![]() |
A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
This is the complete list of members for cClientHandle, including all inherited members.
AddWantedChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) | cClientHandle | |
Authenticate(AString &&a_Name, const cUUID &a_UUID, Json::Value &&a_Properties) | cClientHandle | |
BreakApartPluginChannels(ContiguousByteBufferView a_PluginChannels) | cClientHandle | private |
BungeeAuthenticate() | cClientHandle | |
cChannels typedef | cClientHandle | private |
cClientHandle(const AString &a_IPString, int a_ViewDistance) | cClientHandle | |
cForgeHandshake class | cClientHandle | friend |
CheckBlockInteractionsRate(void) | cClientHandle | private |
CheckMultiLogin(const AString &a_Username) | cClientHandle | |
csAuthenticating enum value | cClientHandle | private |
csConnected enum value | cClientHandle | private |
csDestroyed enum value | cClientHandle | private |
csDownloadingWorld enum value | cClientHandle | private |
csPlaying enum value | cClientHandle | private |
DEFAULT_VIEW_DISTANCE | cClientHandle | static |
Destroy(void) | cClientHandle | |
eState enum name | cClientHandle | private |
FASTBREAK_PERCENTAGE | cClientHandle | static |
FinishAuthenticate() | cClientHandle | private |
FinishDigAnimation() | cClientHandle | private |
ForgeAugmentServerListPing(Json::Value &a_Response) | cClientHandle | inline |
FormatChatPrefix(bool ShouldAppendChatPrefixes, const AString &a_ChatPrefixS, const AString &m_Color1, const AString &m_Color2) | cClientHandle | static |
FormatMessageType(bool ShouldAppendChatPrefixes, eMessageType a_ChatPrefix, const AString &a_AdditionalData) | cClientHandle | static |
GenerateOfflineUUID(const AString &a_Username) | cClientHandle | static |
GetClientBrand(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
GetForgeMods(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
GetIPString(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
GetLocale(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
GetPing(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
GetPlayer(void) | cClientHandle | inline |
GetProperties(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
GetProtocolVersion(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
GetRequestedViewDistance(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
GetUniqueID(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
GetUsername(void) const | cClientHandle | |
GetUUID(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
GetViewDistance(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
HandleAnimation(bool a_SwingMainHand) | cClientHandle | |
HandleAnvilItemName(const AString &a_ItemName) | cClientHandle | |
HandleBeaconSelection(unsigned a_PrimaryEffect, unsigned a_SecondaryEffect) | cClientHandle | |
HandleBlockDigFinished(Vector3i a_BlockPos, eBlockFace a_BlockFace) | cClientHandle | private |
HandleBlockDigStarted(Vector3i a_BlockPos, eBlockFace a_BlockFace) | cClientHandle | private |
HandleChat(const AString &a_Message) | cClientHandle | |
HandleCommandBlockBlockChange(Vector3i a_BlockPos, const AString &a_NewCommand) | cClientHandle | |
HandleCommandBlockEntityChange(UInt32 a_EntityID, const AString &a_NewCommand) | cClientHandle | |
HandleCraftRecipe(UInt32 a_RecipeId) | cClientHandle | |
HandleCreativeInventory(Int16 a_SlotNum, const cItem &a_HeldItem, eClickAction a_ClickAction) | cClientHandle | |
HandleCrouch(bool a_IsCrouching) | cClientHandle | |
HandleEnchantItem(UInt8 a_WindowID, UInt8 a_Enchantment) | cClientHandle | |
HandleHandshake(const AString &a_Username) | cClientHandle | |
HandleKeepAlive(UInt32 a_KeepAliveID) | cClientHandle | |
HandleLeaveBed() | cClientHandle | |
HandleLeftClick(Vector3i a_BlockPos, eBlockFace a_BlockFace, UInt8 a_Status) | cClientHandle | |
