![]() |
A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
This is the complete list of members for cPawn, including all inherited members.
AddEntityEffect(cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType, int a_EffectDurationTicks, short a_EffectIntensity, double a_DistanceModifier=1) | cPawn | |
AddLeashedMob(cMonster *a_Monster) | cEntity | |
AddPosition(double a_AddPosX, double a_AddPosY, double a_AddPosZ) | cEntity | inline |
AddPosition(const Vector3d &a_AddPos) | cEntity | inline |
AddPosX(double a_AddPosX) | cEntity | inline |
AddPosY(double a_AddPosY) | cEntity | inline |
AddPosZ(double a_AddPosZ) | cEntity | inline |
AddSpeed(double a_AddSpeedX, double a_AddSpeedY, double a_AddSpeedZ) | cEntity | |
AddSpeed(const Vector3d &a_AddSpeed) | cEntity | inline |
AddSpeedX(double a_AddSpeedX) | cEntity | |
AddSpeedY(double a_AddSpeedY) | cEntity | |
AddSpeedZ(double a_AddSpeedZ) | cEntity | |
ApplyArmorDamage(int DamageBlocked) | cEntity | virtual |
ApplyFriction(Vector3d &a_Speed, double a_SlowdownMultiplier, float a_Dt) | cEntity | protectedstatic |
ArmorCoversAgainst(eDamageType a_DamageType) | cEntity | virtual |
AttachTo(cEntity *a_AttachTo) | cEntity | virtual |
BroadcastLeashedMobs() | cEntity | protected |
BroadcastMovementUpdate(const cClientHandle *a_Exclude=nullptr) | cEntity | virtual |
BURN_DAMAGE | cEntity | static |
BURN_TICKS | cEntity | static |
BURN_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE | cEntity | static |
cEntity(eEntityType a_EntityType, Vector3d a_Pos, float a_Width, float a_Height) | cEntity | |
ClearEntityEffects(void) | cPawn | |
cMonsterList typedef | cEntity | private |
cPawn(eEntityType a_EntityType, float a_Width, float a_Height) | cPawn | |
DeductTotem(eDamageType a_DamageType) | cPawn | private |
Destroy() | cEntity | |
Detach(void) | cEntity | virtual |
DetectCacti(void) | cEntity | virtual |
DetectMagma(void) | cEntity | virtual |
DetectPortal(void) | cEntity | virtual |
DoesPreventBlockPlacement(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
DoMoveToWorld(const sWorldChangeInfo &a_WorldChangeInfo) | cEntity | protected |
DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo &a_TDI) | cEntity | virtual |
DROWNING_TICKS | cEntity | static |
eEntityType enum name | cEntity | |
etBoat enum value | cEntity | |
etEnderCrystal enum value | cEntity | |
etEntity enum value | cEntity | |
etExpOrb enum value | cEntity | |
etFallingBlock enum value | cEntity | |
etFloater enum value | cEntity | |
etItemFrame enum value | cEntity | |
etLeashKnot enum value | cEntity | |
etMinecart enum value | cEntity | |
etMob enum value | cEntity | |
etMonster enum value | cEntity | |
etPainting enum value | cEntity | |
etPickup enum value | cEntity | |
etPlayer enum value | cEntity | |
etProjectile enum value | cEntity | |
etTNT enum value | cEntity | |
FALL_DAMAGE_HEIGHT | cEntity | static |
FIRE_DAMAGE | cEntity | static |
FIRE_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE | cEntity | static |
GetAirDrag(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetAirLevel(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetArmorCoverAgainst(const cEntity *a_Attacker, eDamageType a_DamageType, int a_RawDamage) | cEntity | virtual |
GetAttached() | cEntity | |
GetBoundingBox() const | cEntity | inline |
GetChunkX(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetChunkZ(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetClass(void) const | cEntity | virtual |
GetClassStatic(void) | cEntity | static |
GetDrops(cItems &a_Drops, cEntity *a_Killer=nullptr) | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
GetEnchantmentBlastKnockbackReduction() | cEntity | virtual |
GetEnchantmentCoverAgainst(const cEntity *a_Attacker, eDamageType a_DamageType, int a_Damage) | cEntity | virtual |
GetEntityEffect(cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType) const | cPawn | |
GetEntityEffects() const | cPawn | |
GetEntityType(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetEquippedBoots(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
GetEquippedChestplate(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
GetEquippedHelmet(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
GetEquippedLeggings(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
GetEquippedWeapon(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
GetGravity(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetHeadYaw(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetHealth(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetHeight(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetInvulnerableTicks(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetKnockbackAmountAgainst(const cEntity &a_Receiver) | cEntity | virtual |
GetLastSentPosition(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetLookVector(void) const | cEntity | |
