void | AddEntityEffect (cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType, int a_EffectDurationTicks, short a_EffectIntensity, double a_DistanceModifier=1) |
| Applies an entity effect. More...
void | ClearEntityEffects (void) |
| Removes all currently applied entity effects (used when drinking milk) More...
| cPawn (eEntityType a_EntityType, float a_Width, float a_Height) |
cEntityEffect * | GetEntityEffect (cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType) const |
| Returns the entity effect, if it is currently applied or nullptr if not. More...
std::map< cEntityEffect::eType, cEntityEffect * > | GetEntityEffects () const |
| Returns all entity effects. More...
virtual void | HandleAir (void) override |
| Called in each tick to handle air-related processing i.e. More...
virtual void | HandleFalling (void) |
void | HandleFarmlandTrampling (double a_FallHeight, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockAtFoot, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockBelow) |
| Handles farmland trampling when hitting the ground. More...
bool | HasEntityEffect (cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType) const |
| Returns true, if the entity effect is currently applied. More...
virtual bool | IsFireproof (void) const override |
virtual bool | IsInvisible () const override |
virtual void | KilledBy (TakeDamageInfo &a_TDI) override |
| Called when the health drops below zero. More...
void | NoLongerTargetingMe (cMonster *a_Monster) |
| Remove the monster from the list of monsters targeting this pawn. More...
virtual void | OnRemoveFromWorld (cWorld &a_World) override |
| Called when the entity is removed from a world. More...
void | RemoveEntityEffect (cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType) |
| Removes a currently applied entity effect. More...
void | StopEveryoneFromTargetingMe () |
| Tells all pawns which are targeting us to stop targeting us. More...
void | TargetingMe (cMonster *a_Monster) |
| Add the monster to the list of monsters targeting this pawn. More...
virtual void | Tick (std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk &a_Chunk) override |
void | AddLeashedMob (cMonster *a_Monster) |
| Adds a mob to the leashed list of mobs. More...
void | AddPosition (const Vector3d &a_AddPos) |
void | AddPosition (double a_AddPosX, double a_AddPosY, double a_AddPosZ) |
void | AddPosX (double a_AddPosX) |
void | AddPosY (double a_AddPosY) |
void | AddPosZ (double a_AddPosZ) |
void | AddSpeed (const Vector3d &a_AddSpeed) |
void | AddSpeed (double a_AddSpeedX, double a_AddSpeedY, double a_AddSpeedZ) |
void | AddSpeedX (double a_AddSpeedX) |
void | AddSpeedY (double a_AddSpeedY) |
void | AddSpeedZ (double a_AddSpeedZ) |
virtual void | ApplyArmorDamage (int DamageBlocked) |
| Applies damage to the armor after the armor blocked the given amount. More...
virtual bool | ArmorCoversAgainst (eDamageType a_DamageType) |
| Returns whether armor will protect against the specified damage type. More...
void | AttachTo (cEntity &a_AttachTo) |
| Attaches to the specified entity; detaches from any previous one first. More...
void | BroadcastDeathMessage (TakeDamageInfo &a_TDI) |
| Announces a death message on chat about killing the entity. More...
virtual void | BroadcastMovementUpdate (const cClientHandle *a_Exclude=nullptr) |
| Updates clients of changes in the entity. More...
| cEntity (eEntityType a_EntityType, Vector3d a_Pos, float a_Width, float a_Height) |
void | Destroy () |
| Destroys the entity, schedules it for memory freeing and broadcasts the DestroyEntity packet. More...
void | Detach (void) |
| Detaches from the currently attached entity, if any. More...
virtual void | DetectCacti (void) |
| Detects the time for application of cacti damage. More...
virtual void | DetectMagma (void) |
| Detects the time for application of magma block damage. More...
virtual bool | DetectPortal (void) |
| Detects whether we are in a portal block and begins teleportation procedures if so Returns true if MoveToWorld() was called, false if not. More...
