![]() |
A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
This is the complete list of members for cProtocol, including all inherited members.
cPacketizer class | cProtocol | friend |
cProtocol(cClientHandle *a_Client) | cProtocol | inline |
DataPrepared(ContiguousByteBuffer &a_Data)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
DataReceived(cByteBuffer &a_Buffer, ContiguousByteBuffer &a_Data)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
EntityMetadata enum name | cProtocol | |
EntityMetadataType enum name | cProtocol | |
ePacketType enum name | cProtocol | |
Game enum value | cProtocol | |
GetAuthServerID(void)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
GetPacketID(ePacketType a_Packet) const =0 | cProtocol | protectedpure virtual |
GetProtocolVersion() const =0 | cProtocol | protectedpure virtual |
Login enum value | cProtocol | |
m_Client | cProtocol | protected |
m_CSPacket | cProtocol | protected |
m_OutPacketBuffer | cProtocol | protected |
m_OutPacketLenBuffer | cProtocol | protected |
pktAttachEntity enum value | cProtocol | |
pktBlockAction enum value | cProtocol | |
pktBlockBreakAnim enum value | cProtocol | |
pktBlockChange enum value | cProtocol | |
pktBlockChanges enum value | cProtocol | |
pktBossBar enum value | cProtocol | |
pktCameraSetTo enum value | cProtocol | |
pktChatRaw enum value | cProtocol | |
pktCollectEntity enum value | cProtocol | |
pktDestroyEntity enum value | cProtocol | |
pktDifficulty enum value | cProtocol | |
pktDisconnectDuringGame enum value | cProtocol | |
pktDisconnectDuringLogin enum value | cProtocol | |
pktDisplayObjective enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEditSign enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEncryptionRequest enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityAnimation enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityEffect enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityEquipment enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityHeadLook enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityLook enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityMeta enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityProperties enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityRelMove enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityRelMoveLook enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityStatus enum value | cProtocol | |
pktEntityVelocity enum value | cProtocol | |
pktExperience enum value | cProtocol | |
pktExplosion enum value | cProtocol | |
pktGameMode enum value | cProtocol | |
pktHeldItemChange enum value | cProtocol | |
pktHorseWindowOpen enum value | cProtocol | |
pktInventorySlot enum value | cProtocol | |
pktJoinGame enum value | cProtocol | |
pktKeepAlive enum value | cProtocol | |
pktLeashEntity enum value | cProtocol | |
pktLoginSuccess enum value | cProtocol | |
pktMapData enum value | cProtocol | |
pktParticleEffect enum value | cProtocol | |
pktPingResponse enum value | cProtocol | |
pktPlayerAbilities enum value | cProtocol | |
pktPlayerList enum value | cProtocol | |
pktPlayerListHeaderFooter enum value | cProtocol | |
pktPlayerMoveLook enum value | cProtocol | |
pktPluginMessage enum value | cProtocol | |
pktRemoveEntityEffect enum value | cProtocol | |
pktResourcePack enum value | cProtocol | |
pktRespawn enum value | cProtocol | |
pktScoreboardObjective enum value | cProtocol | |
pktSoundEffect enum value | cProtocol | |
pktSoundParticleEffect enum value | cProtocol | |
pktSpawnExperienceOrb enum value | cProtocol | |
pktSpawnGlobalEntity enum value | cProtocol | |
pktSpawnMob enum value | cProtocol | |
pktSpawnObject enum value | cProtocol | |
pktSpawnOtherPlayer enum value | cProtocol | |
pktSpawnPainting enum value | cProtocol | |
pktSpawnPosition enum value | cProtocol | |
pktStartCompression enum value | cProtocol | |
pktStatistics enum value | cProtocol | |
pktStatusResponse enum value | cProtocol | |
pktTabCompletionResults enum value | cProtocol | |
pktTeleportEntity enum value | cProtocol | |
pktTimeUpdate enum value | cProtocol | |
pktTitle enum value | cProtocol | |
pktUnloadChunk enum value | cProtocol | |
pktUnlockRecipe enum value | cProtocol | |
pktUpdateBlockEntity enum value | cProtocol | |
pktUpdateHealth enum value | cProtocol | |
pktUpdateScore enum value | cProtocol | |
pktUpdateSign enum value | cProtocol | |
pktUseBed enum value | cProtocol | |
pktWeather enum value | cProtocol | |
pktWindowClose enum value | cProtocol | |
pktWindowItems enum value | cProtocol | |
pktWindowOpen enum value | cProtocol | |
pktWindowProperty enum value | cProtocol | |
SendAttachEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity, const cEntity &a_Vehicle)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendBlockAction(Vector3i a_BlockPos, char a_Byte1, char a_Byte2, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendBlockBreakAnim(UInt32 a_EntityID, Vector3i a_BlockPos, char a_Stage)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendBlockChange(Vector3i a_BlockPos, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendBlockChanges(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, const sSetBlockVector &a_Changes)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendBossBarAdd(UInt32 a_UniqueID, const cCompositeChat &a_Title, float a_FractionFilled, BossBarColor a_Color, BossBarDivisionType a_DivisionType, bool a_DarkenSky, bool a_PlayEndMusic, bool a_CreateFog)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendBossBarRemove(UInt32 a_UniqueID)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendBossBarUpdateFlags(UInt32 a_UniqueID, bool a_DarkenSky, bool a_PlayEndMusic, bool a_CreateFog)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendBossBarUpdateHealth(UInt32 a_UniqueID, float a_FractionFilled)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendBossBarUpdateStyle(UInt32 a_UniqueID, BossBarColor a_Color, BossBarDivisionType a_DivisionType)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendBossBarUpdateTitle(UInt32 a_UniqueID, const cCompositeChat &a_Title)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendCameraSetTo(const cEntity &a_Entity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendChat(const AString &a_Message, eChatType a_Type)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendChat(const cCompositeChat &a_Message, eChatType a_Type, bool a_ShouldUseChatPrefixes)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendChatRaw(const AString &a_MessageRaw, eChatType a_Type)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendChunkData(ContiguousByteBufferView a_ChunkData)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendCollectEntity(const cEntity &a_Collected, const cEntity &a_Collector, unsigned a_Count)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendDestroyEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendDetachEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity, const cEntity &a_PreviousVehicle)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendDisconnect(const AString &a_Reason)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendDisplayObjective(const AString &a_Objective, cScoreboard::eDisplaySlot a_Display)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendEditSign(Vector3i