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A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
This is the complete list of members for cWorldInterface, including all inherited members.
DoExplosionAt(double a_ExplosionSize, double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, bool a_CanCauseFire, eExplosionSource a_Source, void *a_SourceData)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
DoWithBlockEntityAt(Vector3i a_Position, cBlockEntityCallback a_Callback)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
ForEachEntityInBox(const cBoundingBox &a_Box, cEntityCallback a_Callback)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
ForEachPlayer(cPlayerListCallback a_Callback)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
GetBroadcastManager()=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
GetDimension(void) const =0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
GetHeight(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockZ)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
GetMaxNetherPortalHeight(void) const =0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
GetMaxNetherPortalWidth(void) const =0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
GetMinNetherPortalHeight(void) const =0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
GetMinNetherPortalWidth(void) const =0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
GetTimeOfDay(void) const =0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
GetWorldAge(void) const =0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
IsWeatherWetAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockZ)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
IsWeatherWetAtXYZ(Vector3i a_Pos)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SendBlockTo(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, const cPlayer &a_Player)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SendBlockTo(const Vector3i a_BlockPos, const cPlayer &a_Player) | cWorldInterface | inline |
SetMaxNetherPortalHeight(int a_NewMaxHeight)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SetMaxNetherPortalWidth(int a_NewMaxWidth)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SetMinNetherPortalHeight(int a_NewMinHeight)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SetMinNetherPortalWidth(int a_NewMinWidth)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SetTimeOfDay(cTickTime a_TimeOfDay)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SpawnExperienceOrb(double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, int a_Reward)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SpawnItemPickup(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ, const cItem &a_Item, float a_SpeedX=0.f, float a_SpeedY=0.f, float a_SpeedZ=0.f, int a_LifetimeTicks=6000, bool a_CanCombine=true)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SpawnItemPickups(const cItems &a_Pickups, double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, double a_FlyAwaySpeed=1.0, bool IsPlayerCreated=false)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SpawnItemPickups(const cItems &a_Pickups, double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ, bool IsPlayerCreated=false)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SpawnMob(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ, eMonsterType a_MonsterType, bool a_Baby)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
SpawnSplitExperienceOrbs(Vector3d a_Pos, int a_Reward)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
WakeUpSimulators(Vector3i a_Block)=0 | cWorldInterface | pure virtual |
~cWorldInterface() | cWorldInterface | inlinevirtual |