A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 //
4 // This file is generated along with the Lua bindings by ToLua. Do not edit manually, do not commit to repo.
5 // Provides a forward declaration and a typedef for a pointer to each class exported to the Lua API.
11 class cArrowEntity;
12 class cBeaconEntity;
13 class cBedEntity;
14 class cBlockArea;
15 class cBlockEntity;
17 class cBlockInfo;
18 class cBoat;
19 class cBoundingBox;
21 class cChatColor;
22 class cChestEntity;
23 class cChunkDesc;
24 class cClientHandle;
25 class cColor;
27 class cCompositeChat;
28 class cCraftingGrid;
29 class cCraftingRecipe;
30 class cCuboid;
31 class cDispenserEntity;
32 class cDropperEntity;
33 class cDropSpenserEntity;
34 class cEnchantments;
35 class cEnderCrystal;
36 class cEntity;
37 class cEntityEffect;
38 class cExpBottleEntity;
39 class cExpOrb;
40 class cFallingBlock;
41 class cFile;
42 class cFireChargeEntity;
43 class cFireworkEntity;
44 class cFloater;
45 class cFlowerPotEntity;
46 class cFurnaceEntity;
48 class cHangingEntity;
49 class cHopperEntity;
50 class cIniFile;
51 class cInventory;
52 class cItem;
53 class cItemFrame;
54 class cItemGrid;
55 class cItems;
56 class cJukeboxEntity;
57 class cLeashKnot;
58 class cLuaWindow;
59 class cMap;
60 class cMapManager;
61 class cMobHeadEntity;
62 class cMobSpawnerEntity;
63 class cMojangAPI;
64 class cMonster;
65 class cNoteEntity;
66 class cObjective;
67 class cPainting;
68 class cPawn;
69 class cPickup;
70 class cPlayer;
71 class cPlugin;
72 class cPluginLua;
73 class cPluginManager;
74 class cProjectileEntity;
75 class cRoot;
76 class cScoreboard;
77 class cServer;
78 class cSignEntity;
80 class cTeam;
81 class cThrownEggEntity;
84 class cTNTEntity;
85 class cUUID;
86 class cWebAdmin;
87 class cWindow;
88 class cWitherSkullEntity;
89 class cWorld;
90 struct HTTPFormData;
91 struct HTTPRequest;
92 struct HTTPTemplateRequest;
93 struct TakeDamageInfo;
99 typedef cArrowEntity * PtrcArrowEntity;
100 typedef const cArrowEntity * ConstPtrcArrowEntity;
101 typedef cBeaconEntity * PtrcBeaconEntity;
102 typedef const cBeaconEntity * ConstPtrcBeaconEntity;
103 typedef cBedEntity * PtrcBedEntity;
104 typedef const cBedEntity * ConstPtrcBedEntity;
105 typedef cBlockArea * PtrcBlockArea;
106 typedef const cBlockArea * ConstPtrcBlockArea;
107 typedef cBlockEntity * PtrcBlockEntity;
108 typedef const cBlockEntity * ConstPtrcBlockEntity;
109 typedef cBlockEntityWithItems * PtrcBlockEntityWithItems;
110 typedef const cBlockEntityWithItems * ConstPtrcBlockEntityWithItems;
111 typedef cBlockInfo * PtrcBlockInfo;
112 typedef const cBlockInfo * ConstPtrcBlockInfo;
113 typedef cBoat * PtrcBoat;
114 typedef const cBoat * ConstPtrcBoat;
115 typedef cBoundingBox * PtrcBoundingBox;
116 typedef const cBoundingBox * ConstPtrcBoundingBox;
117 typedef cBrewingstandEntity * PtrcBrewingstandEntity;
118 typedef const cBrewingstandEntity * ConstPtrcBrewingstandEntity;
119 typedef cChatColor * PtrcChatColor;
120 typedef const cChatColor * ConstPtrcChatColor;
121 typedef cChestEntity * PtrcChestEntity;
122 typedef const cChestEntity * ConstPtrcChestEntity;
123 typedef cChunkDesc * PtrcChunkDesc;
124 typedef const cChunkDesc * ConstPtrcChunkDesc;
125 typedef cClientHandle * PtrcClientHandle;
126 typedef const cClientHandle * ConstPtrcClientHandle;
127 typedef cColor * PtrcColor;
128 typedef const cColor * ConstPtrcColor;
129 typedef cCommandBlockEntity * PtrcCommandBlockEntity;
130 typedef const cCommandBlockEntity * ConstPtrcCommandBlockEntity;
131 typedef cCompositeChat * PtrcCompositeChat;
132 typedef const cCompositeChat * ConstPtrcCompositeChat;
133 typedef cCraftingGrid * PtrcCraftingGrid;
134 typedef const cCraftingGrid * ConstPtrcCraftingGrid;
135 typedef cCraftingRecipe * PtrcCraftingRecipe;
136 typedef const cCraftingRecipe * ConstPtrcCraftingRecipe;
