Block face constants, used in PlayerDigging and PlayerBlockPlacement packets and bbox collision calc.
void FixStartBelowWorld(void)
Adjusts the start point below the world to just at the world's bottom.
void CalcXZIntersection(double a_Y, double &a_IntersectX, double &a_IntersectZ)
Calculates the XZ coords of an intersection with the specified Yconst plane; assumes that such an int...
Vector3i m_Dir
The increment at which the block coords are going from Start to End; either +1 or -1.
static bool LineOfSightTrace(cWorld &a_World, const Vector3d &a_Start, const Vector3d &a_End, int a_Sight)
Returns true if the two positions are within line of sight (not obscured by blocks).
Vector3d m_Diff
The difference in coords, End - Start.
bool Trace(Vector3d a_Start, Vector3d a_End)
Traces one line between Start and End; returns true if the entire line was traced (until OnNoMoreHits...
bool ChunkCallback(cChunk *a_Chunk)
Vector3d m_End
The end point of the trace.
Vector3d m_Start
The start point of the trace.
bool MoveToNextBlock(void)
Moves m_Current to the next block on the line; returns false if no move is possible (reached the end)
static bool FirstSolidHitTrace(cWorld &a_World, const Vector3d &a_Start, const Vector3d &a_End, Vector3d &a_HitCoords, Vector3i &a_HitBlockCoords, eBlockFace &a_HitBlockFace)
Traces until the first solid block is hit (or until end, whichever comes first.
Vector3i m_Current
The current block.
eBlockFace m_CurrentFace
The face through which the current block has been entered.
void FixStartAboveWorld(void)
Adjusts the start point above the world to just at the world's top.
cLineBlockTracer(cWorld &a_World, cCallbacks &a_Callbacks)