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A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
#include <Player.h>
Public Types | |
typedef cWorld * | cWorldPtr |
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enum | eEntityStatus { esGenericHurt = 2, esGenericDead = 3, esIronGolemAttacking = 4, esWolfTaming = 6, esWolfTamed = 7, esWolfDryingWater = 8, esPlayerEatingAccepted = 9, esSheepEating = 10, esIronGolemGivingPlant = 11, esVillagerBreeding = 12, esVillagerAngry = 13, esVillagerHappy = 14, esWitchMagicking = 15, esFireworkExploding = 17, esMobInLove = 18 } |
enum | eEntityType { etEntity, etEnderCrystal, etPlayer, etPickup, etMonster, etFallingBlock, etMinecart, etBoat, etTNT, etProjectile, etExpOrb, etFloater, etItemFrame, etPainting, etLeashKnot, etMob = etMonster } |
Public Member Functions | |
void | AbortEating (void) |
Aborts the current eating operation. More... | |
void | AddFoodExhaustion (double a_Exhaustion) |
Adds the specified exhaustion to m_FoodExhaustion. More... | |
void | AddInventoryPaintSlot (int a_SlotNum) |
Adds a slot to the list for inventory painting. More... | |
virtual void | ApplyArmorDamage (int DamageBlocked) override |
Applies damage to the armor after the armor blocked the given amount. More... | |
virtual void | AttachTo (cEntity *a_AttachTo) override |
Attaches to the specified entity; detaches from any previous one first. More... | |
unsigned int | AwardAchievement (const eStatistic a_Ach) |
Awards the player an achievement. More... | |
void | CancelChargingBow (void) |
Cancels the current bow charging. More... | |
virtual bool | CanFly (void) const |
Returns wheter the player can fly or not. More... | |
bool | CanMobsTarget (void) const |
Returns true if the player can be targeted by Mobs. More... | |
void | ClearInventoryPaintSlots (void) |
Clears the list of slots that are being inventory-painted. More... | |
void | CloseWindow (bool a_CanRefuse=true) |
Closes the current window, resets current window to m_InventoryWindow. More... | |
void | CloseWindowIfID (char a_WindowID, bool a_CanRefuse=true) |
Closes the current window if it matches the specified ID, resets current window to m_InventoryWindow. More... | |
cPlayer (cClientHandlePtr a_Client, const AString &a_PlayerName) | |
int | DeltaExperience (int a_Xp_delta) |
virtual void | Detach (void) override |
Detaches from the currently attached entity, if any. More... | |
bool | DoesPlacingBlocksIntersectEntity (const sSetBlockVector &a_Blocks) |
Whether placing the given blocks would intersect any entitiy. More... | |
virtual bool | DoMoveToWorld (cWorld *a_World, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn, Vector3d a_NewPosition) override |
Moves the player to the specified world. More... | |
bool | Feed (int a_Food, double a_Saturation) |
Adds to FoodLevel and FoodSaturationLevel, returns true if any food has been consumed, false if player "full". More... | |
int | FinishChargingBow (void) |
Finishes charging the current bow. More... | |
void | FinishEating (void) |
Finishes eating the currently equipped item. More... | |
void | ForceSetSpeed (const Vector3d &a_Speed) |
Forces the player to move in the given direction. More... | |
void | Freeze (const Vector3d &a_Location) |
Prevent the player from moving and lock him into a_Location. More... | |
cWorld * | GetBedWorld () |
cClientHandle * | GetClientHandle (void) const |
Returns the raw client handle associated with the player. More... | |
cClientHandlePtr | GetClientHandlePtr (void) const |
Returns the SharedPtr to client handle associated with the player. More... | |
AString | GetColor (void) const |
Returns the full color code to use for this player, based on their rank. More... | |
int | GetCurrentXp (void) |
Gets the current experience. More... | |
const AString & | GetCustomName (void) const |
Returns the custom name of this player. More... | |
cItem & | GetDraggingItem (void) |
In UI windows, get the item that the player is dragging. More... | |
eGameMode | GetEffectiveGameMode (void) const |
Returns the current effective gamemode (inherited gamemode is resolved before returning) More... | |
cItemGrid & | GetEnderChestContents (void) |
Gets the contents of the player's associated enderchest. More... | |
virtual cItem | GetEquippedBoots (void) const override |
Returns the currently equipped boots; empty item if none. More... | |
virtual cItem | GetEquippedChestplate (void) const override |
Returns the currently equipped chestplate; empty item if none. More... | |
virtual cItem | GetEquippedHelmet (void) const override |
Returns the currently equipped helmet; empty item if none. More... | |
const cItem & | GetEquippedItem (void) const |
virtual cItem | GetEquippedLeggings (void) const override |
Returns the currently equipped leggings; empty item if none. More... | |
virtual cItem | GetEquippedWeapon (void) const override |
Returns the currently equipped weapon; empty item if none. More... | |
double | GetEyeHeight (void) const |
Vector3d | GetEyePosition (void) const |
UInt32 | GetFloaterID (void) const |
double | GetFlyingMaxSpeed (void) const |
Gets the flying relative maximum speed. More... | |
double | GetFoodExhaustionLevel (void) const |
int | GetFoodLevel (void) const |
double | GetFoodSaturationLevel (void) const |
int | GetFoodTickTimer (void) const |
eGameMode | GetGameMode (void) const |
Returns the current gamemode. More... | |
cInventory & | GetInventory (void) |
const cInventory & | GetInventory (void) const |
const cSlotNums & | GetInventoryPaintSlots (void) const |
Returns the list of slots currently stored for inventory painting. More... | |
AString | GetIP (void) const |
Vector3i | GetLastBedPos (void) const |
Gets the last position that the player slept in This is initialised to the world spawn point if the player has not slept in a bed as of yet. More... | |
const AString & | GetLoadedWorldName () |
eMainHand | GetMainHand (void) const |
double | GetMaxSpeed (void) const |
Returns the current relative maximum speed (takes current sprinting / flying state into account) More... | |
const AString & | GetName (void) const |
double | GetNormalMaxSpeed (void) const |
Gets the normal relative maximum speed. More... | |
virtual cItem | GetOffHandEquipedItem (void) const override |
Returns the currently offhand equipped item; empty item if none. More... | |
const AStringVector & | GetPermissions (void) const |
Returns all the permissions that the player has assigned to them. More... | |
AString | GetPlayerListName (void) const |
Returns the name that is used in the playerlist. More... | |
float | GetPlayerRelativeBlockHardness (BLOCKTYPE a_Block) |
Returns the relative block hardness for the block a_Block. More... | |
AString | GetPrefix (void) const |
Returns the player name prefix, may contain @ format directives. More... | |
const AStringVector & | GetRestrictions (void) const |
Returns all the restrictions that the player has assigned to them. More... | |
int | GetSkinParts (void) const |
double | GetSprintingMaxSpeed (void) const |
Gets the sprinting relative maximum speed. More... | |
double | GetStance (void) const |
cStatManager & | GetStatManager () |
Return the associated statistic and achievement manager. More... | |
AString | GetSuffix (void) const |
Returns the player name suffix, may contain @ format directives. More... | |
cTeam * | GetTeam (void) |
Returns the associated team, nullptr if none. More... | |
Vector3d | GetThrowSpeed (double a_SpeedCoeff) const |
Returns the initial speed vector of a throw, with a 3D length of a_SpeedCoeff. More... | |
Vector3d | GetThrowStartPos (void) const |
Returns the position where projectiles thrown by this player should start, player eye position + adjustment. More... | |
const cUUID & | GetUUID (void) const |
Returns the UUID that has been read from the client, or nil if not available. More... | |
cWindow * | GetWindow (void) |
const cWindow * | GetWindow (void) const |
int | GetXpLevel (void) |
Gets the current level - XpLevel. More... | |