virtual bool | DoesPreventBlockPlacement (void) const |
| Returns whether blocks can be placed intersecting this entities' hitbox. More...
virtual bool | DoTakeDamage (TakeDamageInfo &a_TDI) |
| Makes this entity take damage specified in the a_TDI. More...
float | GetAirDrag (void) const |
int | GetAirLevel (void) const |
| Gets remaining air of a monster. More...
virtual float | GetArmorCoverAgainst (const cEntity *a_Attacker, eDamageType a_DamageType, int a_RawDamage) |
| Returns the hitpoints out of a_RawDamage that the currently equipped armor would cover. More...
cEntity * | GetAttached () |
| Gets entity (vehicle) attached to this entity. More...
cBoundingBox | GetBoundingBox () const |
int | GetChunkX (void) const |
int | GetChunkZ (void) const |
virtual const char * | GetClass (void) const |
| Returns the topmost class name for the object. More...
virtual void | GetDrops (cItems &a_Drops, cEntity *a_Killer=nullptr) |
| Returns the list of drops for this pawn when it is killed. More...
virtual float | GetEnchantmentBlastKnockbackReduction () |
| Returns explosion knock back reduction percent from blast protection level. More...
virtual float | GetEnchantmentCoverAgainst (const cEntity *a_Attacker, eDamageType a_DamageType, int a_Damage) |
| Returns the hitpoints that the currently equipped armor's enchantments would cover. More...
eEntityType | GetEntityType (void) const |
virtual cItem | GetEquippedBoots (void) const |
| Returns the currently equipped boots; empty item if none. More...
virtual cItem | GetEquippedChestplate (void) const |
| Returns the currently equipped chestplate; empty item if none. More...
virtual cItem | GetEquippedHelmet (void) const |
| Returns the currently equipped helmet; empty item if none. More...
virtual cItem | GetEquippedLeggings (void) const |
| Returns the currently equipped leggings; empty item if none. More...
virtual cItem | GetEquippedWeapon (void) const |
| Returns the curently equipped weapon; empty item if none. More...
float | GetGravity (void) const |
double | GetHeadYaw (void) const |
float | GetHealth (void) const |
| Returns the health of this entity. More...
float | GetHeight (void) const |
int | GetInvulnerableTicks (void) const |
| Gets the invulnerable ticks from the entity. More...
virtual double | GetKnockbackAmountAgainst (const cEntity &a_Receiver) |
| Returns the knockback amount that the currently equipped items would cause to a_Receiver on a hit. More...
Vector3d | GetLastSentPosition (void) const |
| Returns the last position we sent to all the clients. More...
Vector3d | GetLookVector (void) const |
double | GetMass (void) const |
float | GetMaxHealth (void) const |
virtual cItem | GetOffHandEquipedItem (void) const |
| Returns the currently offhand equipped item; empty item if none. More...
cChunk * | GetParentChunk () |
| Returns the chunk responsible for ticking this entity. More...
const cChunk * | GetParentChunk () const |
virtual const char * | GetParentClass (void) const |
| Returns the topmost class's parent class name for the object. More...
double | GetPitch (void) const |
const Vector3d & | GetPosition (void) const |
| Exported in ManualBindings. More...
double | GetPosX (void) const |
double | GetPosY (void) const |
double | GetPosZ (void) const |
virtual int | GetRawDamageAgainst (const cEntity &a_Receiver) |
| Returns the hitpoints that this pawn can deal to a_Receiver using its equipped items. More...
double | GetRoll (void) const |
const Vector3d & | GetSpeed (void) const |
| Exported in ManualBindings. More...
double | GetSpeedX (void) const |
double | GetSpeedY (void) const |
double | GetSpeedZ (void) const |
long int | GetTicksAlive (void) const |
| Gets number of ticks this entity has been alive for. More...
