Block face constants, used in PlayerDigging and PlayerBlockPlacement packets and bbox collision calc.
#define CLASS_PROTODEF(classname)
All types of entity effects (numbers correspond to protocol / storage types)
cProjectileEntity(eKind a_Kind, cEntity *a_Creator, Vector3d a_Pos, float a_Width, float a_Height)
cEntityEffect GetEntityEffect(void) const
void SetPotionColor(int a_PotionColor)
void SetEntityEffectType(cEntityEffect::eType a_EntityEffectType)
cEntityEffect::eType GetEntityEffectType(void) const
cEntityEffect m_EntityEffect
cEntityEffect::eType m_EntityEffectType
const cItem & GetItem(void) const
void Splash(Vector3d a_HitPos)
Splashes the potion, fires its particle effects and sounds.
int GetPotionColor(void) const
virtual void OnHitEntity(cEntity &a_EntityHit, Vector3d a_HitPos) override
Called by the physics blocktracer when the entity hits another entity.
void SetEntityEffect(cEntityEffect a_EntityEffect)
virtual void OnHitSolidBlock(Vector3d a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFace) override
Called by the physics blocktracer when the entity hits a solid block, the hit position and the face h...
cSplashPotionEntity(cEntity *a_Creator, Vector3d a_Pos, Vector3d a_Speed, const cItem &a_Item)