int | GetXpLifetimeTotal (void) |
Gets the experience total - XpTotal for score on death. More... | |
float | GetXpPercentage (void) |
Gets the experience bar percentage - XpP. More... | |
virtual void | HandlePhysics (std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk &) override |
Handles the physics of the entity - updates position based on speed, updates speed based on environment. More... | |
bool | HasCustomName (void) const |
Returns true if the player has a custom name. More... | |
bool | HasPermission (const AString &a_Permission) |
bool | HasSkinPart (eSkinPart a_Part) const |
virtual void | Heal (int a_Health) override |
Heals the player by the specified amount of HPs (positive only); sends health update. More... | |
virtual bool | Initialize (OwnedEntity a_Self, cWorld &a_World) override |
Spawns the entity in the world; returns true if spawned, false if not (plugin disallowed). More... | |
bool | IsChargingBow (void) const |
Returns true if the player is currently charging the bow. More... | |
bool | IsClimbing (void) const |
Returns whether the player is climbing (ladders, vines etc.) More... | |
virtual bool | IsCrouched (void) const override |
bool | IsEating (void) const |
Returns true if the player is currently in the process of eating the currently equipped item. More... | |
virtual bool | IsFireproof () const override |
Returns true if the player is fireproof Stops players burning in creative or spectator modes. More... | |
bool | IsFishing (void) const |
Returns true if the player has thrown out a floater. More... | |
bool | IsFlying (void) const |
Returns true if the player is currently flying. More... | |
bool | IsFrozen () |
Is the player frozen? More... | |
bool | IsGameModeAdventure (void) const |
Returns true if the player is in Adventure mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world. More... | |
bool | IsGameModeCreative (void) const |
Returns true if the player is in Creative mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world. More... | |
bool | IsGameModeSpectator (void) const |
Returns true if the player is in Spectator mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world. More... | |
bool | IsGameModeSurvival (void) const |
Returns true if the player is in Survival mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world. More... | |
bool | IsInBed (void) const |
Returns true if a player is sleeping in a bed. More... | |
virtual bool | IsOnGround (void) const override |
Returns whether the entity is on ground or not. More... | |
virtual bool | IsRclking (void) const override |
bool | IsSatiated (void) const |
Returns true if the player is satiated, i. More... | |
virtual bool | IsSprinting (void) const override |
bool | IsVisible (void) const |
virtual void | Killed (cEntity *a_Victim) override |
Called when the entity kills another entity. More... | |
virtual void | KilledBy (TakeDamageInfo &a_TDI) override |
Called when the health drops below zero. More... | |
bool | LoadFromDisk (cWorldPtr &a_World) |
Loads the player data from the disk file Sets a_World to the world where the player will spawn, based on the stored world name or the default world by calling LoadFromFile() Returns true on success, false on failure. More... | |
bool | LoadFromFile (const AString &a_FileName, cWorldPtr &a_World) |
Loads the player data from the specified file Sets a_World to the world where the player will spawn, based on the stored world name or the default world Returns true on success, false on failure. More... | |
void | LoadRank (void) |
(Re)loads the rank and permissions from the cRankManager. More... | |
void | NotifyNearbyWolves (cPawn *a_Opponent, bool a_IsPlayerInvolved) |
Notify nearby wolves that the player or one of the player's wolves took damage or did damage to an entity. More... | |
void | OpenHorseInventory () |
Opens the inventory of any tame horse the player is riding. More... | |
void | OpenWindow (cWindow &a_Window) |
Opens the specified window; closes the current one first using CloseWindow() More... | |
bool | PlaceBlock (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) |
Calls the block-placement hook and places the block in the world, unless refused by the hook. More... | |
bool | PlaceBlocks (const sSetBlockVector &a_Blocks) |
Calls the block placement hooks and places the blocks in the world. More... | |
void | RemoveClientHandle (void) |
Called by cClientHandle when the client is being destroyed. More... | |
void | Respawn (void) |
bool | SaveToDisk (void) |
Saves all player data, such as inventory, to JSON. More... | |
void | SendAboveActionBarMessage (const AString &a_Message) |
void | SendAboveActionBarMessage (const cCompositeChat &a_Message) |
void | SendBlocksAround (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, int a_Range=1) |
Sends the block in the specified range around the specified coord to the client as a block change packet. More... | |
void | SendExperience (void) |
void | SendHealth (void) |
void | SendHotbarActiveSlot (void) |
void | SendMessage (const AString &a_Message) |
void | SendMessage (const cCompositeChat &a_Message) |
void | SendMessageFailure (const AString &a_Message) |
void | SendMessageFatal (const AString &a_Message) |
void | SendMessageInfo (const AString &a_Message) |
void | SendMessagePrivateMsg (const AString &a_Message, const AString &a_Sender) |
void | SendMessageRaw (const AString &a_MessageRaw, eChatType a_Type=eChatType::ctChatBox) |
void | SendMessageSuccess (const AString &a_Message) |
void | SendMessageWarning (const AString &a_Message) |
void | SendRotation (double a_YawDegrees, double a_PitchDegrees) |
Sends the "look" packet to the player, forcing them to set their rotation to the specified values. More... | |
void | SendSystemMessage (const AString &a_Message) |
void | SendSystemMessage (const cCompositeChat &a_Message) |
void | SetBedPos (const Vector3i &a_Pos) |
Sets the player's bed (home / respawn) position to the specified position. More... | |
void | SetBedPos (const Vector3i &a_Pos, cWorld *a_World) |
Sets the player's bed (home / respawn) position and respawn world to the specified parameters. More... | |
void | SetCanFly (bool a_CanFly) |
If true the player can fly even when he's not in creative. More... | |
void | SetCapabilities () |
void | SetCrouch (bool a_IsCrouched) |
Sets the crouch status, broadcasts to all visible players. More... | |
bool | SetCurrentExperience (int a_XpTotal) |
Sets the experience total Returns true on success "should" really only be called at init or player death, plugins excepted. More... | |
void | SetCustomName (const AString &a_CustomName) |
Sets the custom name of this player. More... | |
void | SetDraggingItem (const cItem &a_Item) |
In UI windows, set the item that the player is dragging. More... | |
void | SetFlying (bool a_IsFlying) |
Flags the player as flying. More... | |
void | SetFlyingMaxSpeed (double a_Speed) |
Sets the flying relative maximum speed. More... | |
void | SetFoodExhaustionLevel (double a_FoodExhaustionLevel) |
void | SetFoodLevel (int a_FoodLevel) |
void | SetFoodSaturationLevel (double a_FoodSaturationLevel) |
void | SetFoodTickTimer (int a_FoodTickTimer) |
void | SetGameMode (eGameMode a_GameMode) |
Sets the gamemode for the player. More... | |
void | SetIP (const AString &a_IP) |
void | SetIsFishing (bool a_IsFishing, UInt32 a_FloaterID=cEntity::INVALID_ID) |
void | SetIsInBed (bool a_Flag) |
Sets a player's in-bed state We can't be sure plugins will keep this value updated, so no exporting If value is false (not in bed), will update players of the fact that they have been ejected from the bed. More... | |
void | SetMainHand (eMainHand a_Hand) |
void | SetName (const AString &a_Name) |
void | SetNormalMaxSpeed (double a_Speed) |
Sets the normal relative maximum speed. More... | |
void | SetSkinParts (int a_Parts) |
void | SetSprint (bool a_IsSprinting) |
Starts or stops sprinting, sends the max speed update to the client, if needed. More... | |
void | SetSprintingMaxSpeed (double a_Speed) |