137 typedef cCuboid * PtrcCuboid;
138 typedef const cCuboid * ConstPtrcCuboid;
139 typedef cDispenserEntity * PtrcDispenserEntity;
140 typedef const cDispenserEntity * ConstPtrcDispenserEntity;
141 typedef cDropperEntity * PtrcDropperEntity;
142 typedef const cDropperEntity * ConstPtrcDropperEntity;
143 typedef cDropSpenserEntity * PtrcDropSpenserEntity;
144 typedef const cDropSpenserEntity * ConstPtrcDropSpenserEntity;
145 typedef cEnchantments * PtrcEnchantments;
146 typedef const cEnchantments * ConstPtrcEnchantments;
147 typedef cEnderCrystal * PtrcEnderCrystal;
148 typedef const cEnderCrystal * ConstPtrcEnderCrystal;
149 typedef cEntity * PtrcEntity;
150 typedef const cEntity * ConstPtrcEntity;
151 typedef cEntityEffect * PtrcEntityEffect;
152 typedef const cEntityEffect * ConstPtrcEntityEffect;
153 typedef cExpBottleEntity * PtrcExpBottleEntity;
154 typedef const cExpBottleEntity * ConstPtrcExpBottleEntity;
155 typedef cExpOrb * PtrcExpOrb;
156 typedef const cExpOrb * ConstPtrcExpOrb;
157 typedef cFallingBlock * PtrcFallingBlock;
158 typedef const cFallingBlock * ConstPtrcFallingBlock;
159 typedef cFile * PtrcFile;
160 typedef const cFile * ConstPtrcFile;
161 typedef cFireChargeEntity * PtrcFireChargeEntity;
162 typedef const cFireChargeEntity * ConstPtrcFireChargeEntity;
163 typedef cFireworkEntity * PtrcFireworkEntity;
164 typedef const cFireworkEntity * ConstPtrcFireworkEntity;
165 typedef cFloater * PtrcFloater;
166 typedef const cFloater * ConstPtrcFloater;
167 typedef cFlowerPotEntity * PtrcFlowerPotEntity;
168 typedef const cFlowerPotEntity * ConstPtrcFlowerPotEntity;
169 typedef cFurnaceEntity * PtrcFurnaceEntity;
170 typedef const cFurnaceEntity * ConstPtrcFurnaceEntity;
171 typedef cGhastFireballEntity * PtrcGhastFireballEntity;
172 typedef const cGhastFireballEntity * ConstPtrcGhastFireballEntity;
173 typedef cHangingEntity * PtrcHangingEntity;
174 typedef const cHangingEntity * ConstPtrcHangingEntity;
175 typedef cHopperEntity * PtrcHopperEntity;
176 typedef const cHopperEntity * ConstPtrcHopperEntity;
177 typedef cIniFile * PtrcIniFile;
178 typedef const cIniFile * ConstPtrcIniFile;
179 typedef cInventory * PtrcInventory;
180 typedef const cInventory * ConstPtrcInventory;
181 typedef cItem * PtrcItem;
182 typedef const cItem * ConstPtrcItem;
183 typedef cItemFrame * PtrcItemFrame;
184 typedef const cItemFrame * ConstPtrcItemFrame;
185 typedef cItemGrid * PtrcItemGrid;
186 typedef const cItemGrid * ConstPtrcItemGrid;
187 typedef cItems * PtrcItems;
188 typedef const cItems * ConstPtrcItems;
189 typedef cJukeboxEntity * PtrcJukeboxEntity;
190 typedef const cJukeboxEntity * ConstPtrcJukeboxEntity;
191 typedef cLeashKnot * PtrcLeashKnot;
192 typedef const cLeashKnot * ConstPtrcLeashKnot;
193 typedef cLuaWindow * PtrcLuaWindow;
194 typedef const cLuaWindow * ConstPtrcLuaWindow;
195 typedef cMap * PtrcMap;
196 typedef const cMap * ConstPtrcMap;
197 typedef cMapManager * PtrcMapManager;
198 typedef const cMapManager * ConstPtrcMapManager;
199 typedef cMobHeadEntity * PtrcMobHeadEntity;
200 typedef const cMobHeadEntity * ConstPtrcMobHeadEntity;
201 typedef cMobSpawnerEntity * PtrcMobSpawnerEntity;
202 typedef const cMobSpawnerEntity * ConstPtrcMobSpawnerEntity;
203 typedef cMojangAPI * PtrcMojangAPI;
204 typedef const cMojangAPI * ConstPtrcMojangAPI;
205 typedef cMonster * PtrcMonster;
206 typedef const cMonster * ConstPtrcMonster;
207 typedef cNoteEntity * PtrcNoteEntity;
208 typedef const cNoteEntity * ConstPtrcNoteEntity;
209 typedef cObjective * PtrcObjective;
210 typedef const cObjective * ConstPtrcObjective;
211 typedef cPainting * PtrcPainting;
212 typedef const cPainting * ConstPtrcPainting;
213 typedef cPawn * PtrcPawn;
214 typedef const cPawn * ConstPtrcPawn;
215 typedef cPickup * PtrcPickup;
216 typedef const cPickup * ConstPtrcPickup;
217 typedef cPlayer * PtrcPlayer;
