17 #pragma warning(disable:4355) // 'this' : used in base member initializer list 29 class cMultipartParserTest :
33 cMultipartParserTest(
35 cMultipartParser Parser(
"multipart/mixed; boundary=\"MyBoundaryString\"; foo=bar", *
37 "ThisIsIgnoredPrologue\r\n\ 38 --MyBoundaryString\r\n\ 40 Body with confusing strings\r\n\ 42 --MyBoundaryStringWithPostfix\r\n\ 44 --MyBoundaryString\r\n\ 45 content-disposition: inline\r\n\ 48 --MyBoundaryString\r\n\ 50 Headerless body with trailing CRLF\r\n\ 52 --MyBoundaryString--\r\n\ 53 ThisIsIgnoredEpilogue";
54 printf(
"Multipart parsing test commencing.\n");
55 Parser.Parse(Data,
sizeof(Data) - 1);
57 printf(
"Multipart parsing test finished\n");
62 printf(
"Starting a new part\n");
68 printf(
" Hdr: \"%s\"=\"%s\"\n", a_Key.c_str(), a_Value.c_str());
72 virtual void OnPartData(
const char * a_Data,
int a_Size)
override 74 printf(
" Data: %d bytes, \"%.*s\"\n", a_Size, a_Size, a_Data);
95 m_Callbacks(a_Callbacks),
97 m_EnvelopeParser(*this),
101 AString ContentType(a_ContentType);
102 if (strncmp(ContentType.c_str(),
"multipart/", 10) != 0)
107 size_t idxSC = ContentType.find(
';', 10);
108 if (idxSC == AString::npos)
115 ContentType.erase(0, idxSC + 1);
118 if (!CTParser.IsValid())
162 if (BytesConsumed == AString::npos)
177 if (idxBoundary == AString::npos)
195 if (LineEnd == AString::npos)
207 (LineEnd - idxBoundary !=
m_Boundary.size()) &&
208 (LineEnd - idxBoundary !=
m_Boundary.size() + 2)
221 size_t idxSlash = idxBoundary +
size_t Parse(const char *a_Data, size_t a_Size)
Parses the incoming data.
cCallbacks & m_Callbacks
The callbacks to call for various parsing events.
virtual void OnPartStart(void)=0
Called when a new part starts.
bool Finish(void)
Notifies the parser that no more data will be coming.
bool IsInHeaders(void) const
Returns true if more input is expected for the envelope header.
void SetIsInHeaders(bool a_IsInHeaders)
Sets the IsInHeaders flag; used by cMultipartParser to simplify the parser initial conditions...
AString m_IncomingData
Buffer for the incoming data until it is parsed.
cEnvelopeParser m_EnvelopeParser
Parser for each part's envelope.
virtual void OnPartEnd(void)=0
Called when the current part ends.
virtual void OnHeaderLine(const AString &a_Key, const AString &a_Value) override
Called when a full header line is parsed.
void Reset(void)
Makes the parser forget everything parsed so far, so that it can be reused for parsing another datast...
cMultipartParser(const AString &a_ContentType, cCallbacks &a_Callbacks)
Creates the parser, expects to find the boundary in a_ContentType.
void Parse(const char *a_Data, size_t a_Size)
Parses more incoming data.
bool m_IsValid
True if the data parsed so far is valid; if false, further parsing is skipped.
AString m_Boundary
The boundary, excluding both the initial "--" and the terminating CRLF.
virtual void OnPartHeader(const AString &a_Key, const AString &a_Value)=0
Called when a complete header line is received for a part.
virtual void OnPartData(const char *a_Data, size_t a_Size)=0
Called when body for a part is received.