Sets the sprinting relative maximum speed. More... | |
void | SetStance (const double a_Stance) |
void | SetTeam (cTeam *a_Team) |
Sets the player team, nullptr if none. More... | |
void | SetTouchGround (bool a_bTouchGround) |
void | SetVisible (bool a_bVisible) |
virtual void | SpawnOn (cClientHandle &a_Client) override |
Descendants override this function to send a command to the specified client to spawn the entity on the client. More... | |
void | StartChargingBow (void) |
Starts charging the equipped bow. More... | |
void | StartEating (void) |
Starts eating the currently equipped item. More... | |
virtual void | TeleportToCoords (double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ) override |
Teleports to the coordinates specified. More... | |
virtual void | Tick (std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk &a_Chunk) override |
void | TickFreezeCode () |
void | TossEquippedItem (char a_Amount=1) |
tosses the item in the selected hotbar slot More... | |
void | TossHeldItem (char a_Amount=1) |
tosses the item held in hand (when in UI windows) More... | |
void | TossPickup (const cItem &a_Item) |
tosses a pickup newly created from a_Item More... | |
void | Unfreeze () |
Cancels Freeze(...) and allows the player to move naturally. More... | |
void | UpdateMovementStats (const Vector3d &a_DeltaPos, bool a_PreviousIsOnGround) |
Update movement-related statistics. More... | |
cTeam * | UpdateTeam (void) |
Forces the player to query the scoreboard for his team. More... | |
void | UseEquippedItem (short a_Damage=1) |
Damage the player's equipped item by a_Damage, possibly less if the equipped item is enchanted. More... | |
void | UseEquippedItem (cItemHandler::eDurabilityLostAction a_Action) |
Damage the player's equipped item by the amount of damage such an item is damaged by when used for a_Action. More... | |
void | UseItem (int a_SlotNumber, short a_Damage=1) |
Damage the item in a_SlotNumber by a_Damage, possibly less if the equipped item is enchanted. More... | |
virtual | ~cPlayer () override |
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void | AddEntityEffect (cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType, int a_EffectDurationTicks, short a_EffectIntensity, double a_DistanceModifier=1) |
Applies an entity effect. More... | |
void | ClearEntityEffects (void) |
Removes all currently applied entity effects (used when drinking milk) More... | |
cPawn (eEntityType a_EntityType, double a_Width, double a_Height) | |
cEntityEffect * | GetEntityEffect (cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType) |
Returns the entity effect, if it is currently applied or nullptr if not. More... | |
std::map< cEntityEffect::eType, cEntityEffect * > | GetEntityEffects () |
Returns all entity effects. More... | |
virtual void | HandleAir (void) override |
Called in each tick to handle air-related processing i.e. More... | |
virtual void | HandleFalling (void) |
bool | HasEntityEffect (cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType) const |
Returns true, if the entity effect is currently applied. More... | |
virtual bool | IsInvisible () const override |
void | NoLongerTargetingMe (cMonster *a_Monster) |
Remove the monster from the list of monsters targeting this pawn. More... | |
void | RemoveEntityEffect (cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType) |
Removes a currently applied entity effect. More... | |
void | StopEveryoneFromTargetingMe () |
Tells all pawns which are targeting us to stop targeting us. More... | |
void | TargetingMe (cMonster *a_Monster) |
Add the monster to the list of monsters targeting this pawn. More... | |
virtual | ~cPawn () override |
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void | AddLeashedMob (cMonster *a_Monster) |
Adds a mob to the leashed list of mobs. More... | |
void | AddPosition (double a_AddPosX, double a_AddPosY, double a_AddPosZ) |
void | AddPosition (const Vector3d &a_AddPos) |
void | AddPosX (double a_AddPosX) |
void | AddPosY (double a_AddPosY) |
void | AddPosZ (double a_AddPosZ) |
void | AddSpeed (double a_AddSpeedX, double a_AddSpeedY, double a_AddSpeedZ) |
void | AddSpeed (const Vector3d &a_AddSpeed) |
void | AddSpeedX (double a_AddSpeedX) |
void | AddSpeedY (double a_AddSpeedY) |
void | AddSpeedZ (double a_AddSpeedZ) |
virtual bool | ArmorCoversAgainst (eDamageType a_DamageType) |
Returns whether armor will protect against the specified damage type. More... | |
virtual void | BroadcastMovementUpdate (const cClientHandle *a_Exclude=nullptr) |
Updates clients of changes in the entity. More... | |
cEntity (eEntityType a_EntityType, Vector3d a_Pos, double a_Width, double a_Height) | |
virtual void | Destroy (bool a_ShouldBroadcast=true) |
Destroys the entity and schedules it for memory freeing; if a_ShouldBroadcast is set to true, broadcasts the DestroyEntity packet. More... | |
void | DestroyNoScheduling (bool a_ShouldBroadcast) |
Destroy the entity without scheduling memory freeing. More... | |
virtual void | DetectCacti (void) |
Detects the time for application of cacti damage. More... | |
virtual bool | DetectPortal (void) |
Detects whether we are in a portal block and begins teleportation procedures if so Returns true if MoveToWorld() was called, false if not. More... | |
virtual bool | DoesPreventBlockPlacement (void) const |
Returns whether blocks can be placed intersecting this entities' hitbox. More... | |
float | GetAirDrag (void) const |
int | GetAirLevel (void) const |
Gets remaining air of a monster. More... | |
virtual int | GetArmorCoverAgainst (const cEntity *a_Attacker, eDamageType a_DamageType, int a_RawDamage) |
Returns the hitpoints out of a_RawDamage that the currently equipped armor would cover. More... | |
cEntity * | GetAttached () |
Gets entity (vehicle) attached to this entity. More... | |
int | GetChunkX (void) const |
int | GetChunkZ (void) const |
virtual const char * | GetClass (void) const |
Returns the topmost class name for the object. More... | |
virtual void | GetDrops (cItems &a_Drops, cEntity *a_Killer=nullptr) |
Returns the list of drops for this pawn when it is killed. More... | |
virtual float | GetEnchantmentBlastKnockbackReduction () |
Returns explosion knock back reduction percent from blast protection level. More... | |
virtual int | GetEnchantmentCoverAgainst (const cEntity *a_Attacker, eDamageType a_DamageType, int a_Damage) |
Returns the hitpoints that the currently equipped armor's enchantments would cover. More... | |
eEntityType | GetEntityType (void) const |
float | GetGravity (void) const |
double | GetHeadYaw (void) const |
float | GetHealth (void) const |
Returns the health of this entity. More... | |
double | GetHeight (void) const |
int | GetInvulnerableTicks (void) const |
Gets the invulnerable ticks from the entity. More... | |
virtual double | GetKnockbackAmountAgainst (const cEntity &a_Receiver) |
Returns the knockback amount that the currently equipped items would cause to a_Receiver on a hit. More... | |
Vector3d | GetLastSentPos (void) const |
Returns the last position we sent to all the clients. More... | |
Vector3d | GetLookVector (void) const |
double | GetMass (void) const |
float | GetMaxHealth (void) const |
cChunk * | GetParentChunk () |
Returns the chunk responsible for ticking this entity. More... | |
const cChunk * | GetParentChunk () const |
virtual const char * | GetParentClass (void) const |
Returns the topmost class's parent class name for the object. More... | |
double | GetPitch (void) const |
const Vector3d & | GetPosition (void) const |
Exported in ManualBindings. More... | |
double | GetPosX (void) const |
double | GetPosY (void) const |
double | GetPosZ (void) const |
virtual int | GetRawDamageAgainst (const cEntity &a_Receiver) |
Returns the hitpoints that this pawn can deal to a_Receiver using its equipped items. More... | |
double | GetRoll (void) const |
const Vector3d & | GetSpeed (void) const |
Exported in ManualBindings. More... | |
double | GetSpeedX (void) const |
