11 public cMetaRotator<cClearMetaOnDrop<cBlockHandler>, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01>
21 switch (a_Meta & 0x03)
unsigned char NIBBLETYPE
The datatype used by nibbledata (meta, light, skylight)
unsigned char BLOCKTYPE
The datatype used by blockdata.
void AddFaceDirection(int &a_BlockX, int &a_BlockY, int &a_BlockZ, eBlockFace a_BlockFace, bool a_bInverse)
Modifies the specified coords so that they point to the block adjacent to the one specified through i...
Block face constants, used in PlayerDigging and PlayerBlockPlacement packets and bbox collision calc.
static bool FullyOccupiesVoxel(BLOCKTYPE Block)
Does this block fully occupy its voxel - is it a 'full' block?
virtual ColourID GetMapBaseColourID(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const override
Returns the base colour ID of the block, as will be represented on a map, as per documentation: https...
static eBlockFace MetadataToDirection(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta)
virtual bool CanBeAt(const cChunk &a_Chunk, const Vector3i a_Position, const NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const override
Checks if the block can stay at the specified relative coords in the chunk.
Mixin for rotations and reflections following the standard pattern of "apply mask,...
bool UnboundedRelGetBlockType(Vector3i a_RelCoords, BLOCKTYPE &a_BlockType) const
Same as GetBlockType(), but relative coords needn't be in this chunk (uses m_Neighbor-s or m_ChunkMap...