UInt32 | GetUniqueID (void) const |
float | GetWidth (void) const |
cWorld * | GetWorld (void) const |
double | GetYaw (void) const |
virtual void | HandlePhysics (std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk &a_Chunk) |
| Handles the physics of the entity - updates position based on speed, updates speed based on environment. More...
virtual void | HandleSpeedFromAttachee (float a_Forward, float a_Sideways) |
bool | HasAnyMobLeashed () const |
| Returs whether the entity has any mob leashed to it. More...
virtual void | Heal (int a_HitPoints) |
| Heals the specified amount of HPs. More...
bool | Initialize (OwnedEntity a_Self, cWorld &a_EntityWorld) |
| Spawns the entity in the world; returns true if spawned, false if not (plugin disallowed). More...
virtual bool | IsA (const char *a_ClassName) const |
| Returns true if the entity is of the specified class or a subclass (cPawn's IsA("cEntity") returns true) More...
bool | IsArrow (void) const |
bool | IsAttachedTo (const cEntity *a_Entity) const |
| Returns true if this entity is attached to the specified entity. More...
bool | IsBoat (void) const |
virtual bool | IsCrouched (void) const |
bool | IsDestroyed () const |
| Deprecated. More...
virtual bool | IsElytraFlying (void) const |
bool | IsEnderCrystal (void) const |
bool | IsExpOrb (void) const |
bool | IsFallingBlock (void) const |
bool | IsFloater (void) const |
virtual bool | IsHeadInWater (void) const |
| Returns true if any part of the entity is in a water block. More...
virtual bool | IsInFire (void) const |
| Returns true if any part of the entity is in a fire block. More...
virtual bool | IsInLava (void) const |
| Returns true if any part of the entity is in a lava block. More...
virtual bool | IsInWater (void) const |
| Returns true if any part of the entity is in a water block. More...
bool | IsItemFrame (void) const |
bool | IsLeashKnot (void) const |
bool | IsMinecart (void) const |
bool | IsMob (void) const |
virtual bool | IsOnFire (void) const |
virtual bool | IsOnGround (void) const |
| Returns whether the entity is on ground or not. More...
bool | IsOrientationDirty () const |
| Returns whether the entity's orientation has been set manually. More...
bool | IsPainting (void) const |
bool | IsPawn (void) const |
bool | IsPickup (void) const |
bool | IsPlayer (void) const |
bool | IsProjectile (void) const |
virtual bool | IsRclking (void) const |
virtual bool | IsRiding (void) const |
virtual bool | IsSprinting (void) const |
bool | IsTicking (void) const |
| Returns true if the entity is valid and ticking. More...
bool | IsTNT (void) const |
bool | IsWorldChangeScheduled () const |
| Returns true if a world change is scheduled to happen. More...
virtual void | Killed (const cEntity &a_Victim, eDamageType a_DamageType) |
| Called when the entity kills another entity. More...
bool | MoveToWorld (const AString &a_WorldName, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn=true) |
| Moves entity to specified world, taking a world name. More...
bool | MoveToWorld (cWorld &a_World, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn, Vector3d a_NewPosition) |
bool | MoveToWorld (cWorld &a_World, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn=true) |
| Moves entity to specified world, taking a world pointer. More...
bool | MoveToWorld (cWorld &a_World, Vector3d a_NewPosition, bool a_ShouldSetPortalCooldown=false, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn=true) |
void | OnAcquireSpectator (cPlayer &a_Player) |
| Called when a player begins spectating this entity. More...
virtual void | OnAddToWorld (cWorld &a_World) |
| Called when the entity is added to a world. More...
virtual void | OnFinishedBurning (void) |
| Called when the entity finishes burning. More...
void | OnLoseSpectator (cPlayer &a_Player) |
| Called when a player stops spectating this entity. More...
virtual void | OnRightClicked (cPlayer &a_Player) |
| Called when the specified player right-clicks this entity. More...
virtual void | OnStartedBurning (void) |
| Called when the entity starts burning. More...
void | RemoveLeashedMob (cMonster *a_Monster) |
| Removes a mob from the leashed list of mobs. More...