double | GetSpeedY (void) const |
double | GetSpeedZ (void) const |
long int | GetTicksAlive (void) const |
Gets number of ticks this entity has existed for. More... | |
UInt32 | GetUniqueID (void) const |
double | GetWidth (void) const |
cWorld * | GetWorld (void) const |
double | GetYaw (void) const |
virtual void | HandleSpeedFromAttachee (float a_Forward, float a_Sideways) |
bool | HasAnyMobLeashed () const |
Returs whether the entity has any mob leashed to. More... | |
virtual bool | IsA (const char *a_ClassName) const |
Returns true if the entity is of the specified class or a subclass (cPawn's IsA("cEntity") returns true) More... | |
bool | IsAttachedTo (const cEntity *a_Entity) const |
Returns true if this entity is attached to the specified entity. More... | |
bool | IsBoat (void) const |
bool | IsDestroyed () const |
Deprecated. More... | |
bool | IsEnderCrystal (void) const |
bool | IsExpOrb (void) const |
bool | IsFallingBlock (void) const |
bool | IsFloater (void) const |
virtual bool | IsHeadInWater (void) const |
Returns true if any part of the entity is in a water block. More... | |
virtual bool | IsInFire (void) const |
Returns true if any part of the entity is in a fire block. More... | |
virtual bool | IsInLava (void) const |
Returns true if any part of the entity is in a lava block. More... | |
virtual bool | IsInWater (void) const |
Returns true if any part of the entity is in a water block. More... | |
bool | IsItemFrame (void) const |
bool | IsLeashKnot (void) const |
bool | IsMinecart (void) const |
bool | IsMob (void) const |
virtual bool | IsOnFire (void) const |
bool | IsPainting (void) const |
bool | IsPawn (void) const |
bool | IsPickup (void) const |
bool | IsPlayer (void) const |
bool | IsProjectile (void) const |
virtual bool | IsRiding (void) const |
bool | IsTicking (void) const |
Returns true if the entity is valid and ticking. More... | |
bool | IsTNT (void) const |
bool | MoveToWorld (cWorld *a_World, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn, Vector3d a_NewPosition) |
bool | MoveToWorld (cWorld *a_World, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn=true) |
Moves entity to specified world, taking a world pointer. More... | |
bool | MoveToWorld (const AString &a_WorldName, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn=true) |
Moves entity to specified world, taking a world name. More... | |
virtual void | OnFinishedBurning (void) |
Called when the entity finishes burning. More... | |
virtual void | OnRightClicked (cPlayer &a_Player) |
Called when the specified player right-clicks this entity. More... | |
virtual void | OnStartedBurning (void) |
Called when the entity starts burning. More... | |
void | RemoveLeashedMob (cMonster *a_Monster) |
Removes a mob from the leashed list of mobs. More... | |
void | ScheduleMoveToWorld (cWorld *a_World, Vector3d a_NewPosition, bool a_ShouldSetPortalCooldown=false, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn=false) |
Schedules a MoveToWorld call to occur on the next Tick of the entity. More... | |
void | SetAirDrag (float a_AirDrag) |
void | SetGravity (float a_Gravity) |
void | SetHeadYaw (double a_HeadYaw) |
void | SetHealth (float a_Health) |
Sets the health of this entity; doesn't broadcast any hurt animation. More... | |
void | SetHeight (double a_Height) |
void | SetInvulnerableTicks (int a_InvulnerableTicks) |
Set the invulnerable ticks from the entity. More... | |
void | SetIsFireproof (bool a_IsFireproof) |
Sets whether the entity is fireproof. More... | |
void | SetIsTicking (bool a_IsTicking) |
Set the entity's status to either ticking or not ticking. More... | |
void | SetMass (double a_Mass) |
void | SetMaxHealth (float a_MaxHealth) |
Sets the maximum value for the health. More... | |
void | SetParentChunk (cChunk *a_Chunk) |
Sets the parent chunk, which is the chunk responsible for ticking this entity. More... | |
void | SetPitch (double a_Pitch) |
void | SetPitchFromSpeed (void) |
Sets the pitch to match the speed vector (entity gies "face-forward") More... | |
void | SetPosition (double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ) |
void | SetPosition (const Vector3d &a_Position) |
void | SetPosX (double a_PosX) |
void | SetPosY (double a_PosY) |
void | SetPosZ (double a_PosZ) |
void | SetRoll (double a_Roll) |
void | SetSpeed (double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ) |
Sets the speed of the entity, measured in m / sec. More... | |
void | SetSpeed (Vector3d a_Speed) |
Sets the speed of the entity, measured in m / sec. More... | |
void | SetSpeedX (double a_SpeedX) |
Sets the speed in the X axis, leaving the other speed components intact. More... | |
void | SetSpeedY (double a_SpeedY) |
Sets the speed in the Y axis, leaving the other speed components intact. More... | |
void | SetSpeedZ (double a_SpeedZ) |
Sets the speed in the Z axis, leaving the other speed components intact. More... | |
void | SetWidth (double a_Width) |
void | SetWorld (cWorld *a_World) |
Sets the internal world pointer to a new cWorld, doesn't update anything else. More... | |
void | SetYaw (double a_Yaw) |
void | SetYawFromSpeed (void) |
Sets the rotation to match the speed vector (entity goes "face-forward") More... | |
void | StartBurning (int a_TicksLeftBurning) |
Puts the entity on fire for the specified amount of ticks. More... | |
void | SteerVehicle (float a_Forward, float a_Sideways) |
void | StopBurning (void) |
Stops the entity from burning, resets all burning timers. More... | |
void | TakeDamage (cEntity &a_Attacker) |
Makes this pawn take damage from an attack by a_Attacker. More... | |
void | TakeDamage (eDamageType a_DamageType, cEntity *a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) |
Makes this entity take the specified damage. More... | |
void | TakeDamage (eDamageType a_DamageType, UInt32 a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) |
Makes this entity take the specified damage. More... | |
void | TakeDamage (eDamageType a_DamageType, cEntity *a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, float a_FinalDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) |
Makes this entity take the specified damage. More... | |
virtual void | TeleportToEntity (cEntity &a_Entity) |
Teleports to the entity specified. More... | |
virtual void | TickBurning (cChunk &a_Chunk) |
Updates the state related to this entity being on fire. More... | |
virtual void | TickInVoid (cChunk &a_Chunk) |
Handles when the entity is in the void. More... | |
void | WrapHeadYaw () |
Makes sure head yaw is not over the specified range. More... | |
void | WrapRotation () |
Makes sure rotation is not over the specified range. More... | |
void | WrapSpeed () |
Makes speed is not over 20. More... | |
virtual | ~cEntity () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static int | CalcLevelFromXp (int a_CurrentXp) |
Inverse of XpForLevel Ref: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/XP values are as per this with pre-calculations. More... | |
static bool | PermissionMatches (const AStringVector &a_Permission, const AStringVector &a_Template) |
Returns true iff a_Permission matches the a_Template. More... | |
static int | XpForLevel (int a_Level) |
Calculates the amount of XP needed for a given level Ref: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/XP. More... | |
![]() | |
static const char * | GetClassStatic (void) |
Returns the class name of this class. More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const int | EATING_TICKS = 30 |
Number of ticks it takes to eat an item. More... | |
static const int | MAX_FOOD_LEVEL = 20 |
static const int | MAX_HEALTH = 20 |
![]() | |
static const int | BURN_DAMAGE = 1 |
Damage to deal when the entity is burning. More... | |
static const int | BURN_TICKS = 160 |
Ticks to keep an entity burning after it has stood in lava / fire. More... | |
static const int | BURN_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE = 20 |
Ticks to wait between damaging an entity when it is burning. More... | |
