandlerInterface that must be provided by any class that implements a command handler, either in-game or console command
 CcCommandOutputCallbackInterface for a callback that receives command output The Out() function is called for any output the command has produced
 CcCompositeChatContainer for a single chat message composed of multiple functional parts
 CcNetwork::cConnectCallbacksCallbacks used for connecting to other servers as a client
 CcPieceGeneratorBFSTree::cConnectionThe type used for storing a connection from one piece to another, while building the piece tree
 CcPieceStructuresGen::cGen::cConnectionThe type used for storing a connection from one piece to another, while building the piece tree
 CcCoordWithData< X >Generic template that can store any kind of data together with a triplet of 3 coords
 CcCraftingRecipesThe crafting recipes are the configurations to build a result item out of a set of ingredient items
 CcCSLockRAII for cCriticalSection - locks the CS on creation, unlocks on destruction
 CcCSUnlockTemporary RAII unlock for a cCSLock
 CcCallbackSslContext::cDataCallbacksInterface used as a data sink for the SSL peer data
 CcEnchantmentsClass that stores item enchantments or stored-enchantments The enchantments may be serialized to a stringspec and read back from such stringspec
 CCExpatImpl< _T >
 CcFastNBTTagThis structure is used for all NBT tags
 CcFinishGenThe interface that a finisher must implement Finisher implements changes to the chunk after the rough terrain has been generated
 CcFluidSimulatorDataThis is a base class for all fluid simulator data classes
 CcPieceGeneratorBFSTree::cFreeConnectorThe type used for storing a pool of connectors that will be attempted to expand by another piece
 CcPieceStructuresGen::cGen::cFreeConnectorThe type used for storing a pool of connectors that will be attempted to expand by another piece
 CcFunctionRef< Signature >
 CcFunctionRef< Ret(Args...)>A light-weight, type-erased reference to a function object
 CcHostnameLookupHolds information about an in-progress Hostname-to-IP lookup
 CcChunkDataSerializer::ChunkDataCacheA single cache entry containing the raw data, compressed data, and a validity flag
 CChunkDataStore< ElementType, ElementCount, DefaultValue >
 CChunkDataStore< BLOCKTYPE, SectionBlockCount, DefaultValue >
 CChunkDataStore< NIBBLETYPE, SectionLightCount, DefaultBlockLightValue >
 CChunkDataStore< NIBBLETYPE, SectionLightCount, DefaultSkyLightValue >
 CChunkDataStore< NIBBLETYPE, SectionMetaCount, DefaultMetaValue >
 CcIDCountSerializerUtility class used to serialize item ID counts
 CcImprovedNoiseImproved noise, as described by Ken Perlin: Implementation adapted from Perlin's Java implementation:
 CcInterpolCell2D< T >
 CcInterpolCell3D< T >Holds a cache of the last calculated integral noise values and interpolates between them en masse
 CcInterpolNoise< T >
 CcIntGen< SizeX, SizeZ >Interface that all the generator classes provide
 CcIntGen< SizeX, SizeX >
 CcIntGenFactory< Gen, Args >
 CcIPLookupHolds information about an in-progress IP-to-Hostname lookup
 CcLazyArray< T >A dynamic array that defers allocation to the first modifying access
 CcLazyArray< cItem >
 CcNetwork::cListenCallbacksCallbacks used when listening for incoming connections as a server
 CcItemGrid::cListenerThis class is used as a callback for when a slot changes
 CcLuaState::cLockProvides a RAII-style locking for the LuaState
 CcLootProbabUsed to store loot probability tables
 CcLuaStateEncapsulates a Lua state and provides some syntactic sugar for common operations
 CcLuaStateTrackerKeeps track of all create cLuaState instances
 CcMapEncapsulates an in-game world map
 CcMapDecoratorEncapsulates a map decorator
 CcMapManagerManages the in-game maps of a single world - Thread safe
 CcMapSerializerUtility class used to serialize maps
 CcRankManager::cMassChangeLockAcquire this lock to perform mass changes
 CcMobCensusThis class is used to collect information, for each Mob, what is the distance of the closest player it was first being designed in order to make mobs spawn / despawn / act as the behaviour and even life of mobs depends on the distance to closest player
 CcMobFamilyCollecterThis class is used to collect the list of mobs for each family
 CcMobSpawnerThis class is used to determine which monster can be spawned in which place it is essentially static (eg
 CcMultiVersionProtocolMeta-protocol that recognizes multiple protocol versions, creates the specific protocol version instance and redirects everything to it
 CcLuaState::cNilA dummy class that's used only to push a constant nil as a function parameter in Call()
 CcOctavedNoise< N >::cOctaveStores information and state for one octave of the noise
 CcOctavedNoise< N >
 CcOctavedNoise< cCubicNoise >
 CcOctavedNoise< cInterpolNoise >
 CcOctavedNoise< cInterpolNoise< Interp5Deg > >
 CcOctavedNoise< cRidgedNoise< cCubicNoise > >
 CCompression::CompressorContains routines for data compression
 CcPluginLua::cOperationA RAII-style mutex lock for accessing the internal LuaState
 CcLuaState::cOptionalParam< T >Represents a parameter that is optional - calling a GetStackValue() with this object will not fail if the value on the Lua stack is nil
 CcPacketizerComposes an individual packet in the protocol's m_OutPacketBuffer; sends it just before being destructed
 CcParsedNBTParses and contains the parsed data Also implements data accessor functions for tree traversal and value getters The data pointer passed in the constructor is assumed to be valid throughout the object's life
 CcPathCellThe pathfinder has 3 types of cells (cPathCell)
 CcPathFinderThis class wraps cPath