GetMass(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetMaxHealth(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetOffHandEquipedItem(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
GetParentChunk() | cEntity | inline |
GetParentChunk() const | cEntity | inline |
GetParentClass(void) const | cEntity | virtual |
GetPitch(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetPosition(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetPosX(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetPosY(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetPosZ(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetRawDamageAgainst(const cEntity &a_Receiver) | cEntity | virtual |
GetRoll(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetSpeed(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetSpeedX(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetSpeedY(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetSpeedZ(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetTicksAlive(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetUniqueID(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetWidth(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetWorld(void) const | cEntity | inline |
GetYaw(void) const | cEntity | inline |
HandleAir(void) override | cPawn | virtual |
HandleFalling(void) | cPawn | virtual |
HandlePhysics(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk &a_Chunk) | cEntity | virtual |
HandleSpeedFromAttachee(float a_Forward, float a_Sideways) | cEntity | virtual |
HasAnyMobLeashed() const | cEntity | inline |
HasEntityEffect(cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType) const | cPawn | |
Heal(int a_HitPoints) | cEntity | virtual |
Initialize(OwnedEntity a_Self, cWorld &a_EntityWorld) | cEntity | |
INVALID_ID | cEntity | static |
IsA(const char *a_ClassName) const | cEntity | virtual |
IsArrow(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsAttachedTo(const cEntity *a_Entity) const | cEntity | |
IsBoat(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsCrouched(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsDestroyed() const | cEntity | inline |
IsElytraFlying(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsEnderCrystal(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsExpOrb(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsFallingBlock(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsFireproof(void) const override | cPawn | virtual |
IsFloater(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsHeadInWater(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsInFire(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsInLava(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsInvisible() const override | cPawn | virtual |
IsInWater(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsItemFrame(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsLeashKnot(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsMinecart(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsMob(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsOnFire(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsOnGround(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsOrientationDirty() const | cEntity | |
IsPainting(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsPawn(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsPickup(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsPlayer(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsProjectile(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsRclking(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsRiding(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsSprinting(void) const | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
IsTicking(void) const | cEntity | |
IsTNT(void) const | cEntity | inline |
IsWorldChangeScheduled() const | cEntity | inline |
Killed(cEntity *a_Victim) | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo &a_TDI) override | cPawn | virtual |
LAVA_DAMAGE | cEntity | static |
LAVA_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE | cEntity | static |
m_AirDrag | cEntity | protected |
m_AirLevel | cEntity | protected |
m_AirTickTimer | cEntity | protected |
m_AttachedTo | cEntity | protected |
m_Attachee | cEntity | protected |
m_bDirtyHead | cEntity | protected |
m_bDirtyOrientation | cEntity | protected |
m_bHasSentNoSpeed | cEntity | protected |
m_bOnGround | cEntity | protected |
m_bTouchGround | cPawn | protected |
m_EntityEffects | cPawn | protected |
m_EntityType | cEntity | protected |
m_Gravity | cEntity | protected |
m_HeadYaw | cEntity | private |
m_Health | cEntity | protected |
m_Height | cEntity | private |
m_InvulnerableTicks | cEntity | private |
m_IsFireproof | cEntity | protected |
m_IsHeadInWater | cEntity | protected |