static const int | DROWNING_TICKS = 20 |
Number of ticks per heart of damage. More... | |
static const int | FALL_DAMAGE_HEIGHT = 4 |
Y difference after which fall damage is applied. More... | |
static const int | FIRE_DAMAGE = 1 |
Damage to deal when standing in fire. More... | |
static const int | FIRE_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE = 10 |
Ticks to wait between damaging an entity when it stands in fire. More... | |
static const UInt32 | INVALID_ID = 0 |
Special ID that is considered an "invalid value", signifying no entity. More... | |
static const int | LAVA_DAMAGE = 4 |
Damage to deal when standing in lava. More... | |
static const int | LAVA_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE = 10 |
Ticks to wait between damaging an entity when it stands in lava. More... | |
static const int | MAX_AIR_LEVEL = 300 |
Maximum air an entity can have. More... | |
static const int | VOID_BOUNDARY = -64 |
Y position to begin applying void damage. More... | |
Protected Types | |
enum | { XP_TO_LEVEL15 = 255, XP_PER_LEVEL_TO15 = 17, XP_TO_LEVEL30 = 825 } |
Xp Level stuff. More... | |
typedef std::vector< std::vector< AString > > | AStringVectorVector |
![]() | |
typedef std::map< cEntityEffect::eType, std::unique_ptr< cEntityEffect > > | tEffectMap |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | Destroyed (void) override |
virtual void | DoSetSpeed (double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ) override |
Sets the speed and sends it to the client, so that they are forced to move so. More... | |
virtual bool | DoTakeDamage (TakeDamageInfo &TDI) override |
Filters out damage for creative mode / friendly fire. More... | |
virtual float | GetExplosionExposureRate (Vector3d a_ExplosionPosition, float a_ExlosionPower) override |
get player explosion exposure rate More... | |
AString | GetUUIDFileName (const cUUID &a_UUID) |
Returns the filename for the player data based on the UUID given. More... | |
void | HandleFloater (void) |
Called in each tick if the player is fishing to make sure the floater dissapears when the player doesn't have a fishing rod as equipped item. More... | |
void | HandleFood (void) |
Called in each tick to handle food-related processing. More... | |
void | ResolveGroups (void) |
void | ResolvePermissions (void) |
void | TossItems (const cItems &a_Items) |
Tosses a list of items. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual void | ResetPosition (Vector3d a_NewPosition) override |
Set the entities position and last sent position. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual void | SetSwimState (cChunk &a_Chunk) |
Called once per tick to set m_IsInFire, m_IsInLava, m_IsInWater and m_IsHeadInWater. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
bool | m_bDirtyExperience |
bool | m_bIsInBed |
Flag representing whether the player is currently in a bed Set by a right click on unoccupied bed, unset by a time fast forward or teleport. More... | |
bool | m_bIsTeleporting |
Flag used by food handling system to determine whether a teleport has just happened Will not apply food penalties if found to be true; will set to false after processing. More... | |
int | m_BowCharge |
bool | m_bVisible |
bool | m_CanFly |
cClientHandlePtr | m_ClientHandle |
cWindow * | m_CurrentWindow |
int | m_CurrentXp |
AString | m_CustomName |
cItem | m_DraggingItem |
The item being dragged by the cursor while in a UI window. More... | |
Int64 | m_EatingFinishTick |
The world tick in which eating will be finished. More... | |
cItemGrid | m_EnderChestContents |
An item grid that stores the player specific enderchest contents. More... | |
UInt32 | m_FloaterID |
double | m_FlyingMaxSpeed |
Max speed, relative to the game default flying max speed, when flying. More... | |
double | m_FoodExhaustionLevel |
A "buffer" which adds up hunger before it is substracted from m_FoodSaturationLevel or m_FoodLevel. More... | |
int | m_FoodLevel |
Represents the food bar, one point equals half a "drumstick". More... | |
double | m_FoodSaturationLevel |
"Overcharge" for the m_FoodLevel; is depleted before m_FoodLevel More... | |
int | m_FoodTickTimer |
Count-up to the healing or damaging action, based on m_FoodLevel. More... | |
eGameMode | m_GameMode |
cInventory | m_Inventory |
Stores the player's inventory, consisting of crafting grid, hotbar, and main slots. More... | |
cSlotNums | m_InventoryPaintSlots |
cWindow * | m_InventoryWindow |
AString | m_IP |
bool | m_IsChargingBow |
bool | m_IsCrouched |
bool | m_IsFishing |
bool | m_IsFlying |
bool | m_IsFrozen |
If true, we are locking m_Position to m_FrozenPosition. More... | |
bool | m_IsManuallyFrozen |
Was the player frozen manually by a plugin or automatically by the server? More... | |
bool | m_IsSprinting |
Vector3i | m_LastBedPos |
The player's last saved bed position. More... | |
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point | m_LastPlayerListTime |
int | m_LifetimeTotalXp |
Player Xp level. More... | |
AString | m_LoadedWorldName |
eMainHand | m_MainHand |
The main hand of the player. More... | |
AString | m_MsgNameColorCode |
AString | m_MsgPrefix |
AString | m_MsgSuffix |
double | m_NormalMaxSpeed |
Max speed, relative to the game default. More... | |
AStringVector | m_Permissions |
All the permissions that this player has, based on their rank. More... | |
AString | m_PlayerName |
AString | m_Rank |
The name of the rank assigned to this player. More... | |
AStringVector | m_Restrictions |
All the restrictions that this player has, based on their rank. More... | |
int | m_SkinParts |
Displayed skin part bit mask. More... | |
cWorld * | m_SpawnWorld |
The world which the player respawns in upon death. More... | |
AStringVectorVector | m_SplitPermissions |
All the permissions that this player has, based on their rank, split into individual dot-delimited parts. More... | |
AStringVectorVector | m_SplitRestrictions |
All the restrictions that this player has, based on their rank, split into individual dot-delimited parts. More... | |
double | m_SprintingMaxSpeed |
Max speed, relative to the game default max speed, when sprinting. More... | |
double | m_Stance |
cStatManager | m_Stats |
cTeam * | m_Team |
unsigned int | m_TicksUntilNextSave |
How long till the player's inventory will be saved Default save interval is #defined in PLAYER_INVENTORY_SAVE_INTERVAL. More... | |
cUUID | m_UUID |
The UUID of the player, as read from the ClientHandle. More... | |
![]() | |
bool | m_bTouchGround |
tEffectMap | m_EntityEffects |
double | m_LastGroundHeight |
![]() | |
float | m_AirDrag |
Stores the air drag that is applied to the entity every tick, measured in speed ratio per tick Acts as air friction and slows down flight Will be interpolated if the server tick rate varies Data: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Entity#Motion_of_entities. More... | |
int | m_AirLevel |
Air level of a mobile. More... | |
int | m_AirTickTimer |
cEntity * | m_AttachedTo |
The entity to which this entity is attached (vehicle), nullptr if none. More... | |
cEntity * | m_Attachee |
The entity which is attached to this entity (rider), nullptr if none. More... | |
bool | m_bDirtyHead |
Stores whether head yaw has been set manually. More... | |
bool | m_bDirtyOrientation |
Stores whether our yaw / pitch / roll (body orientation) has been set manually. More... | |
bool | m_bHasSentNoSpeed |
Stores whether we have sent a Velocity packet with a speed of zero (no speed) to the client Ensures that said packet is sent only once. More... | |
bool | m_bOnGround |
Stores if the entity is on the ground. More... | |
eEntityType | m_EntityType |
float | m_Gravity |
Stores gravity that is applied to an entity every tick For realistic effects, this should be negative. More... | |
float | m_Health |
bool | m_IsFireproof |
Whether the entity is capable of taking fire or lava damage. More... | |
bool | m_IsHeadInWater |
If the entity's head is in a water block. More... | |
bool | m_IsInFire |
