31 virtual
void Tick(
std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt,
cChunk & a_Chunk) override;
cUUID GetOwnerUUID(void) const
virtual void OnRightClicked(cPlayer &a_Player) override
Called when the specified player right-clicks this entity.
bool IsTame(void) const override
int m_CheckPlayerTickCount
Only check for a nearby player holding the breeding items every 23 ticks.
AString GetOwnerName(void) const
static bool IsCatSittingOnBlock(cWorld *a_World, Vector3d a_BlockPosition)
Returns true if there's a cat sitting above the given position.
void SetOwner(const AString &a_NewOwnerName, const cUUID &a_NewOwnerUUID)
eCatType GetOcelotType(void) const
void SetIsBegging(bool a_IsBegging)
virtual void TickFollowPlayer()
virtual void GetBreedingItems(cItems &a_Items) override
Returns the items that make the animal breed - this is usually the same as the ones that make the ani...
void SetCatType(eCatType a_CatType)
bool IsSitting(void) const override
bool IsBegging(void) const
virtual void Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk &a_Chunk) override
#define CLASS_PROTODEF(classname)
void SetIsSitting(bool a_IsSitting)
virtual bool DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo &a_TDI) override
When hit by someone, run away.
This class bridges a vector of cItem for safe access via Lua.
void SetIsTame(bool a_IsTame)