A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
#include <Protocol_1_9.h>
Public Member Functions | |
cProtocol_1_9_0 (cClientHandle *a_Client, const AString &a_ServerAddress, State a_State) | |
virtual void | SendAttachEntity (const cEntity &a_Entity, const cEntity &a_Vehicle) override |
virtual void | SendBossBarAdd (UInt32 a_UniqueID, const cCompositeChat &a_Title, float a_FractionFilled, BossBarColor a_Color, BossBarDivisionType a_DivisionType, bool a_DarkenSky, bool a_PlayEndMusic, bool a_CreateFog) override |
virtual void | SendBossBarRemove (UInt32 a_UniqueID) override |
virtual void | SendBossBarUpdateFlags (UInt32 a_UniqueID, bool a_DarkenSky, bool a_PlayEndMusic, bool a_CreateFog) override |
virtual void | SendBossBarUpdateHealth (UInt32 a_UniqueID, float a_FractionFilled) override |
virtual void | SendBossBarUpdateStyle (UInt32 a_UniqueID, BossBarColor a_Color, BossBarDivisionType a_DivisionType) override |
virtual void | SendBossBarUpdateTitle (UInt32 a_UniqueID, const cCompositeChat &a_Title) override |
virtual void | SendDetachEntity (const cEntity &a_Entity, const cEntity &a_PreviousVehicle) override |
virtual void | SendEntityEquipment (const cEntity &a_Entity, short a_SlotNum, const cItem &a_Item) override |
virtual void | SendEntityMetadata (const cEntity &a_Entity) override |
virtual void | SendEntityPosition (const cEntity &a_Entity) override |
virtual void | SendExperienceOrb (const cExpOrb &a_ExpOrb) override |
virtual void | SendKeepAlive (UInt32 a_PingID) override |
virtual void | SendLeashEntity (const cEntity &a_Entity, const cEntity &a_EntityLeashedTo) override |
virtual void | SendMapData (const cMap &a_Map, int a_DataStartX, int a_DataStartY) override |
virtual void | SendPaintingSpawn (const cPainting &a_Painting) override |
virtual void | SendPlayerMoveLook (Vector3d a_Pos, float a_Yaw, float a_Pitch, bool a_IsRelative) override |
virtual void | SendPlayerMoveLook (void) override |
virtual void | SendPlayerPermissionLevel () override |
virtual void | SendPlayerSpawn (const cPlayer &a_Player) override |
virtual void | SendSoundEffect (const AString &a_SoundName, Vector3d a_Origin, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch) override |
virtual void | SendSpawnMob (const cMonster &a_Mob) override |
virtual void | SendThunderbolt (Vector3i a_Origin) override |
virtual void | SendUnleashEntity (const cEntity &a_Entity) override |
virtual void | SendUnloadChunk (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) override |
Public Member Functions inherited from cProtocol_1_8_0 | |
cProtocol_1_8_0 (cClientHandle *a_Client, const AString &a_ServerAddress, State a_State) | |
virtual void | DataPrepared (ContiguousByteBuffer &a_Data) override |
Called by cClientHandle to finalise a buffer of prepared data before they are sent to the client. More... | |
virtual void | DataReceived (cByteBuffer &a_Buffer, ContiguousByteBuffer &a_Data) override |
Called by cClientHandle to process data, when the client sends some. More... | |
virtual AString | GetAuthServerID (void) override |
Returns the ServerID used for authentication through More... | |
virtual void | SendBlockAction (Vector3i a_BlockPos, char a_Byte1, char a_Byte2, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) override |
virtual void | SendBlockBreakAnim (UInt32 a_EntityID, Vector3i a_BlockPos, char a_Stage) override |
virtual void | SendBlockChange (Vector3i a_BlockPos, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) override |
virtual void | SendBlockChanges (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, const sSetBlockVector &a_Changes) override |
virtual void | SendCameraSetTo (const cEntity &a_Entity) override |
virtual void | SendChat (const AString &a_Message, eChatType a_Type) override |
virtual void | SendChat (const cCompositeChat &a_Message, eChatType a_Type, bool a_ShouldUseChatPrefixes) override |
virtual void | SendChatRaw (const AString &a_MessageRaw, eChatType a_Type) override |
virtual void | SendChunkData (ContiguousByteBufferView a_ChunkData) override |
virtual void | SendCollectEntity (const cEntity &a_Collected, const cEntity &a_Collector, unsigned a_Count) override |
virtual void | SendDestroyEntity (const cEntity &a_Entity) override |
virtual void | SendDisconnect (const AString &a_Reason) override |
virtual void | SendDisplayObjective (const AString &a_Objective, cScoreboard::eDisplaySlot a_Display) override |
virtual void | SendEditSign (Vector3i a_BlockPos) override |
Request the client to open up the sign editor for the sign (1.6+) More... | |
virtual void | SendEntityAnimation (const cEntity &a_Entity, EntityAnimation a_Animation) override |
virtual void | SendEntityEffect (const cEntity &a_Entity, int a_EffectID, int a_Amplifier, int a_Duration) override |
virtual void | SendEntityHeadLook (const cEntity &a_Entity) override |
virtual void | SendEntityLook (const cEntity &a_Entity) override |
virtual void | SendEntityProperties (const cEntity &a_Entity) override |
virtual void | SendEntityVelocity (const cEntity &a_Entity) override |
virtual void | SendExperience (void) override |
