24 super(
43 static_cast<void *>(tcs.first),
87 if (itr->first == &a_CS)
132 WorldAges::iterator itr =
141 if (WorldAge.
m_Age == a_Age)
151 WorldAge.
m_Age = a_Age;
"Deadlock detected: world %s has been stuck at age %lld. Aborting the server.",
163 a_WorldName.c_str(),
static_cast<long long>(a_WorldAge)
166 ASSERT(!
"Deadlock detected");
179 LOG(
"CS at %p, %s: RecursionCount = %d, ThreadIDHash = %04llx",
180 static_cast<void *>(cs.first), cs.second.c_str(),
181 cs.first->m_RecursionCount,
virtual void Execute(void) override
This is the main thread entrypoint.
std::atomic< bool > m_ShouldTerminate
The overriden Execute() method should check this value periodically and terminate if this is true...
void CheckWorldAge(const AString &a_WorldName, Int64 a_Age)
Checks if the world's age has changed, updates the world's stats; calls DeadlockDetected() if deadloc...
bool ForEachWorld(cWorldListCallback a_Callback)
Calls the callback for each world; returns true if the callback didn't abort (return true) ...
void SetWorldAge(const AString &a_WorldName, Int64 a_Age)
Sets the initial world age.
Number of milliseconds per cycle.
void LOGERROR(const char *a_Format, fmt::ArgList a_ArgList)
NORETURN void DeadlockDetected(const AString &a_WorldName, Int64 a_WorldAge)
Called when a deadlock is detected in a world.
void TrackCriticalSection(cCriticalSection &a_CS, const AString &a_Name)
Adds the critical section for tracking.
int m_IntervalSec
Number of secods for which the ages must be the same for the detection to trigger.
virtual ~cDeadlockDetect() override
void UntrackCriticalSection(cCriticalSection &a_CS)
Removes the CS from the tracking.
unsigned long long UInt64
virtual Int64 GetWorldAge(void) const override
void LOGWARNING(const char *a_Format, fmt::ArgList a_ArgList)
const AString & GetName(void) const
Returns the name of the world.
cCriticalSection m_CS
Protects m_TrackedCriticalSections from multithreaded access.
void ListTrackedCSs()
Outputs a listing of the tracked CSs, together with their name and state.
void LOG(const char *a_Format, fmt::ArgList a_ArgList)
RAII for cCriticalSection - locks the CS on creation, unlocks on destruction.
std::vector< std::pair< cCriticalSection *, AString > > m_TrackedCriticalSections
CriticalSections that are tracked (their status output on deadlock).
int m_NumCyclesSame
Number of cycles for which the age has been the same.
Int64 m_Age
Last m_WorldAge that has been detected in this world.
bool Start(void)
Starts the thread; returns without waiting for the actual start.