 CcPatternThis class is used to store a column pattern initialized at runtime, so that the program doesn't need to explicitly set 256 values for each pattern Each pattern has 256 blocks so that there's no need to check pattern bounds when assigning the pattern - there will always be enough pattern left, even for the whole-chunk-height columns
 CcPieceRepresents a single piece
 CcPiece::cPieceModifierBase class (interface) for piece modifiers
 CcPiecePoolThis class is an interface that stores pieces for a generator
 CcPlacedPieceRepresents a single piece that has been placed to specific coords in the world
 CcChunkGeneratorThread::cPluginInterfaceThe interface through which the plugins are called for their OnChunkGenerating / OnChunkGenerated hooks
 CcProtIntGenInterface that all the generator classes provide
 CcQueue< ItemType, Funcs >
 CcQueue< cChunkCoords >
 CcQueue< std::function< void()> >
 CcQueueFuncs< T >This empty struct allows for the callback functions to be inlined
 CcRandomDeviceSeederUtility to seed a random engine with maximal entropy from random_device
 CcRandomizedBlockUsed to store block type, meta, weight and some more params
 CcRandomWrapper< RandomEngine >Class to wrap any random engine to provide a more convenient interface
 CcProjectileEntity::CreatorDataA structure that stores the Entity ID and Playername of the projectile's creator Used to migitate invalid pointers caused by the creator being destroyed
 CcCraftingRecipes::cRecipeA single recipe, stored
 CcRecipeMapperThe RecipeMapper handles the translation of crafting recipes into protocol specific recipe Ids
 CcLuaState::cRefUsed for storing references to object in the global registry
 CcNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksCallbacks used when resolving names to IPs
 CcLuaState::cRetA dummy class that's used only to delimit function args from return values for cLuaState::Call()
 CcRidgedNoise< N >
 CcRootThe root of the object hierarchy
 CcRsaPrivateKeyEncapsulates an RSA private key used in PKI cryptography
 CcServerHandleInterface that provides the methods available on a listening server socket
 CcSha1ChecksumCalculates a SHA1 checksum for data stream
 CcSimulatorBase class for all block-based physics simulators (such as fluid, fire, falling blocks etc.)
 CcLuaState::cStackBalanceCheckAsserts that the Lua stack has the same amount of entries when this object is destructed, as when it was constructed
 CcLuaState::cStackBalancePopperMakes sure that the Lua state's stack has the same number of elements on destruction as it had on construction of this object (RAII)
 CcLuaState::cStackTableRepresents a table on the Lua stack
 CcLuaState::cStackValueA RAII class for values pushed onto the Lua stack
 CcGridStructGen::cStructureRepresents a single structure that occupies the grid point
 CcTCPLinkInterface that provides the methods available on a single TCP connection
 CcTerrainCompositionGenThe interface that a terrain composition generator must implement Terrain composition takes chunk coords on input and outputs the blockdata for that entire chunk, along with the list of entities
 CcTerrainHeightGenThe interface that is used to query terrain height from the shape generator
 CcTerrainShapeGenThe interface that a terrain shape generator must implement A terrain shape generator takes chunk coords on input and outputs a 3D array of "shape" for that chunk
 CcLuaState::cTrackedRefRepresents a reference to a Lua object that has a tracked lifetime -
 CcTransferEncodingParserUsed as both the interface that all the parsers share and the (static) factory creating such parsers
 CcUDPEndpointInterface that provides methods available on UDP communication endpoints
 CcHTTPIncomingRequest::cUserDataBase class for anything that can be used as the UserData for the request
 CcPiece::cVerticalLimitBase class (interface) for the vertical limit of piece placement
 CcPiece::cVerticalStrategyBase class (interface) for strategies for placing the starting pieces vertically
 CcWebAdmin::cWebTabContainer for a single web tab
 CcWindowRepresents a UI window
 CcWindowOwnerBase class for the window owning
 CCompression::ExtractorContains routines for data extraction
 CGetHandlerCompileTime< T >
 CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_LEVER >
 CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_PISTON >
 CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON >
 CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_TORCH >
 CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_HOOK >
 CGetHandlerCompileTime< E_BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR >
 CInterp5DegA fifth-degree curve for interpolating
 CMatrix4< T >
 CNBTChunkSerializerSaves the chunk data into a NBT format, used by the Anvil storage
 CPalettedBlockAreaRepresents an area of blocks that are represented using a palette
 CCompression::ResultContains the result of a compression or extraction operation
 CcPrefab::sBlockTypeDefPacks complete definition of a single block, for per-letter assignment
 CSetChunkDataContains the data for a loaded / generated chunk, ready to be set into a cWorld
 CsGens< N, S >
 CsGens< 0, S... >
 CcItem::sItemCompareCompares two items for the same type or category
 CSizeChecker< T, Size >
 CcSpawnPrepare::sMakeSharedTagPrivate tag allows public constructors that can only be used with private access
 CcEntity::sPortalCooldownDataStructure storing the portal delay timer and cooldown boolean
 CcMojangAPI::sProfileHolds data for a single player profile
 CcChunkSender::sSendChunkUsed for sending chunks to specific clients
 CsSeq<... >
 CsShortUUIDUUID normalised in textual form
 CStatisticsManagerClass that manages the statistics and achievements of a single player
 CcEntity::sWorldChangeInfoState variables for MoveToWorld
 CVector3< T >
 CVector3< double >
 CVector3< int >
 CVectorHasher< What >