218 typedef const cPlayer * ConstPtrcPlayer;
219 typedef cPlugin * PtrcPlugin;
220 typedef const cPlugin * ConstPtrcPlugin;
221 typedef cPluginLua * PtrcPluginLua;
222 typedef const cPluginLua * ConstPtrcPluginLua;
223 typedef cPluginManager * PtrcPluginManager;
224 typedef const cPluginManager * ConstPtrcPluginManager;
225 typedef cProjectileEntity * PtrcProjectileEntity;
226 typedef const cProjectileEntity * ConstPtrcProjectileEntity;
227 typedef cRoot * PtrcRoot;
228 typedef const cRoot * ConstPtrcRoot;
229 typedef cScoreboard * PtrcScoreboard;
230 typedef const cScoreboard * ConstPtrcScoreboard;
231 typedef cServer * PtrcServer;
232 typedef const cServer * ConstPtrcServer;
233 typedef cSignEntity * PtrcSignEntity;
234 typedef const cSignEntity * ConstPtrcSignEntity;
235 typedef cSplashPotionEntity * PtrcSplashPotionEntity;
236 typedef const cSplashPotionEntity * ConstPtrcSplashPotionEntity;
237 typedef cTeam * PtrcTeam;
238 typedef const cTeam * ConstPtrcTeam;
239 typedef cThrownEggEntity * PtrcThrownEggEntity;
240 typedef const cThrownEggEntity * ConstPtrcThrownEggEntity;
241 typedef cThrownEnderPearlEntity * PtrcThrownEnderPearlEntity;
242 typedef const cThrownEnderPearlEntity * ConstPtrcThrownEnderPearlEntity;
243 typedef cThrownSnowballEntity * PtrcThrownSnowballEntity;
244 typedef const cThrownSnowballEntity * ConstPtrcThrownSnowballEntity;
245 typedef cTNTEntity * PtrcTNTEntity;
246 typedef const cTNTEntity * ConstPtrcTNTEntity;
247 typedef cUUID * PtrcUUID;
248 typedef const cUUID * ConstPtrcUUID;
249 typedef cWebAdmin * PtrcWebAdmin;
250 typedef const cWebAdmin * ConstPtrcWebAdmin;
251 typedef cWindow * PtrcWindow;
252 typedef const cWindow * ConstPtrcWindow;
253 typedef cWitherSkullEntity * PtrcWitherSkullEntity;
254 typedef const cWitherSkullEntity * ConstPtrcWitherSkullEntity;
255 typedef cWorld * PtrcWorld;
256 typedef const cWorld * ConstPtrcWorld;
257 typedef HTTPFormData * PtrHTTPFormData;
258 typedef const HTTPFormData * ConstPtrHTTPFormData;
259 typedef HTTPRequest * PtrHTTPRequest;
260 typedef const HTTPRequest * ConstPtrHTTPRequest;
261 typedef HTTPTemplateRequest * PtrHTTPTemplateRequest;
262 typedef const HTTPTemplateRequest * ConstPtrHTTPTemplateRequest;
263 typedef TakeDamageInfo * PtrTakeDamageInfo;
264 typedef const TakeDamageInfo * ConstPtrTakeDamageInfo;
265 typedef Vector3<double> * PtrVector3d;
266 typedef const Vector3<double> * ConstPtrVector3d;
267 typedef Vector3<float> * PtrVector3f;
268 typedef const Vector3<float> * ConstPtrVector3f;
269 typedef Vector3<int> * PtrVector3i;
270 typedef const Vector3<int> * ConstPtrVector3i;
A window that has been created by a Lua plugin and is handled entirely by that plugin This object nee...
Definition: LuaWindow.h:36
Definition: Plugin.h:20
Represents two sets of coords, minimum and maximum for each direction.
Definition: BoundingBox.h:24
Definition: Color.h:14
Container for a single chat message composed of multiple functional parts.
Definition: CompositeChat.h:34
Definition: Cuboid.h:10
Class that stores item enchantments or stored-enchantments The enchantments may be serialized to a st...
Definition: Enchantments.h:42
Definition: Boat.h:20
Definition: Entity.h:76
Definition: ExpOrb.h:13
Definition: Pawn.h:17
Definition: Pickup.h:20
Definition: Player.h:29
This class represents the player's inventory The slots are divided into three areas:
Definition: Inventory.h:36
Definition: Item.h:37
This class bridges a vector of cItem for safe access via Lua.
Definition: Item.h:215
Encapsulates an in-game world map.
Definition: Map.h:83
Manages the in-game maps of a single world - Thread safe.
Definition: MapManager.h:29
Definition: File.h:38
The root of the object hierarchy.
Definition: Root.h:50
Definition: Server.h:56
Represents a UI window.
Definition: Window.h:54
Definition: UUID.h:11
Definition: World.h:53