virtual void | SendExplosion (Vector3f a_Position, float a_Power) override |
virtual void | SendGameMode (eGameMode a_GameMode) override |
virtual void | SendHealth (void) override |
virtual void | SendHeldItemChange (int a_ItemIndex) override |
virtual void | SendHideTitle (void) override |
virtual void | SendInitRecipes (UInt32 a_RecipeID) override |
virtual void | SendInventorySlot (char a_WindowID, short a_SlotNum, const cItem &a_Item) override |
virtual void | SendLogin (const cPlayer &a_Player, const cWorld &a_World) override |
virtual void | SendLoginSuccess (void) override |
virtual void | SendParticleEffect (const AString &a_ParticleName, Vector3f a_Src, Vector3f a_Offset, float a_ParticleData, int a_ParticleAmount) override |
virtual void | SendParticleEffect (const AString &a_ParticleName, Vector3f a_Src, Vector3f a_Offset, float a_ParticleData, int a_ParticleAmount, std::array< int, 2 > a_Data) override |
virtual void | SendPlayerAbilities (void) override |
virtual void | SendPlayerListAddPlayer (const cPlayer &a_Player) override |
virtual void | SendPlayerListHeaderFooter (const cCompositeChat &a_Header, const cCompositeChat &a_Footer) override |
virtual void | SendPlayerListRemovePlayer (const cPlayer &a_Player) override |
virtual void | SendPlayerListUpdateDisplayName (const cPlayer &a_Player, const AString &a_CustomName) override |
virtual void | SendPlayerListUpdateGameMode (const cPlayer &a_Player) override |
virtual void | SendPlayerListUpdatePing () override |
virtual void | SendPlayerPosition (void) override |
virtual void | SendPluginMessage (const AString &a_Channel, ContiguousByteBufferView a_Message) override |
virtual void | SendRemoveEntityEffect (const cEntity &a_Entity, int a_EffectID) override |
virtual void | SendResetTitle (void) override |
virtual void | SendResourcePack (const AString &a_ResourcePackUrl) override |
virtual void | SendRespawn (eDimension a_Dimension) override |
virtual void | SendScoreboardObjective (const AString &a_Name, const AString &a_DisplayName, Byte a_Mode) override |
virtual void | SendScoreUpdate (const AString &a_Objective, const AString &a_Player, cObjective::Score a_Score, Byte a_Mode) override |
virtual void | SendSetRawSubTitle (const AString &a_SubTitle) override |
virtual void | SendSetRawTitle (const AString &a_Title) override |
virtual void | SendSetSubTitle (const cCompositeChat &a_SubTitle) override |
virtual void | SendSetTitle (const cCompositeChat &a_Title) override |
virtual void | SendSoundParticleEffect (const EffectID a_EffectID, Vector3i a_Origin, int a_Data) override |
virtual void | SendSpawnEntity (const cEntity &a_Entity) override |
virtual void | SendStatistics (const StatisticsManager &a_Manager) override |
virtual void | SendTabCompletionResults (const AStringVector &a_Results) override |
virtual void | SendTimeUpdate (cTickTimeLong a_WorldAge, cTickTimeLong a_WorldDate, bool a_DoDaylightCycle) override |
virtual void | SendTitleTimes (int a_FadeInTicks, int a_DisplayTicks, int a_FadeOutTicks) override |
virtual void | SendUnlockRecipe (UInt32 a_RecipeID) override |
virtual void | SendUpdateBlockEntity (cBlockEntity &a_BlockEntity) override |
virtual void | SendUpdateSign (Vector3i a_BlockPos, const AString &a_Line1, const AString &a_Line2, const AString &a_Line3, const AString &a_Line4) override |
virtual void | SendWeather (eWeather a_Weather) override |
virtual void | SendWholeInventory (const cWindow &a_Window) override |
virtual void | SendWindowClose (const cWindow &a_Window) override |
virtual void | SendWindowOpen (const cWindow &a_Window) override |
virtual void | SendWindowProperty (const cWindow &a_Window, size_t a_Property, short a_Value) override |
Public Member Functions inherited from cProtocol | |
cProtocol (cClientHandle *a_Client) | |
virtual | ~cProtocol () |
Protected Types | |
Types used within metadata. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual UInt32 | GetPacketID (ePacketType a_Packet) const override |
Get the packet ID for a given packet. More... | |
virtual unsigned char | GetProtocolEntityAnimation (EntityAnimation a_Animation) const override |
Converts an animation into an ID suitable for use with the Entity Animation packet. More... | |
virtual signed char | GetProtocolEntityStatus (EntityAnimation a_Animation) const override |
Converts an animation into an ID suitable for use with the Entity Status packet. More... | |
virtual UInt32 | GetProtocolMobType (eMonsterType a_MobType) const override |
Converts eMonsterType to protocol-specific mob types. More... | |
virtual Version | GetProtocolVersion () const override |
Returns the protocol version. More... | |
virtual void | HandleConfirmTeleport (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual bool | HandlePacket (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer, UInt32 a_PacketType) override |
Reads and handles the packet. More... | |
