4 #include "mbedtls/ssl.h" 27 friend class cSslContext;
36 using cDebugCallback = void(*)(
void *, int,
const char *, int,
const char *);
50 int InitDefaults(
bool a_IsClient);
59 void SetDebugCallback(
cDebugCallback a_CallbackFun,
void * a_CallbackData);
62 void SetVerifyCallback(
cVerifyCallback a_CallbackFun,
void * a_CallbackData);
65 void SetCipherSuites(std::vector<int> a_CipherSuites);
74 static std::shared_ptr<cSslConfig> MakeDefaultConfig(
bool a_IsClient);
77 static std::shared_ptr<const cSslConfig> GetDefaultClientConfig();
80 static std::shared_ptr<const cSslConfig> GetDefaultServerConfig();
85 const mbedtls_ssl_config *
const {
return &m_Config; }
cCtrDrbgContextPtr m_CtrDrbg
std::shared_ptr< cX509Cert > cX509CertPtr
void(*)(void *, int, const char *, int, const char *) cDebugCallback
Type of the SSL debug callback.
std::shared_ptr< cCryptoKey > cCryptoKeyPtr
const mbedtls_ssl_config * GetInternal() const
Returns a pointer to the wrapped mbedtls representation.
int(*)(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *) cVerifyCallback
Type of the SSL certificate verify callback.
cCryptoKeyPtr m_OwnCertPrivKey
std::shared_ptr< cCtrDrbgContext > cCtrDrbgContextPtr
mbedtls_ssl_config m_Config
std::vector< int > m_CipherSuites