HandleLogin() | cClientHandle | |
HandleNPCTrade(int a_SlotNum) | cClientHandle | |
HandleOpenHorseInventory() | cClientHandle | |
HandlePing(void) | cClientHandle | |
HandlePlayerAbilities(bool a_IsFlying, float FlyingSpeed, float WalkingSpeed) | cClientHandle | |
HandlePlayerLook(float a_Rotation, float a_Pitch, bool a_IsOnGround) | cClientHandle | |
HandlePlayerMove(Vector3d a_Pos, bool a_IsOnGround) | cClientHandle | |
HandlePlayerMoveLook(Vector3d a_Pos, float a_Rotation, float a_Pitch, bool a_IsOnGround) | cClientHandle | |
HandlePluginMessage(const AString &a_Channel, ContiguousByteBufferView a_Message) | cClientHandle | |
HandleResourcePack(UInt8 a_Status) | cClientHandle | |
HandleRespawn(void) | cClientHandle | |
HandleRightClick(Vector3i a_BlockPos, eBlockFace a_BlockFace, Vector3i a_Cursor, bool a_UsedMainHand) | cClientHandle | |
HandleSlotSelected(Int16 a_SlotNum) | cClientHandle | |
HandleSpectate(const cUUID &a_PlayerUUID) | cClientHandle | |
HandleSprint(bool a_IsSprinting) | cClientHandle | |
HandleStartElytraFlight() | cClientHandle | |
HandleSteerVehicle(float Forward, float Sideways) | cClientHandle | |
HandleTabCompletion(const AString &a_Text) | cClientHandle | |
HandleUnmount(void) | cClientHandle | |
HandleUpdateSign(Vector3i a_BlockPos, const AString &a_Line1, const AString &a_Line2, const AString &a_Line3, const AString &a_Line4) | cClientHandle | |
HandleUseEntity(UInt32 a_TargetEntityID, bool a_IsLeftClick) | cClientHandle | |
HandleUseItem(bool a_UsedMainHand) | cClientHandle | |
HandleWindowClick(UInt8 a_WindowID, Int16 a_SlotNum, eClickAction a_ClickAction, const cItem &a_HeldItem) | cClientHandle | |
HandleWindowClose(UInt8 a_WindowID) | cClientHandle | |
HasPluginChannel(const AString &a_PluginChannel) | cClientHandle | |
IsDestroyed(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
IsForgeClient(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
IsLoggedIn(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
IsPlayerChunkSent() | cClientHandle | |
IsPlaying(void) const | cClientHandle | inline |
IsUUIDOnline(const cUUID &a_UUID) | cClientHandle | static |
IsWithinReach(Vector3i a_Position) const | cClientHandle | private |
Kick(const AString &a_Reason) | cClientHandle | |
m_BlockDigAnimPos | cClientHandle | private |
m_BlockDigAnimSpeed | cClientHandle | private |
m_BlockDigAnimStage | cClientHandle | private |
m_BreakProgress | cClientHandle | private |
m_CachedSentChunk | cClientHandle | private |
m_ChunksToSend | cClientHandle | private |
m_ClientBrand | cClientHandle | private |
m_CSChunkLists | cClientHandle | private |
m_CSIncomingData | cClientHandle | private |
m_CSOutgoingData | cClientHandle | private |
m_CSState | cClientHandle | private |
m_CurrentViewDistance | cClientHandle | private |
m_ForgeHandshake | cClientHandle | private |
m_ForgeMods | cClientHandle | private |
m_HasSentDC | cClientHandle | private |
m_HasSentPlayerChunk | cClientHandle | private |
m_HasStartedDigging | cClientHandle | private |
m_IncomingData | cClientHandle | private |
m_IPString | cClientHandle | private |
m_LastDigBlockPos | cClientHandle | private |
m_LastPlacedSign | cClientHandle | private |
m_LastStreamedChunkX | cClientHandle | private |
m_LastStreamedChunkZ | cClientHandle | private |
m_Link | cClientHandle | private |
m_LoadedChunks | cClientHandle | private |
m_Locale | cClientHandle | private |
m_NumBlockChangeInteractionsThisTick | cClientHandle | private |
m_NumExplosionsThisTick | cClientHandle | private |
m_OutgoingData | cClientHandle | private |
m_Password | cClientHandle | private |
m_Ping | cClientHandle | private |
m_PingID | cClientHandle | private |
m_PingStartTime | cClientHandle | private |
m_Player | cClientHandle | private |
