35 const cItem & a_HeldItem,
163 const cItem & a_HeldItem,
Block face constants, used in PlayerDigging and PlayerBlockPlacement packets and bbox collision calc.
MTRand & GetRandomProvider()
Returns the current thread's random number source.
Vector3< double > Vector3d
This interface is used to decouple block handlers from the cPluginManager dependency through cWorld.
static const UInt32 INVALID_ID
Special ID that is considered an "invalid value", signifying no entity.
float GetHeight(void) const
const Vector3d & GetPosition(void) const
Exported in ManualBindings.
Vector3d GetLookVector(void) const
const cItem & GetEquippedItem(void) const
bool IsGameModeCreative(void) const
Returns true if the player is in Creative mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current worl...
cInventory & GetInventory(void)
Vector3d GetThrowStartPos(void) const
Returns the position where projectiles thrown by this player should start, player eye position + adju...
The kind of the projectile.
bool RemoveOneEquippedItem(void)
Removes one item out of the currently equipped item stack, returns true if successful,...
constexpr cItemHandler(int a_ItemType)
constexpr cItemThrowableHandler(int a_ItemType, cProjectileEntity::eKind a_ProjectileKind, double a_SpeedCoeff)
cProjectileEntity::eKind m_ProjectileKind
The kind of projectile to create when shooting.
double m_SpeedCoeff
The speed multiplier (to the player's normalized look vector) to set for the new projectile.
virtual bool OnItemUse(cWorld *a_World, cPlayer *a_Player, cBlockPluginInterface &a_PluginInterface, const cItem &a_HeldItem, const Vector3i a_ClickedBlockPos, eBlockFace a_ClickedBlockFace) const override
Called when the player tries to use the item (right mouse button).
constexpr cItemEggHandler(int a_ItemType)
constexpr cItemSnowballHandler(int a_ItemType)
constexpr cItemEnderPearlHandler(int a_ItemType)
constexpr cItemBottleOEnchantingHandler(int a_ItemType)
virtual bool OnItemUse(cWorld *a_World, cPlayer *a_Player, cBlockPluginInterface &a_PluginInterface, const cItem &a_HeldItem, const Vector3i a_ClickedBlockPos, eBlockFace a_ClickedBlockFace) const override
Called when the player tries to use the item (right mouse button).
constexpr cItemFireworkHandler(int a_ItemType)
BLOCKTYPE GetBlock(Vector3i a_BlockPos) const
Returns the block type at the specified position.
UInt32 CreateProjectile(Vector3d a_Pos, cProjectileEntity::eKind a_Kind, cEntity *a_Creator, const cItem *a_Item, const Vector3d *a_Speed=nullptr)
Creates a projectile of the specified type.
virtual void BroadcastSoundEffect(const AString &a_SoundName, Vector3d a_Position, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch, const cClientHandle *a_Exclude=nullptr) override