a_BlockPos)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendEntityAnimation(const cEntity &a_Entity, EntityAnimation a_Animation)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendEntityEffect(const cEntity &a_Entity, int a_EffectID, int a_Amplifier, int a_Duration)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendEntityEquipment(const cEntity &a_Entity, short a_SlotNum, const cItem &a_Item)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendEntityHeadLook(const cEntity &a_Entity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendEntityLook(const cEntity &a_Entity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendEntityMetadata(const cEntity &a_Entity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendEntityPosition(const cEntity &a_Entity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendEntityProperties(const cEntity &a_Entity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendEntityVelocity(const cEntity &a_Entity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendExperience(void)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendExperienceOrb(const cExpOrb &a_ExpOrb)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendExplosion(Vector3f a_Position, float a_Power)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendGameMode(eGameMode a_GameMode)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendHealth(void)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendHeldItemChange(int a_ItemIndex)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendHideTitle(void)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendInitRecipes(UInt32 a_RecipeID)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendInventorySlot(char a_WindowID, short a_SlotNum, const cItem &a_Item)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendKeepAlive(UInt32 a_PingID)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendLeashEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity, const cEntity &a_EntityLeashedTo)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendLogin(const cPlayer &a_Player, const cWorld &a_World)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendLoginSuccess(void)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendMapData(const cMap &a_Map, int a_DataStartX, int a_DataStartY)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPacket(cPacketizer &a_Packet)=0 | cProtocol | protectedpure virtual |
SendPaintingSpawn(const cPainting &a_Painting)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendParticleEffect(const AString &a_SoundName, Vector3f a_Src, Vector3f a_Offset, float a_ParticleData, int a_ParticleAmount)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendParticleEffect(const AString &a_SoundName, Vector3f a_Src, Vector3f a_Offset, float a_ParticleData, int a_ParticleAmount, std::array< int, 2 > a_Data)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerAbilities(void)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerListAddPlayer(const cPlayer &a_Player)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerListHeaderFooter(const cCompositeChat &a_Header, const cCompositeChat &a_Footer)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerListRemovePlayer(const cPlayer &a_Player)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerListUpdateDisplayName(const cPlayer &a_Player, const AString &a_CustomName)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerListUpdateGameMode(const cPlayer &a_Player)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerListUpdatePing()=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerMoveLook(Vector3d a_Pos, float a_Yaw, float a_Pitch, bool a_IsRelative)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerMoveLook(void)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerPermissionLevel(void)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerPosition(void)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPlayerSpawn(const cPlayer &a_Player)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendPluginMessage(const AString &a_Channel, ContiguousByteBufferView a_Message)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendRemoveEntityEffect(const cEntity &a_Entity, int a_EffectID)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendResetTitle(void)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendResourcePack(const AString &a_ResourcePackUrl)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendRespawn(eDimension a_Dimension)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendScoreboardObjective(const AString &a_Name, const AString &a_DisplayName, Byte a_Mode)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendScoreUpdate(const AString &a_Objective, const AString &a_Player, cObjective::Score a_Score, Byte a_Mode)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendSetRawSubTitle(const AString &a_SubTitle)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendSetRawTitle(const AString &a_Title)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendSetSubTitle(const cCompositeChat &a_SubTitle)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendSetTitle(const cCompositeChat &a_Title)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendSoundEffect(const AString &a_SoundName, Vector3d a_Origin, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendSoundParticleEffect(const EffectID a_EffectID, Vector3i a_Origin, int a_Data)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendSpawnEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendSpawnMob(const cMonster &a_Mob)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendStatistics(const StatisticsManager &a_Manager)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendTabCompletionResults(const AStringVector &a_Results)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendThunderbolt(Vector3i a_Origin)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendTimeUpdate(cTickTimeLong a_WorldAge, cTickTimeLong a_WorldDate, bool a_DoDaylightCycle)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendTitleTimes(int a_FadeInTicks, int a_DisplayTicks, int a_FadeOutTicks)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendUnleashEntity(const cEntity &a_Entity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendUnloadChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendUnlockRecipe(UInt32 a_RecipeID)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendUpdateBlockEntity(cBlockEntity &a_BlockEntity)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendUpdateSign(Vector3i a_BlockPos, const AString &a_Line1, const AString &a_Line2, const AString &a_Line3, const AString &a_Line4)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendWeather(eWeather a_Weather)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendWholeInventory(const cWindow &a_Window)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendWindowClose(const cWindow &a_Window)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendWindowOpen(const cWindow &a_Window)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
SendWindowProperty(const cWindow &a_Window, size_t a_Property, short a_Value)=0 | cProtocol | pure virtual |
State enum name | cProtocol | |
Status enum value | cProtocol | |
Version enum name | cProtocol | |
~cProtocol() | cProtocol | inlinevirtual |