If any part of the entity is in a fire block. More... | |
bool | m_IsInLava |
If any part of the entity is in a lava block. More... | |
bool | m_IsInWater |
If any part of the entity is in a water block. More... | |
bool | m_IsWorldChangeScheduled |
State variables for ScheduleMoveToWorld. More... | |
Vector3d | m_LastPosition |
float | m_MaxHealth |
cWorld * | m_NewWorld |
Vector3d | m_NewWorldPosition |
sPortalCooldownData | m_PortalCooldownData |
Portal delay timer and cooldown boolean data. More... | |
Vector3d | m_Speed |
Measured in meters / second (m / s) More... | |
long int | m_TicksAlive |
The number of ticks this entity has been alive for. More... | |
int | m_TicksLeftBurning |
Time, in ticks, until the entity extinguishes its fire. More... | |
int | m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage |
Time, in ticks, since the last damage dealt by being on fire. More... | |
int | m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage |
Time, in ticks, since the last damage dealt by standing in fire. More... | |
int | m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage |
Time, in ticks, since the last damage dealt by standing in lava. More... | |
int | m_TicksSinceLastVoidDamage |
Time, in ticks, since the last damage dealt by the void. More... | |
UInt32 | m_UniqueID |
The ID of the entity that is guaranteed to be unique within a single run of the server. More... | |
cWorld * | m_World |
bool | m_WorldChangeSendRespawn |
bool | m_WorldChangeSetPortalCooldown |
Private Types | |
typedef cPawn | super |
Private Member Functions | |
void | FreezeInternal (const Vector3d &a_Location, bool a_ManuallyFrozen) |
Pins the player to a_Location until Unfreeze() is called. More... | |
float | GetDigSpeed (BLOCKTYPE a_Block) |
Returns the dig speed using the current tool on the block a_Block. More... | |
float | GetLiquidHeightPercent (NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) |
Returns how high the liquid is in percent. More... | |
bool | IsInsideWater () |
Checks if the player is inside of water. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static void | ApplyFriction (Vector3d &a_Speed, double a_SlowdownMultiplier, float a_Dt) |
Applies friction to an entity. More... | |
protected |
typedef cWorld* cPlayer::cWorldPtr |
private |
protected |
cPlayer::cPlayer | ( | cClientHandlePtr | a_Client, |
const AString & | a_PlayerName | ||
) |
Definition at line 88 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 206 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::AbortEating | ( | void | ) |
Aborts the current eating operation.
Definition at line 726 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::AddFoodExhaustion | ( | double | a_Exhaustion | ) |
Adds the specified exhaustion to m_FoodExhaustion.
Expects only positive values.
Definition at line 672 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::AddInventoryPaintSlot | ( | int | a_SlotNum | ) |
Adds a slot to the list for inventory painting.
To be used by cWindow only
Definition at line 783 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Applies damage to the armor after the armor blocked the given amount.
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 987 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Attaches to the specified entity; detaches from any previous one first.
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 2858 of file Player.cpp.
unsigned int cPlayer::AwardAchievement | ( | const eStatistic | a_Ach | ) |
Awards the player an achievement.
If all prerequisites are met, this method will award the achievement and will broadcast a chat message. If the achievement has been already awarded to the player, this method will just increment the stat counter. Returns the new stat value. (0 = Could not award achievement)
Definition at line 1605 of file Player.cpp.
static |
Inverse of XpForLevel Ref: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/XP values are as per this with pre-calculations.
Definition at line 425 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::CancelChargingBow | ( | void | ) |
Cancels the current bow charging.
Definition at line 571 of file Player.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
bool cPlayer::CanMobsTarget | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns true if the player can be targeted by Mobs.
Definition at line 1296 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::ClearInventoryPaintSlots | ( | void | ) |
Clears the list of slots that are being inventory-painted.
To be used by cWindow only
Definition at line 773 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::CloseWindow | ( | bool | a_CanRefuse = true | ) |
Closes the current window, resets current window to m_InventoryWindow.
A plugin may refuse the closing if a_CanRefuse is true
Definition at line 1370 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::CloseWindowIfID | ( | char | a_WindowID, |
bool | a_CanRefuse = true |
) |
Closes the current window if it matches the specified ID, resets current window to m_InventoryWindow.
Definition at line 1395 of file Player.cpp.
int cPlayer::DeltaExperience | ( | int | a_Xp_delta | ) |
Definition at line 511 of file Player.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from cPawn.
Definition at line 230 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Detaches from the currently attached entity, if any.
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 2875 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::DoesPlacingBlocksIntersectEntity | ( | const sSetBlockVector & | a_Blocks | ) |
Whether placing the given blocks would intersect any entitiy.
Definition at line 2722 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Moves the player to the specified world.
Returns true if successful, false on failure (world not found).
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 2006 of file Player.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Sets the speed and sends it to the client, so that they are forced to move so.
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 1748 of file Player.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Filters out damage for creative mode / friendly fire.
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 1001 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::Feed | ( | int | a_Food, |
double | a_Saturation | ||
) |
Adds to FoodLevel and FoodSaturationLevel, returns true if any food has been consumed, false if player "full".
Definition at line 656 of file Player.cpp.
int cPlayer::FinishChargingBow | ( | void | ) |
Finishes charging the current bow.
Returns the number of ticks for which the bow has been charged
Definition at line 556 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::FinishEating | ( | void | ) |
Finishes eating the currently equipped item.
Consumes the item, updates health and broadcasts the packets
Definition at line 698 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::ForceSetSpeed | ( | const Vector3d & | a_Speed | ) |
Forces the player to move in the given direction.
Definition at line 1739 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::Freeze | ( | const Vector3d & | a_Location | ) |
Prevent the player from moving and lock him into a_Location.
Definition at line 1666 of file Player.cpp.
private |
Pins the player to a_Location until Unfreeze() is called.
If ManuallyFrozen is false, the player will unfreeze when the chunk is loaded.
Definition at line 2950 of file Player.cpp.
cWorld * cPlayer::GetBedWorld | ( | ) |
Definition at line 959 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
inline |
AString cPlayer::GetColor | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the full color code to use for this player, based on their rank.
The returned value either is empty, or includes the cChatColor::Delimiter.
Definition at line 1854 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
inline |
private |
Returns the dig speed using the current tool on the block a_Block.