void | SetAirDrag (float a_AirDrag) |
void | SetGravity (float a_Gravity) |
void | SetHeadYaw (double a_HeadYaw) |
void | SetHealth (float a_Health) |
| Sets the health of this entity; doesn't broadcast any hurt animation. More...
void | SetInvulnerableTicks (int a_InvulnerableTicks) |
| Set the invulnerable ticks from the entity. More...
void | SetIsFireproof (bool a_IsFireproof) |
| Sets whether the entity is fireproof. More...
void | SetIsTicking (bool a_IsTicking) |
| Set the entity's status to either ticking or not ticking. More...
void | SetMass (double a_Mass) |
void | SetMaxHealth (float a_MaxHealth) |
| Sets the maximum value for the health. More...
void | SetParentChunk (cChunk *a_Chunk) |
| Sets the parent chunk, which is the chunk responsible for ticking this entity. More...
void | SetPitch (double a_Pitch) |
void | SetPitchFromSpeed (void) |
| Sets the pitch to match the speed vector (entity gies "face-forward") More...
void | SetPosition (const Vector3d &a_Position) |
void | SetPosition (double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ) |
void | SetPosX (double a_PosX) |
void | SetPosY (double a_PosY) |
void | SetPosZ (double a_PosZ) |
void | SetRoll (double a_Roll) |
void | SetSize (float a_Width, float a_Height) |
| Update an entity's size, for example, on body stance changes. More...
void | SetSpeed (double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ) |
| Sets the speed of the entity, measured in m / sec. More...
void | SetSpeed (Vector3d a_Speed) |
| Sets the speed of the entity, measured in m / sec. More...
void | SetSpeedX (double a_SpeedX) |
| Sets the speed in the X axis, leaving the other speed components intact. More...
void | SetSpeedY (double a_SpeedY) |
| Sets the speed in the Y axis, leaving the other speed components intact. More...
void | SetSpeedZ (double a_SpeedZ) |
| Sets the speed in the Z axis, leaving the other speed components intact. More...
void | SetWorld (cWorld *a_World) |
| Sets the internal world pointer to a new cWorld, doesn't update anything else. More...
void | SetYaw (double a_Yaw) |
void | SetYawFromSpeed (void) |
| Sets the rotation to match the speed vector (entity goes "face-forward") More...
virtual void | SpawnOn (cClientHandle &a_Client)=0 |
| Descendants override this function to send a command to the specified client to spawn the entity on the client. More...
void | StartBurning (int a_TicksLeftBurning) |
| Puts the entity on fire for the specified amount of ticks. More...
void | SteerVehicle (float a_Forward, float a_Sideways) |
void | StopBurning (void) |
| Stops the entity from burning, resets all burning timers. More...
void | TakeDamage (cEntity &a_Attacker) |
| Makes this pawn take damage from an attack by a_Attacker. More...
void | TakeDamage (eDamageType a_DamageType, cEntity *a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) |
| Makes this entity take the specified damage. More...
void | TakeDamage (eDamageType a_DamageType, cEntity *a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, float a_FinalDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) |
| Makes this entity take the specified damage. More...
void | TakeDamage (eDamageType a_DamageType, UInt32 a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) |
| Makes this entity take the specified damage. More...
virtual void | TeleportToCoords (double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ) |
| Teleports to the coordinates specified. More...
virtual void | TeleportToEntity (cEntity &a_Entity) |
| Teleports to the entity specified. More...
virtual void | TickBurning (cChunk &a_Chunk) |
| Updates the state related to this entity being on fire. More...
virtual void | TickInVoid (cChunk &a_Chunk) |
| Handles when the entity is in the void. More...
void | WrapHeadYaw () |
| Makes sure head yaw is not over the specified range. More...
void | WrapRotation () |
| Makes sure rotation is not over the specified range. More...
void | WrapSpeed () |
| Makes speed is not over 20. More...
virtual | ~cEntity ()=default |