m_PluginChannels | cClientHandle | private |
m_Properties | cClientHandle | private |
m_Protocol | cClientHandle | private |
m_ProtocolVersion | cClientHandle | private |
m_ProxyConnection | cClientHandle | private |
m_RequestedViewDistance | cClientHandle | private |
m_SentChunks | cClientHandle | private |
m_State | cClientHandle | private |
m_TicksSinceLastPacket | cClientHandle | private |
m_TimeSinceLastUnloadCheck | cClientHandle | private |
m_UniqueID | cClientHandle | private |
m_Username | cClientHandle | private |
m_UUID | cClientHandle | private |
MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE | cClientHandle | static |
MIN_VIEW_DISTANCE | cClientHandle | static |
OnError(int a_ErrorCode, const AString &a_ErrorMsg) override | cClientHandle | privatevirtual |
OnLinkCreated(cTCPLinkPtr a_Link) override | cClientHandle | privatevirtual |
OnReceivedData(const char *a_Data, size_t a_Length) override | cClientHandle | privatevirtual |
OnRemoteClosed(void) override | cClientHandle | privatevirtual |
OnTlsHandshakeCompleted(void) | cTCPLink::cCallbacks | inlinevirtual |
PacketBufferFull(void) | cClientHandle | |
PacketError(UInt32 a_PacketType) | cClientHandle | |
PacketUnknown(UInt32 a_PacketType) | cClientHandle | |
ProcessProtocolIn(void) | cClientHandle | |
ProcessProtocolOut() | cClientHandle | |
ProxyInit(const AString &a_IPString, const cUUID &a_UUID) | cClientHandle | |
ProxyInit(const AString &a_IPString, const cUUID &a_UUID, const Json::Value &a_Properties) | cClientHandle | |
RegisterPluginChannels(const AStringVector &a_ChannelList) | cClientHandle | private |
RemoveFromWorld(void) | cClientHandle | |
s_ClientCount | cClientHandle | privatestatic |
s_IllegalPosition | cClientHandle | privatestatic |
SendAttachEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity, const cEntity &a_Vehicle) | cClientHandle | |
SendBlockAction(Vector3i a_BlockPos, char a_Byte1, char a_Byte2, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) | cClientHandle | |
SendBlockBreakAnim(UInt32 a_EntityID, Vector3i a_BlockPos, char a_Stage) | cClientHandle | |
SendBlockChange(Vector3i a_BlockPos, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) | cClientHandle | |
SendBlockChanges(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, const sSetBlockVector &a_Changes) | cClientHandle | |
SendBossBarAdd(UInt32 a_UniqueID, const cCompositeChat &a_Title, float a_FractionFilled, BossBarColor a_Color, BossBarDivisionType a_DivisionType, bool a_DarkenSky, bool a_PlayEndMusic, bool a_CreateFog) | cClientHandle | |
SendBossBarRemove(UInt32 a_UniqueID) | cClientHandle | |
SendBossBarUpdateFlags(UInt32 a_UniqueID, bool a_DarkenSky, bool a_PlayEndMusic, bool a_CreateFog) | cClientHandle | |
SendBossBarUpdateHealth(UInt32 a_UniqueID, float a_FractionFilled) | cClientHandle | |
SendBossBarUpdateStyle(UInt32 a_UniqueID, BossBarColor a_Color, BossBarDivisionType a_DivisionType) | cClientHandle | |
SendBossBarUpdateTitle(UInt32 a_UniqueID, const cCompositeChat &a_Title) | cClientHandle | |
SendCameraSetTo(const cEntity &a_Entity) | cClientHandle | |
SendChat(const AString &a_Message, eMessageType a_ChatPrefix, const AString &a_AdditionalData="") | cClientHandle | |
SendChat(const cCompositeChat &a_Message) | cClientHandle | |
SendChatAboveActionBar(const AString &a_Message, eMessageType a_ChatPrefix, const AString &a_AdditionalData="") | cClientHandle | |
SendChatAboveActionBar(const cCompositeChat &a_Message) | cClientHandle | |
SendChatRaw(const AString &a_MessageRaw, eChatType a_Type) | cClientHandle | |
SendChatSystem(const AString &a_Message, eMessageType a_ChatPrefix, const AString &a_AdditionalData="") | cClientHandle | |
SendChatSystem(const cCompositeChat &a_Message) | cClientHandle | |