virtual void | HandlePacketAnimation (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketBlockDig (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketBlockPlace (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketBoatSteer (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketClientSettings (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketEntityAction (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketPlayerPos (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketPlayerPosLook (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketSteerVehicle (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketTabComplete (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketUpdateSign (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketUseEntity (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandlePacketUseItem (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketVehicleMove (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketWindowClick (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) override |
virtual void | HandleVanillaPluginMessage (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer, std::string_view a_Channel) override |
Parses Vanilla plugin messages into specific ClientHandle calls. More... | |
virtual void | ParseItemMetadata (cItem &a_Item, ContiguousByteBufferView a_Metadata) const override |
Parses item metadata as read by ReadItem(), into the item enchantments. More... | |
virtual void | SendEntitySpawn (const cEntity &a_Entity, const UInt8 a_ObjectType, const Int32 a_ObjectData) override |
Sends the entity type and entity-dependent data required for the entity to initially spawn. More... | |
virtual void | WriteBlockEntity (cFastNBTWriter &a_Writer, const cBlockEntity &a_BlockEntity) const override |
Writes the block entity data for the specified block entity into the packet. More... | |
virtual void | WriteEntityMetadata (cPacketizer &a_Pkt, const cEntity &a_Entity) const override |
Writes the metadata for the specified entity, not including the terminating 0x7f. More... | |
virtual void | WriteItem (cPacketizer &a_Pkt, const cItem &a_Item) const override |
Writes the item data into a packet. More... | |
virtual void | WriteMobMetadata (cPacketizer &a_Pkt, const cMonster &a_Mob) const override |
Writes the mob-specific metadata for the specified mob. More... | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from cProtocol_1_8_0 | |
virtual UInt8 | GetProtocolEntityType (const cEntity &a_Entity) const |
Converts an entity to a protocol-specific entity type. More... | |
virtual int | GetProtocolParticleID (const AString &a_ParticleName) const |
The 1.8 protocol use a particle id instead of a string. More... | |
virtual void | HandlePacketChatMessage (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketClientStatus (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketCreativeInventoryAction (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketEnchantItem (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketKeepAlive (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketLoginEncryptionResponse (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketLoginStart (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketPlayer (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketPlayerAbilities (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketPlayerLook (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketPluginMessage (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketResourcePackStatus (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketSlotSelect (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketSpectate (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketStatusPing (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketStatusRequest (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual void | HandlePacketWindowClose (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer) |
virtual bool | ReadItem (cByteBuffer &a_ByteBuffer, cItem &a_Item, size_t a_KeepRemainingBytes=0) const |
Reads an item out of the received data, sets a_Item to the values read. More... | |
virtual void | SendPacket (cPacketizer &a_Packet) override |
Sends the packet to the client. More... | |
virtual void | WriteEntityProperties (cPacketizer &a_Pkt, const cEntity &a_Entity) const |
Writes the entity properties for the specified entity, including the Count field. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
bool | m_IsTeleportIdConfirmed |
The current teleport ID. More... | |
UInt32 | m_OutstandingTeleportId |
Whether the current teleport ID has been confirmed by the client. More... | |
Protected Attributes inherited from cProtocol_1_8_0 | |
State | m_State |
State of the protocol. More... | |
Protected Attributes inherited from cProtocol | |
cClientHandle * | m_Client |
cCriticalSection | m_CSPacket |
Provides synchronization for sending the entire packet at once. More... | |
cByteBuffer | m_OutPacketBuffer |
Buffer for composing the outgoing packets, through cPacketizer. More... | |
cByteBuffer | m_OutPacketLenBuffer |
Buffer for composing packet length (so that each cPacketizer instance doesn't allocate a new cPacketBuffer) More... | |
Private Types | |
using | Super = cProtocol_1_8_0 |
Definition at line 29 of file Protocol_1_9.h.
