A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
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2 // Trees.h
4 // Interfaces to helper functions used for generating trees
6 /*
7 Note that all of these functions must generate the same tree image for the same input (x, y, z, seq)
8  - cStructGenTrees depends on this
9 To generate a random image for the (x, y, z) coords, pass an arbitrary value as (seq).
10 Each function returns two arrays of blocks, "logs" and "other". The point is that logs are of higher priority,
11 logs can overwrite others(leaves), but others shouldn't overwrite logs. This is an optimization for the generator.
12 */
18 #pragma once
20 #include "../Noise/Noise.h"
26 // Blocks that don't block tree growth:
28  case E_BLOCK_AIR: \
29  case E_BLOCK_LEAVES: \
30  case E_BLOCK_NEW_LEAVES: \
31  case E_BLOCK_SNOW: \
32  case E_BLOCK_TALL_GRASS: \
33  case E_BLOCK_DEAD_BUSH: \
34  case E_BLOCK_SAPLING: \
35  case E_BLOCK_VINES
37 // Blocks that a tree may overwrite when growing:
39  case E_BLOCK_AIR: \
40  /* case E_BLOCK_LEAVES: LEAVES are a special case, they can be overwritten only by log. Handled in cChunkMap::ReplaceTreeBlocks(). */ \
41  case E_BLOCK_SNOW: \
42  case E_BLOCK_TALL_GRASS: \
43  case E_BLOCK_BIG_FLOWER: \
44  case E_BLOCK_DEAD_BUSH: \
45  case E_BLOCK_SAPLING: \
46  case E_BLOCK_VINES
53 void GetTreeImageByBiome(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, EMCSBiome a_Biome, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
56 void GetAppleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
59 void GetSmallAppleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
62 void GetLargeAppleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
68 Vector3d GetTreeBranch(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, Vector3i a_BlockPos, int a_BranchLength, Vector3d a_StartDirection, Vector3d a_Direction, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks);
71 NIBBLETYPE GetLogMetaFromDirection(NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, Vector3d a_Direction);
74 void GetBirchTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
77 void GetAcaciaTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
80 void GetDarkoakTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
83 void GetTallBirchTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
86 void GetConiferTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
89 void GetSpruceTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
92 void GetPineTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
95 void GetSwampTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
98 void GetAppleBushImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
101 void GetJungleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks, bool a_Large);
104 void GetLargeJungleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
107 void GetSmallJungleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise & a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector & a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector & a_OtherBlocks);
void GetSmallAppleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a small (nonbran...
Definition: Trees.cpp:394
void GetSwampTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random swampla...
Definition: Trees.cpp:901
void GetTallBirchTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random large b...
Definition: Trees.cpp:696
void GetPineTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random pine (t...
Definition: Trees.cpp:848
void GetLargeJungleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a large jungle t...
Definition: Trees.cpp:984
unsigned char BLOCKTYPE
The datatype used by blockdata.
Definition: ChunkDef.h:42
NIBBLETYPE GetLogMetaFromDirection(NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, Vector3d a_Direction)
Returns the meta for a log from the given direction.
Definition: Trees.cpp:507
unsigned char NIBBLETYPE
The datatype used by nibbledata (meta, light, skylight)
Definition: ChunkDef.h:45
Biome IDs The first batch corresponds to the clientside biomes, used by MineCraft.
Definition: BiomeDef.h:21
void GetTreeImageByBiome(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, EMCSBiome a_Biome, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a tree at the sp...
Definition: Trees.cpp:227
void GetJungleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks, bool a_Large)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random jungle ...
Definition: Trees.cpp:968
void GetBirchTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random birch t...
Definition: Trees.cpp:529
Vector3d GetTreeBranch(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, Vector3i a_BlockPos, int a_BranchLength, Vector3d a_StartDirection, Vector3d a_Direction, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks with the logs of a tree branch of the provided log type.
Definition: Trees.cpp:489
void GetSmallJungleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a small jungle t...
Definition: Trees.cpp:1054
Definition: Noise.h:19
void GetConiferTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random conifer...
Definition: Trees.cpp:734
void GetAcaciaTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random acacia ...
Definition: Trees.cpp:567
void GetLargeAppleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a large (branchi...
Definition: Trees.cpp:446
void GetAppleBushImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random apple b...
Definition: Trees.cpp:948
void GetSpruceTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random spruce ...
Definition: Trees.cpp:751
void GetDarkoakTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random darkoak...
Definition: Trees.cpp:625
std::vector< sSetBlock > sSetBlockVector
Definition: ChunkDef.h:564
void GetAppleTreeImage(Vector3i a_BlockPos, cNoise &a_Noise, int a_Seq, sSetBlockVector &a_LogBlocks, sSetBlockVector &a_OtherBlocks)
Fills a_LogBlocks and a_OtherBlocks (dirt & leaves) with the blocks required to form a random apple t...
Definition: Trees.cpp:378