23 virtual bool IsUndead(
override {
return true; }
#define CLASS_PROTODEF(classname)
This class bridges a vector of cItem for safe access via Lua.
cPassiveAggressiveMonster(const AString &a_ConfigName, eMonsterType a_MobType, const AString &a_SoundHurt, const AString &a_SoundDeath, const AString &a_SoundAmbient, float a_Width, float a_Height)
virtual void KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo &a_TDI) override
Called when the health drops below zero.
virtual bool IsNetherNative(void) override
Returns whether this mob spawns in the Nether in Vanilla.
virtual bool IsUndead(void) override
Returns whether this mob is undead (skeleton, zombie, etc.)
virtual void GetDrops(cItems &a_Drops, cEntity *a_Killer=nullptr) override
Returns the list of drops for this pawn when it is killed.
virtual void SpawnOn(cClientHandle &a_ClientHandle) override
Descendants override this function to send a command to the specified client to spawn the entity on t...