private |
Definition at line 32 of file Protocol_1_9.h.
protected |
Types used within metadata.
Definition at line 105 of file Protocol_1_9.h.
cProtocol_1_9_0::cProtocol_1_9_0 | ( | cClientHandle * | a_Client, |
const AString & | a_ServerAddress, | ||
State | a_State | ||
) |
Definition at line 67 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Get the packet ID for a given packet.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14, cProtocol_1_13, cProtocol_1_9_4, cProtocol_1_12_1, and cProtocol_1_12.
Definition at line 654 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Converts an animation into an ID suitable for use with the Entity Animation packet.
Returns (uchar)-1 if the protocol version doesn't support this animation.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 750 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Converts an animation into an ID suitable for use with the Entity Status packet.
Returns -1 if the protocol version doesn't support this animation.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14, cProtocol_1_13, cProtocol_1_12, and cProtocol_1_11_0.
Definition at line 764 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Converts eMonsterType to protocol-specific mob types.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14, cProtocol_1_13, cProtocol_1_12, cProtocol_1_11_0, and cProtocol_1_10_0.
Definition at line 781 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Returns the protocol version.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_9_4, cProtocol_1_9_2, cProtocol_1_9_1, cProtocol_1_14_4, cProtocol_1_14_3, cProtocol_1_14_2, cProtocol_1_14_1, cProtocol_1_14, cProtocol_1_13_2, cProtocol_1_13_1, cProtocol_1_13, cProtocol_1_12_2, cProtocol_1_12_1, cProtocol_1_12, cProtocol_1_11_1, cProtocol_1_11_0, and cProtocol_1_10_0.
Definition at line 794 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 968 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reads and handles the packet.
The packet length and type have already been read. Returns true if the packet was understood, false if it was an unknown packet.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14, cProtocol_1_13, cProtocol_1_12_1, and cProtocol_1_12.
Definition at line 803 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 875 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14.
Definition at line 886 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14, and cProtocol_1_11_0.
Definition at line 904 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 925 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 948 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 983 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 1011 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 1028 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 1047 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 1071 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14.
Definition at line 1089 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 1111 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1155 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1166 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
The slot number that the client uses to indicate "outside the window".
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 1192 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Parses Vanilla plugin messages into specific ClientHandle calls.
The message payload is still in the bytebuffer, the handler reads it specifically for each handled channel.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_13.
Definition at line 1250 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Parses item metadata as read by ReadItem(), into the item enchantments.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 1302 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 78 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_13_1.
Definition at line 91 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 146 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_13_1.
Definition at line 161 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 188 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 204 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 245 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 261 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 273 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 292 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 306 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Sends the entity type and entity-dependent data required for the entity to initially spawn.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14.
Definition at line 1506 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 363 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_12_2.
Definition at line 379 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 396 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14, and cProtocol_1_13.
Definition at line 441 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14, and cProtocol_1_13.
Definition at line 420 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 473 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 505 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 515 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 551 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_10_0.
Definition at line 571 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_11_0.
Definition at line 589 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 625 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 408 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Definition at line 641 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Writes the block entity data for the specified block entity into the packet.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_11_0.
Definition at line 1533 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Writes the metadata for the specified entity, not including the terminating 0x7f.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14, cProtocol_1_13, cProtocol_1_12, cProtocol_1_11_0, and cProtocol_1_10_0.
Definition at line 1556 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Writes the item data into a packet.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_13_2, and cProtocol_1_13.
Definition at line 1778 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Writes the mob-specific metadata for the specified mob.
Reimplemented from cProtocol_1_8_0.
Reimplemented in cProtocol_1_14, cProtocol_1_13, cProtocol_1_12, cProtocol_1_11_0, and cProtocol_1_10_0.
Definition at line 1948 of file Protocol_1_9.cpp.
protected |
The current teleport ID.
Definition at line 67 of file Protocol_1_9.h.
protected |
Whether the current teleport ID has been confirmed by the client.
Definition at line 70 of file Protocol_1_9.h.