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cDisplacementYawRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, Up, Down > Member List

This is the complete list of members for cDisplacementYawRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, Up, Down >, including all inherited members.

cMetaRotator(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)cMetaRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, AssertIfNotMatched >inline
DisplacementYawToMetaData(const Vector3d a_PlacePosition, const Vector3d a_EyePosition, const double a_Rotation)cDisplacementYawRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, Up, Down >inlinestatic
MetaMirrorXY(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const overridecMetaRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, AssertIfNotMatched >inlineprotectedvirtual
MetaMirrorXZ(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const overridecDisplacementYawRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, Up, Down >inlineprotectedvirtual
MetaMirrorYZ(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const overridecMetaRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, AssertIfNotMatched >inlineprotectedvirtual
MetaRotateCCW(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const overridecMetaRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, AssertIfNotMatched >inlineprotectedvirtual
MetaRotateCW(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const overridecMetaRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, AssertIfNotMatched >inlineprotectedvirtual
Super typedefcDisplacementYawRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, Up, Down >private
YawToMetaData(double a_Rotation)cYawRotator< Base, 0x07, 0x02, 0x05, 0x03, 0x04 >inlinestatic
~cDisplacementYawRotator()=defaultcDisplacementYawRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, Up, Down >protected
~cMetaRotator()=defaultcMetaRotator< Base, BitMask, North, East, South, West, AssertIfNotMatched >protected
~cYawRotator()=defaultcYawRotator< Base, 0x07, 0x02, 0x05, 0x03, 0x04 >protected