SendChunkData(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, ContiguousByteBufferView a_ChunkData) | cClientHandle | |
SendCollectEntity(const cEntity &a_Collected, const cEntity &a_Collector, unsigned a_Count) | cClientHandle | |
SendData(ContiguousByteBufferView a_Data) | cClientHandle | |
SendDestroyEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity) | cClientHandle | |
SendDetachEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity, const cEntity &a_PreviousVehicle) | cClientHandle | |
SendDisconnect(const AString &a_Reason) | cClientHandle | |
SendDisplayObjective(const AString &a_Objective, cScoreboard::eDisplaySlot a_Display) | cClientHandle | |
SendEditSign(Vector3i a_BlockPos) | cClientHandle | |
SendEntityAnimation(const cEntity &a_Entity, EntityAnimation a_Animation) | cClientHandle | |
SendEntityEffect(const cEntity &a_Entity, int a_EffectID, int a_Amplifier, int a_Duration) | cClientHandle | |
SendEntityEquipment(const cEntity &a_Entity, short a_SlotNum, const cItem &a_Item) | cClientHandle | |
SendEntityHeadLook(const cEntity &a_Entity) | cClientHandle | |
SendEntityLook(const cEntity &a_Entity) | cClientHandle | |
SendEntityMetadata(const cEntity &a_Entity) | cClientHandle | |
SendEntityPosition(const cEntity &a_Entity) | cClientHandle | |
SendEntityProperties(const cEntity &a_Entity) | cClientHandle | |
SendEntityVelocity(const cEntity &a_Entity) | cClientHandle | |
SendExperience(void) | cClientHandle | |
SendExperienceOrb(const cExpOrb &a_ExpOrb) | cClientHandle | |
SendExplosion(Vector3f a_Position, float a_Power) | cClientHandle | |
SendGameMode(eGameMode a_GameMode) | cClientHandle | |
SendHealth(void) | cClientHandle | |
SendHeldItemChange(int a_ItemIndex) | cClientHandle | |
SendHideTitle(void) | cClientHandle | |
SendInitRecipes(UInt32 a_RecipeId) | cClientHandle | |
SendInventorySlot(char a_WindowID, short a_SlotNum, const cItem &a_Item) | cClientHandle | |
SendLeashEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity, const cEntity &a_EntityLeashedTo) | cClientHandle | |
SendMapData(const cMap &a_Map, int a_DataStartX, int a_DataStartY) | cClientHandle | |
SendPaintingSpawn(const cPainting &a_Painting) | cClientHandle | |
SendParticleEffect(const AString &a_ParticleName, Vector3f a_Source, Vector3f a_Offset, float a_ParticleData, int a_ParticleAmount) | cClientHandle | |
SendParticleEffect(const AString &a_ParticleName, const Vector3f a_Src, const Vector3f a_Offset, float a_ParticleData, int a_ParticleAmount, std::array< int, 2 > a_Data) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerAbilities(void) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerListAddPlayer(const cPlayer &a_Player) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerListHeaderFooter(const cCompositeChat &a_Header, const cCompositeChat &a_Footer) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerListRemovePlayer(const cPlayer &a_Player) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerListUpdateDisplayName(const cPlayer &a_Player, const AString &a_CustomName) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerListUpdateGameMode(const cPlayer &a_Player) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerListUpdatePing() | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerMoveLook(Vector3d a_Pos, float a_Yaw, float a_Pitch, bool a_IsRelative) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerMoveLook(void) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerPermissionLevel(void) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerPosition(void) | cClientHandle | |
SendPlayerSpawn(const cPlayer &a_Player) | cClientHandle | |
SendPluginMessage(const AString &a_Channel, std::string_view a_Message) | cClientHandle | |
SendPluginMessage(const AString &a_Channel, ContiguousByteBufferView a_Message) | cClientHandle | |