Returns one if using hand. If the player is using a tool that is good to break the block the value is higher. If he has an enchanted tool with efficiency or he has a haste or mining fatique effect it gets multiplied by a specific factor depending on the strength of the effect or enchantment. In he is in water it gets divided by 5 except his tool is enchanted with aqa affinity. If he is not on ground it also gets divided by 5.
Definition at line 3016 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inlineoverridevirtual |
inlineoverridevirtual |
inlineoverridevirtual |
inline |
inlineoverridevirtual |
inlineoverridevirtual |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
get player explosion exposure rate
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 3079 of file Player.cpp.
double cPlayer::GetEyeHeight | ( | void | ) | const |
Definition at line 1242 of file Player.cpp.
Vector3d cPlayer::GetEyePosition | ( | void | ) | const |
Definition at line 1251 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
const cSlotNums & cPlayer::GetInventoryPaintSlots | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the list of slots currently stored for inventory painting.
To be used by cWindow only
Definition at line 793 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
private |
Returns how high the liquid is in percent.
Used by IsInsideWater
Definition at line 2985 of file Player.cpp.
double cPlayer::GetMaxSpeed | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the current relative maximum speed (takes current sprinting / flying state into account)
Definition at line 803 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
inlineoverridevirtual |
inline |
AString cPlayer::GetPlayerListName | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the name that is used in the playerlist.
Definition at line 1888 of file Player.cpp.
float cPlayer::GetPlayerRelativeBlockHardness | ( | BLOCKTYPE | a_Block | ) |
Returns the relative block hardness for the block a_Block.
The bigger it is the faster the player can break the block. Returns zero if the block is instant breakable. Otherwise it returns the dig speed (float GetDigSpeed(BLOCKTYPE a_Block)) divided by the block hardness (cBlockInfo::GetHardness(BLOCKTYPE a_Block)) divided by 30 if the player can harvest the block and divided by 100 if he can't.
Definition at line 3066 of file Player.cpp.
AString cPlayer::GetPrefix | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the player name prefix, may contain @ format directives.
Definition at line 1870 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
inline |
inline |
AString cPlayer::GetSuffix | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the player name suffix, may contain @ format directives.
Definition at line 1879 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
Vector3d cPlayer::GetThrowSpeed | ( | double | a_SpeedCoeff | ) | const |
Returns the initial speed vector of a throw, with a 3D length of a_SpeedCoeff.
Definition at line 1725 of file Player.cpp.
Vector3d cPlayer::GetThrowStartPos | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the position where projectiles thrown by this player should start, player eye position + adjustment.
Definition at line 1709 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
Returns the filename for the player data based on the UUID given.
This can be used both for online and offline UUIDs.
Definition at line 2934 of file Player.cpp.
int cPlayer::GetXpLevel | ( | void | ) |
Gets the current level - XpLevel.
Definition at line 469 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
float cPlayer::GetXpPercentage | ( | void | ) |
Gets the experience bar percentage - XpP.
Definition at line 478 of file Player.cpp.
protected |
Called in each tick if the player is fishing to make sure the floater dissapears when the player doesn't have a fishing rod as equipped item.
Definition at line 2510 of file Player.cpp.
protected |
Called in each tick to handle food-related processing.
Definition at line 2454 of file Player.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
inline |
bool cPlayer::HasPermission | ( | const AString & | a_Permission | ) |
Definition at line 1783 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Heals the player by the specified amount of HPs (positive only); sends health update.
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 601 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Spawns the entity in the world; returns true if spawned, false if not (plugin disallowed).
Adds the entity to the world.
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 187 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
bool cPlayer::IsClimbing | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns whether the player is climbing (ladders, vines etc.)
Definition at line 2529 of file Player.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
inline |
inlineoverridevirtual |
inline |
inline |
bool cPlayer::IsFrozen | ( | ) |
Is the player frozen?
Definition at line 1675 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::IsGameModeAdventure | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns true if the player is in Adventure mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world.
Definition at line 1278 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::IsGameModeCreative | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns true if the player is in Creative mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world.
Definition at line 1260 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::IsGameModeSpectator | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns true if the player is in Spectator mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world.
Definition at line 1287 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::IsGameModeSurvival | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns true if the player is in Survival mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world.
Definition at line 1269 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
private |
Checks if the player is inside of water.
Definition at line 2998 of file Player.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
inlineoverridevirtual |
inline |
inlineoverridevirtual |
overridevirtual |
Called when the entity kills another entity.
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 1177 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Called when the health drops below zero.
a_TDI's Attacker may be nullptr (environmental damage)
Reimplemented from cPawn.
Definition at line 1078 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::LoadFromDisk | ( | cWorldPtr & | a_World | ) |
Loads the player data from the disk file Sets a_World to the world where the player will spawn, based on the stored world name or the default world by calling LoadFromFile() Returns true on success, false on failure.
Definition at line 2098 of file Player.cpp.
Loads the player data from the specified file Sets a_World to the world where the player will spawn, based on the stored world name or the default world Returns true on success, false on failure.
Definition at line 2168 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::LoadRank | ( | void | ) |
(Re)loads the rank and permissions from the cRankManager.
Expects the m_UUID member to be valid. Loads the m_Rank, m_Permissions, m_MsgPrefix, m_MsgSuffix and m_MsgNameColorCode members.
Definition at line 2632 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::NotifyNearbyWolves | ( | cPawn * | a_Opponent, |
bool | a_IsPlayerInvolved | ||
) |
Notify nearby wolves that the player or one of the player's wolves took damage or did damage to an entity.
a_Opponent | the opponent we're fighting. |
a_IsPlayerInvolved | Should be true if the player took or did damage, and false if one of the player's wolves took or did damage. |
Definition at line 1054 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::OpenHorseInventory | ( | ) |
Opens the inventory of any tame horse the player is riding.
If the player is not riding a horse or if the horse is untamed, does nothing.
Definition at line 2270 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::OpenWindow | ( | cWindow & | a_Window | ) |
Opens the specified window; closes the current one first using CloseWindow()
Definition at line 1349 of file Player.cpp.
static |
Returns true iff a_Permission matches the a_Template.
A match is defined by either being exactly the same, or each sub-item matches until there's a wildcard in a_Template. Ie. {"a", "b", "c"} matches {"a", "b", "*"} but doesn't match {"a", "b"}
Definition at line 1819 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::PlaceBlock | ( | int | a_BlockX, |
int | a_BlockY, | ||
int | a_BlockZ, | ||
BLOCKTYPE | a_BlockType, | ||
NIBBLETYPE | a_BlockMeta | ||
) |
Calls the block-placement hook and places the block in the world, unless refused by the hook.
If the hook prevents the placement, sends the current block at the specified coords back to the client. Assumes that the block is in a currently loaded chunk. Returns true if the block is successfully placed.
Definition at line 2671 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::PlaceBlocks | ( | const sSetBlockVector & | a_Blocks | ) |
Calls the block placement hooks and places the blocks in the world.
First the "placing" hooks for all the blocks are called, then the blocks are placed, and finally the "placed" hooks are called. If the any of the "placing" hooks aborts, none of the blocks are placed and the function returns false. Returns true if all the blocks are placed. Assumes that all the blocks are in currently loaded chunks.
Definition at line 2788 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::RemoveClientHandle | ( | void | ) |
Called by cClientHandle when the client is being destroyed.
The player removes its m_ClientHandle ownership so that the ClientHandle gets deleted.
Definition at line 2924 of file Player.cpp.
protected |
protected |
void cPlayer::Respawn | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1204 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::SaveToDisk | ( | void | ) |
Saves all player data, such as inventory, to JSON.