m_IsInFire | cEntity | protected |
m_IsInLava | cEntity | protected |
m_IsInWater | cEntity | protected |
m_IsTicking | cEntity | private |
m_LastGroundHeight | cPawn | protected |
m_LastPosition | cEntity | protected |
m_LastSentPosition | cEntity | protected |
m_LeashedMobs | cEntity | private |
m_Mass | cEntity | private |
m_MaxHealth | cEntity | protected |
m_ParentChunk | cEntity | private |
m_PortalCooldownData | cEntity | protected |
m_Position | cEntity | private |
m_Rot | cEntity | private |
m_Speed | cEntity | protected |
m_TargetingMe | cPawn | private |
m_TicksAlive | cEntity | protected |
m_TicksLeftBurning | cEntity | protected |
m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage | cEntity | protected |
m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage | cEntity | protected |
m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage | cEntity | protected |
m_TicksSinceLastVoidDamage | cEntity | protected |
m_UniqueID | cEntity | protected |
m_WaterSpeed | cEntity | private |
m_Width | cEntity | private |
m_World | cEntity | protected |
m_WorldChangeInfo | cEntity | protected |
MAX_AIR_LEVEL | cEntity | static |
MoveToWorld(cWorld &a_World, Vector3d a_NewPosition, bool a_ShouldSetPortalCooldown=false, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn=true) | cEntity | |
MoveToWorld(cWorld &a_World, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn, Vector3d a_NewPosition) | cEntity | inline |
MoveToWorld(cWorld &a_World, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn=true) | cEntity | |
MoveToWorld(const AString &a_WorldName, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn=true) | cEntity | |
NoLongerTargetingMe(cMonster *a_Monster) | cPawn | |
OnAddToWorld(cWorld &a_World) | cEntity | virtual |
OnFinishedBurning(void) | cEntity | virtual |
OnRemoveFromWorld(cWorld &a_World) override | cPawn | virtual |
OnRightClicked(cPlayer &a_Player) | cEntity | inlinevirtual |
OnStartedBurning(void) | cEntity | virtual |
RemoveEntityEffect(cEntityEffect::eType a_EffectType) | cPawn | |
RemoveLeashedMob(cMonster *a_Monster) | cEntity | |
ResetPosition(Vector3d a_NewPosition) override | cPawn | protectedvirtual |
SetAirDrag(float a_AirDrag) | cEntity | inline |
SetGravity(float a_Gravity) | cEntity | inline |
SetHeadYaw(double a_HeadYaw) | cEntity | |
SetHealth(float a_Health) | cEntity | |
SetInvulnerableTicks(int a_InvulnerableTicks) | cEntity | inline |
SetIsFireproof(bool a_IsFireproof) | cEntity | |
SetIsTicking(bool a_IsTicking) | cEntity | |
SetMass(double a_Mass) | cEntity | |
SetMaxHealth(float a_MaxHealth) | cEntity | |
SetParentChunk(cChunk *a_Chunk) | cEntity | |
SetPitch(double a_Pitch) | cEntity | |
SetPitchFromSpeed(void) | cEntity | |
SetPosition(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ) | cEntity | inline |
SetPosition(const Vector3d &a_Position) | cEntity | |
SetPosX(double a_PosX) | cEntity | inline |
SetPosY(double a_PosY) | cEntity | inline |
SetPosZ(double a_PosZ) | cEntity | inline |
SetRoll(double a_Roll) | cEntity | |
SetSize(float a_Width, float a_Height) | cEntity | |
SetSpeed(double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ) | cEntity | |
SetSpeed(Vector3d a_Speed) | cEntity | inline |
SetSpeedX(double a_SpeedX) | cEntity | |
SetSpeedY(double a_SpeedY) | cEntity | |
SetSpeedZ(double a_SpeedZ) | cEntity | |
SetSwimState(cChunk &a_Chunk) | cEntity | protectedvirtual |
SetWorld(cWorld *a_World) | cEntity | inline |
SetYaw(double a_Yaw) | cEntity | |
SetYawFromSpeed(void) | cEntity | |
SpawnOn(cClientHandle &a_Client)=0 | cEntity | pure virtual |
StartBurning(int a_TicksLeftBurning) | cEntity | |
SteerVehicle(float a_Forward, float a_Sideways) | cEntity | |
StopBurning(void) | cEntity | |
StopEveryoneFromTargetingMe() | cPawn | |
Super typedef | cPawn | private |
TakeDamage(cEntity &a_Attacker) | cEntity | |
TakeDamage(eDamageType a_DamageType, cEntity *a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) | cEntity | |
TakeDamage(eDamageType a_DamageType, UInt32 a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) | cEntity | |
TakeDamage(eDamageType a_DamageType, cEntity *a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, float a_FinalDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) | cEntity | |
TargetingMe(cMonster *a_Monster) | cPawn | |
tEffectMap typedef | cPawn | protected |
TeleportToCoords(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ) | cEntity | virtual |
TeleportToEntity(cEntity &a_Entity) | cEntity | virtual |
Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk &a_Chunk) override | cPawn | virtual |
TickBurning(cChunk &a_Chunk) | cEntity | virtual |
TickInVoid(cChunk &a_Chunk) | cEntity | virtual |
VOID_BOUNDARY | cEntity | static |
WrapHeadYaw() | cEntity | |
WrapRotation() | cEntity | |
WrapSpeed() | cEntity | |
~cEntity()=default | cEntity | virtual |