SendRemoveEntityEffect(const cEntity &a_Entity, int a_EffectID) | cClientHandle | |
SendResetTitle(void) | cClientHandle | |
SendResourcePack(const AString &a_ResourcePackUrl) | cClientHandle | |
SendRespawn(eDimension a_Dimension, bool a_IsRespawningFromDeath) | cClientHandle | |
SendScoreboardObjective(const AString &a_Name, const AString &a_DisplayName, Byte a_Mode) | cClientHandle | |
SendScoreUpdate(const AString &a_Objective, const AString &a_Player, cObjective::Score a_Score, Byte a_Mode) | cClientHandle | |
SendSetRawSubTitle(const AString &a_SubTitle) | cClientHandle | |
SendSetRawTitle(const AString &a_Title) | cClientHandle | |
SendSetSubTitle(const cCompositeChat &a_SubTitle) | cClientHandle | |
SendSetTitle(const cCompositeChat &a_Title) | cClientHandle | |
SendSoundEffect(const AString &a_SoundName, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch) | cClientHandle | |
SendSoundEffect(const AString &a_SoundName, Vector3d a_Position, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch) | cClientHandle | |
SendSoundParticleEffect(const EffectID a_EffectID, Vector3i a_Source, int a_Data) | cClientHandle | |
SendSpawnEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity) | cClientHandle | |
SendSpawnMob(const cMonster &a_Mob) | cClientHandle | |
SendStatistics(const StatisticsManager &a_Manager) | cClientHandle | |
SendTabCompletionResults(const AStringVector &a_Results) | cClientHandle | |
SendThunderbolt(Vector3i a_BlockPos) | cClientHandle | |
SendTimeUpdate(cTickTimeLong a_WorldAge, cTickTimeLong a_WorldDate, bool a_DoDaylightCycle) | cClientHandle | |
SendTitleTimes(int a_FadeInTicks, int a_DisplayTicks, int a_FadeOutTicks) | cClientHandle | |
SendUnleashEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity) | cClientHandle | |
SendUnloadChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) | cClientHandle | |
SendUnlockRecipe(UInt32 a_RecipeId) | cClientHandle | |
SendUpdateBlockEntity(cBlockEntity &a_BlockEntity) | cClientHandle | |
SendUpdateSign(Vector3i a_BlockPos, const AString &a_Line1, const AString &a_Line2, const AString &a_Line3, const AString &a_Line4) | cClientHandle | |
SendWeather(eWeather a_Weather) | cClientHandle | |
SendWholeInventory(const cWindow &a_Window) | cClientHandle | |
SendWindowClose(const cWindow &a_Window) | cClientHandle | |
SendWindowOpen(const cWindow &a_Window) | cClientHandle | |
SendWindowProperty(const cWindow &a_Window, size_t a_Property, short a_Value) | cClientHandle | |
ServerTick(float a_Dt) | cClientHandle | |
SetClientBrand(const AString &a_ClientBrand) | cClientHandle | inline |
SetIPString(const AString &a_IPString) | cClientHandle | inline |
SetIsForgeClient() | cClientHandle | inline |
SetLocale(const AString &a_Locale) | cClientHandle | inline |
SetProperties(const Json::Value &a_Properties) | cClientHandle | inline |
SetProtocolVersion(UInt32 a_ProtocolVersion) | cClientHandle | inline |
SetState(eState a_NewState) | cClientHandle | private |
SetUsername(AString &&a_Username) | cClientHandle | |
SetUUID(const cUUID &a_UUID) | cClientHandle | inline |
SetViewDistance(int a_ViewDistance) | cClientHandle | |
SocketClosed(void) | cClientHandle | private |
StreamChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkSender::Priority a_Priority) | cClientHandle | private |
StreamNextChunks() | cClientHandle | |
Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt) | cClientHandle | |
UnloadOutOfRangeChunks(void) | cClientHandle | |
UnregisterPluginChannels(const AStringVector &a_ChannelList) | cClientHandle | private |
WantsSendChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) | cClientHandle | |
~cCallbacks() | cTCPLink::cCallbacks | inlinevirtual |
~cClientHandle() override | cClientHandle | virtual |