Definition at line 2299 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendAboveActionBarMessage | ( | const AString & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1498 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendAboveActionBarMessage | ( | const cCompositeChat & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1516 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendBlocksAround | ( | int | a_BlockX, |
int | a_BlockY, | ||
int | a_BlockZ, | ||
int | a_Range = 1 |
) |
Sends the block in the specified range around the specified coord to the client as a block change packet.
The blocks in range (a_BlockX - a_Range, a_BlockX + a_Range) are sent (NY-metric).
Definition at line 2681 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendExperience | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 760 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendHealth | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 736 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendHotbarActiveSlot | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 748 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendMessage | ( | const AString & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1408 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendMessage | ( | const cCompositeChat & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1471 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendMessageFailure | ( | const AString & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1426 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendMessageFatal | ( | const AString & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1453 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendMessageInfo | ( | const AString & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1417 of file Player.cpp.
Definition at line 1462 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendMessageRaw | ( | const AString & | a_MessageRaw, |
eChatType | a_Type = eChatType::ctChatBox |
) |
Definition at line 1480 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendMessageSuccess | ( | const AString & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1435 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendMessageWarning | ( | const AString & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1444 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendRotation | ( | double | a_YawDegrees, |
double | a_PitchDegrees | ||
) |
Sends the "look" packet to the player, forcing them to set their rotation to the specified values.
a_YawDegrees is clipped to range [-180, +180), a_PitchDegrees is clipped to range [-180, +180) but the client only uses [-90, +90]
Definition at line 1698 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendSystemMessage | ( | const AString & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1489 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SendSystemMessage | ( | const cCompositeChat & | a_Message | ) |
Definition at line 1507 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetBedPos | ( | const Vector3i & | a_Pos | ) |
Sets the player's bed (home / respawn) position to the specified position.
Sets the respawn world to the player's world.
Definition at line 938 of file Player.cpp.
Sets the player's bed (home / respawn) position and respawn world to the specified parameters.
Definition at line 948 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetCanFly | ( | bool | a_CanFly | ) |
If true the player can fly even when he's not in creative.
Definition at line 900 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetCapabilities | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1557 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetCrouch | ( | bool | a_IsCrouched | ) |
Sets the crouch status, broadcasts to all visible players.
Definition at line 867 of file Player.cpp.
bool cPlayer::SetCurrentExperience | ( | int | a_XpTotal | ) |
Sets the experience total Returns true on success "should" really only be called at init or player death, plugins excepted.
Definition at line 491 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetCustomName | ( | const AString & | a_CustomName | ) |
Sets the custom name of this player.
If you want to disable the custom name, simply set an empty string. The custom name will be used in the tab-list, in the player nametag and in the tab-completion.
Definition at line 915 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetDraggingItem | ( | const cItem & | a_Item | ) |
In UI windows, set the item that the player is dragging.
Definition at line 1910 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetFlying | ( | bool | a_IsFlying | ) |
Flags the player as flying.
Definition at line 968 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetFlyingMaxSpeed | ( | double | a_Speed | ) |
Sets the flying relative maximum speed.
Sends the update to player, if needed.
Definition at line 851 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetFoodExhaustionLevel | ( | double | a_FoodExhaustionLevel | ) |
Definition at line 647 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetFoodLevel | ( | int | a_FoodLevel | ) |
Definition at line 611 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetFoodSaturationLevel | ( | double | a_FoodSaturationLevel | ) |
Definition at line 629 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetFoodTickTimer | ( | int | a_FoodTickTimer | ) |
Definition at line 638 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetGameMode | ( | eGameMode | a_GameMode | ) |
Sets the gamemode for the player.
The gamemode may be gmNotSet, in that case the player inherits the world's gamemode. Updates the gamemode on the client (sends the packet)
Definition at line 1525 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetIP | ( | const AString & | a_IP | ) |
Definition at line 1596 of file Player.cpp.
inline |
inline |
void cPlayer::SetMainHand | ( | eMainHand | a_Hand | ) |
Definition at line 2848 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetNormalMaxSpeed | ( | double | a_Speed | ) |
Sets the normal relative maximum speed.
Sends the update to player, if needed.
Definition at line 823 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetSkinParts | ( | int | a_Parts | ) |
Definition at line 2838 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetSprint | ( | bool | a_IsSprinting | ) |
Starts or stops sprinting, sends the max speed update to the client, if needed.
Definition at line 884 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetSprintingMaxSpeed | ( | double | a_Speed | ) |
Sets the sprinting relative maximum speed.
Sends the update to player, if needed.
Definition at line 837 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetTeam | ( | cTeam * | a_Team | ) |
Sets the player team, nullptr if none.
Definition at line 1305 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetTouchGround | ( | bool | a_bTouchGround | ) |
Definition at line 583 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::SetVisible | ( | bool | a_bVisible | ) |
Definition at line 1764 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Descendants override this function to send a command to the specified client to spawn the entity on the client.
To spawn on all eligible clients, use cChunkMap::BroadcastSpawnEntity()
Implements cEntity.
Definition at line 240 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::StartChargingBow | ( | void | ) |
Starts charging the equipped bow.
Definition at line 544 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::StartEating | ( | void | ) |
Starts eating the currently equipped item.
Resets the eating timer and sends the proper animation packet
Definition at line 684 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Teleports to the coordinates specified.
Reimplemented from cEntity.
Definition at line 1648 of file Player.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from cPawn.
Definition at line 259 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::TickFreezeCode | ( | ) |
Definition at line 367 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::TossEquippedItem | ( | char | a_Amount = 1 | ) |
tosses the item in the selected hotbar slot
Definition at line 1923 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::TossHeldItem | ( | char | a_Amount = 1 | ) |
tosses the item held in hand (when in UI windows)
Definition at line 1948 of file Player.cpp.
protected |
Tosses a list of items.
Definition at line 1987 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::TossPickup | ( | const cItem & | a_Item | ) |
tosses a pickup newly created from a_Item
Definition at line 1975 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::Unfreeze | ( | ) |
Cancels Freeze(...) and allows the player to move naturally.
Definition at line 1684 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::UpdateMovementStats | ( | const Vector3d & | a_DeltaPos, |
bool | a_PreviousIsOnGround | ||
) |
Update movement-related statistics.
Definition at line 2556 of file Player.cpp.
cTeam * cPlayer::UpdateTeam | ( | void | ) |
Forces the player to query the scoreboard for his team.
Definition at line 1329 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::UseEquippedItem | ( | short | a_Damage = 1 | ) |
Damage the player's equipped item by a_Damage, possibly less if the equipped item is enchanted.
Definition at line 2397 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::UseEquippedItem | ( | cItemHandler::eDurabilityLostAction | a_Action | ) |
Damage the player's equipped item by the amount of damage such an item is damaged by when used for a_Action.
Definition at line 2412 of file Player.cpp.
void cPlayer::UseItem | ( | int | a_SlotNumber, |
short | a_Damage = 1 |
) |
Damage the item in a_SlotNumber by a_Damage, possibly less if the equipped item is enchanted.
Definition at line 2427 of file Player.cpp.
static |
Calculates the amount of XP needed for a given level Ref: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/XP.
Definition at line 447 of file Player.cpp.
static |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
All the permissions that this player has, based on their rank, split into individual dot-delimited parts.
This is used mainly by the HasPermission() function to optimize the lookup.
protected |
All the restrictions that this player has, based on their rank, split into individual dot-delimited parts.
This is used mainly by the HasPermission() function to optimize the lookup.
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |